Reviews from

in the past

Insane game, shame I skipped it because its less of a spinoff and more of a prequel to NMH3. Very fun, simple but effective gameplay loop. A lot of characters and it pulls gundam references so its an insane game in my book

I imagine the game is more fun with an extra player but since I don't have one available, it's an okay game at best. Very Suda 51.

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My 2nd favorite nmh game narratively but going through the game felt like a chore tbh, I like the soundtrack and the general aesthetic of the game. I also love the call back to previous Suda games and how retrospective it is for his career as a whole. overall I recommend playing the game especially if you love past Suda works and if you do plan on playing nmh 3 in the future, as the game is very essential to narratively understand the things that happens within nmh 3.

A alteração no formato pode ser incômoda, mas o problema real do jogo é a repetição monótona da gameplay.

Неплохой спинофф,и по совместительству приквел к третьей части, который ушёл больше в изометрический битемап. Путешествуем по видеоиграм (буквально), каждая со своей какой-то одной особенностью. Тут есть кооп, что приятно, фаново с другом провели время. Но видно что часть по сравнению с другими бюджетная, многое упрощено, но все ещё стильно, хоть и уже не настолько.

Uf, un poco repetitivo a veces, eh.

I heard the story is really good but man is this boring :(

All of the great characters and bosses can't save the overly samey areas between the great content, i don't know how to restructure the game to remove the exploration parts of the levels but none of them felt interesting or varied. Too much of this game isnt great but its peaks are incredible

Let's get right into it: if you are a fan of Grasshopper and Suda51's work, this game is a must play.

TSA is a sort of tour that explores the entire career of GHM and Suda, so you should understand this game as a personal catharsis of them in that regard. It is a deep dive into their highs and lows, expressing their thoughts and feelings using the shape of an arcade videogame, and because of that TSA tackles game development itself while trying to find the most appropriate place for all their past games. This game includes plenty of comments and ideas that reflect on how this team sees game development as a whole, taking into account both their career and the current state of the industry as well.

But what's most important is that TSA is a fundamental game in Grasshopper's Kill the Past lore, as this entry acts as the nexus point that binds all the storylines together. If they are going to explore some kind of unified universe in the future with NMH3 and beyond, Travis Strikes Again is the first stop of that road, so you shouldn't miss this by any means, specially if you've played most of the previous Grasshopper and Suda's games.

It is also a love letter to independent game developers, most definitely due to the fact that Suda sees himself in them as a new generation of true creators, so to speak. And that's exactly what you should expect here: a small, somewhat risky indie game that tries to convey a lot of its creators' emotions while preparing the ground for bigger venues in the future.

You will find a very enjoyable experience here if you just come open-minded and looking for pure fun, as it is a game meant to be experienced not thinking too much about its depth or story but diving deep into the Death Drive Mk II alongside Travis and Badman to experiencie a wild ride through Grasshopper and Suda51's life.

Also, the music's a blast.

Uma das melhores experiências que tive com videojogo nos últimos anos.
Saber o contexto do criador e como isso se correlaciona no jogo torna tão belo e maravilhoso a jornada que foi jogar esse jogo.

Obrigado suda51, stand proud you are strong.