Reviews from

in the past

Suda 51's magnum opus, its not my favorite NMH but I believe its definitely the most important one as a piece of art.

Fun game but has repetitive parts or poor level design

a couple of levels were so annoying that I straight up just turned the difficulty down to power through them. but this is mostly a good time

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My 2nd favorite nmh game narratively but going through the game felt like a chore tbh, I like the soundtrack and the general aesthetic of the game. I also love the call back to previous Suda games and how retrospective it is for his career as a whole. overall I recommend playing the game especially if you love past Suda works and if you do plan on playing nmh 3 in the future, as the game is very essential to narratively understand the things that happens within nmh 3.

Worth it just for the Visual Novel sections.

Combat can get pretty repetitive and tedious (that last level especially was just exhausting) but literally everything else about this game RULES and really reminded me of what made me fall in love with this series to begin with

i also wore the yiik shirt the whole game

diferente do que eu esperava mas realmente um jogo cheio de significados

Probably the hardest NMH game to get into since it is very dead simple with its gameplay, and you do kinda need to play it in co-op to have the most fun. But other than that, the gameplay itself is fantastic, the music is fucking baller, and the writing is incredible.

If it wasn't for the No More Heroes writing this game would be utterly forgettable. It's a bare bones hack and slash where you run through long, boring corridors swatting at hundreds of forgettable enemies. Your combos are simplistic, at least half of your special attacks are worthless, and the enemies cheap shot you a lot.

I dont know what i would do without y'all

Ta de locos, pasa que tiene mucho bug

This game is brilliant, not only does it take place after NMH2 but it builds so much to the character of Travis and the other characters in the NMH universe. Fun gameplay, intriguing writing and cool ost. Must play for NMH fans

i would play this game just for the jean segments alone i’m not even kidding

+half a star for harry du bois mention

Insane game, shame I skipped it because its less of a spinoff and more of a prequel to NMH3. Very fun, simple but effective gameplay loop. A lot of characters and it pulls gundam references so its an insane game in my book

Oh god where to begin. Combat is a joke, hold the attack button for hordes of enemies, spam the heavy attack button for bosses (highest difficulty for the record). Story is almost interesting before dropping the premise immediately and not having the two main characters talk a single time except for one joke. Levels are too long and have nothing to fucking do except fight enemies. This game eroded all of the goodwill I had left for this series and has a genuine shot at being my least favorite game of all time

Un bon beat them all avec des niveaux complètements fous à l'image des personnages du jeu. l'histoire n'a à peu près aucun sens mais on s'en fou car l'important ici c'est le fun ! Le rythme du jeu est assez inégal en fonction des niveaux. Chaque niveau propose une petite histoire, un level design et des mécaniques qui lui sont propre, c'est fou de voir toutes ces idées de gameplay condensées dans ces mini univers. Le plus dommage est le manque de variété dans les ennemis alors même qu'on parcours des environnements eux très variés. Les mini-boss peuvent s'avérer très répétitifs, en revanche les boss qui concluent chacun un niveau sont tous différents dans la manière de les affronter. Plusieurs personnages jouables sont proposés ainsi que du multijoueur local, une option qui est toujours la bienvenue à une époque ou le local se fait de plus en plus rare. Un jeu à essayer pour les curieux qui cherchent une expérience vraiment originale ou un jeu rempli d'humour et qui ne se prend pas trop au sérieux.

Ya era hora de que jugara de una maldita vez TSA después de haberlo pospuesto por tantos años ya que claro, no es como que realmente lo que hice fue ver un walkthought de este juego en youtube en velocidad x3 puesto que si no, jamás lo hubiese terminado no?

Ya dejando el mame de lado, lo siento pero no pude jugarlo y preferi hacer eso... Asi que la calificación no la tomes en serio, realmente no lo juegue aunque por lo que vi el gameplay era más o menos decente (Pero no tanto como para ponerme a jugarlo).

Se nota que esta entrega fue hecha con carino por todas las referencias tanto a la scene gaming como propias meta referencias y hey, realmente se siente como un buen fanservice, pero también tiene detalles extremadamente importantes para NMH 3 (el cual lo juegue hace varios meses y pude entender mucho mejor cosas que aparecían en esa entrega). De hecho, habiendo jugado el 3 primero y luego ver la historia ahora del TSA es medio deprimente sabiendo lo que le sucede a cierto personaje introducido aquí...

En fin, con esto al fin me saco de encima este juego, puta, al fin viejo... En fin, recuerden, no veas thor, sino tu hermano te cuckeara.

Weird that Suda decided to trauma dump on all of his no more heroes fans but oh well, it sure is a game I played. Let me preface by saying I played multiplayer so of course there was fun to be had anything can be fun with a friend. That being said wow this game gets repetitive FAST and it's helped by, most levels having shitty gimmicks, 90% of enemies being annoying? Wait a minute I hate this game but it's not all bad. It's short and the gameplay is kind of mindless so at least you aren't actively putting in effort to play this, Badman is a cool introduction to the series and I think the story was fun enough even if it was a Suda trauma dump.

Glad I can finally wrap up this series i've been playing for like two years now soon what does no more heroes 3 have in store

Improves upon everything the original NMH did. GODLIKE game.

a very special reflection of one of the great minds in gaming

- Exudes a love for video games

-Exudes a love for some of the worst parts of video games

Tiene mecánicas de juego interesantes y me gustó mucho que cada mundo tenga su propia manera de jugar, tiene su propia esencia, pero no siento que sea un must play para un fan, pero igual es agradable