Reviews from

in the past

I want to make a proper review of each game later, so this review won't be much.

But damn, am I just glad I finally gave them a chance. The characters, the world-building, the atmosphere and vibe... It's been a while since I had a gaming experience that deeply resonated with me like Mass Effect did.

These games are so good they frustrate me. The amount of incredibly well written worldbuilding, characters and lore on display here is astounding. Ignoring the obvious praise that tends to go to the decision making mechanics carrying over for each game, and the general relationships with characters and all that-- This universe is so dense it's impressive. There's so much going on in the background i never stopped thinking about it while playing them. There's just so much, the games feel small by comparison.

I really love this universe, regardless of what i think of the games themselves i just can't not recommend them. These remasters are the best way to play them, too. Some have aged better than others, but oh my lord; the writing.

this game for 3 games for the price of one

riot games sells 1 skin for 3 months of rent choose wisely

é a única trilogia que tem a Miranda. automaticamente a melhor trilogia já feita

La plus grand trilogie de l'histoire des jeux-vidéos.

Dédicace à Shepard Chauve.

It's three of the best games ever made. I have issues with some of the lost atmosphere and bugs, but it's fucking Mass Effect.

(Holding space for my review/analysis. Check back in sometime, it might be here!)

it's fucking great ... nothing new here but only the ending of mass effect 3 soured my appreciation, there were also the reused interiors of mass effect 1, and some times where the clunky controls made me get mad a bit lol

Mass Effect 1 (PS5) - 8 - Abit dated combat wise but still excellent to play.

Mass Effect 2 - 9 - Best space game ever made, shooting is dated abit now but everything else is faultless.

Mass Effect 3 - 9 - Best combat in the series, arguably better squad building stuff than ME2. Still some of the best characters in gaming

Probably the best collection in gaming history

It's just me and replaying this amazing series 30+ times ope.

My favorite bug was removed (the squat run in Mass Effect 1), but other than that I'm a HUGE fan of this edition!

Outrageously boring and meh bleh

Menuda viciada que te puedes echar con los 3 mass effect juntos en uno, es increíble la saga y la interconexión entre juegos. Hay cosas a mejorar pero aun así me mola mazo.

It grips me in a way no other sci-fi setting has done in quite a while. Mass Effect somehow evokes a feeling of nostalgia for a period of my childhood that doesn't even exist.

Good worldbuilding? Check. Good story? Check. Compelling characters? Goddamn check.

Seeing the consequences of your choices unfold over the course of an entire trilogy is awesome, I really wish some new series out there would try emulating this.

Individual reviews for each game are available on my profile. This is a review of the compilation as a whole.

One of the best overall deals on the market right now. If you haven't for whatever reason played the Mass Effect trilogy then this is definitively the way to play it nowadays - from it's quality of life improvements across the trilogy (particularly in the first game which is a near remake) to it's inclusion of every piece of DLC and pre-order bonus, this is as close to a full package you can get. And it runs beautifully too, it's presentation still strong despite the games being a decade old at this point.

But the best thing this does is finally make it cohesive whole that Mass Effect always was supposed to be. The trilogy as one grand narrative, shaped by the player and their own personal values and wants. As individual games, they were already some of the best of their kind. As a singular entity, it might be the single greatest story told in gaming.

I had the pleasure of playing through the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. My verdict is: I am an idiot for not playing it earlier.

Fantastic story, deep and complex characters, awesome worldbuilding. The more I think back on it the more I appreciate it and wish to return to it.

"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite trilogy in the Citadel"
Where can I even start?

Mass Effect is a game for everyone who loves mastercrafted universes, where you stay hours reading codex entries because is so freaking good. After replaying the trilogy and getting all the achievements, i was able to remember how amazing it really was.

Just go and play it, there is nothing more I need to say.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition é uma obra-prima absoluta e uma das melhores remasterizações que já joguei. A BioWare fez um trabalho excepcional ao melhorar os gráficos e a performance, mantendo a essência e a profundidade da trilogia original. Os personagens são incrivelmente cativantes, e a narrativa é envolvente, cheia de momentos emocionantes e decisões impactantes. A personalização e progressão do Commander Shepard são satisfatórias, permitindo uma experiência única para cada jogador.

O combate modernizado é dinâmico e intenso, especialmente no primeiro jogo, e as mecânicas de jogo são bem implementadas. A trilha sonora épica e o design de som imersivo elevam ainda mais a atmosfera do jogo. O universo de Mass Effect é vasto e rico em detalhes, proporcionando uma imersão profunda. Para fãs antigos e novos jogadores, Mass Effect Legendary Edition é uma experiência inesquecível.

Sigue siendo una maravilla llena de imperfecciones, y ME2 sigue siendo muy superior a los otros dos, por razones distintas. Por un lado, mejora y expande casi todos los aspectos de ME1. Por el otro, la estructura de caper movie funciona perfecto, porque mantiene la amenaza galáctica pero la historia se desarrolla a una escala reducida, casi personal. Es una genialidad que Shepard trabaje para Cerberus, y vuelve interesante el sistema de moralidad que resulta bastante aburrido en los otros dos. ME3 banaliza las mejores decisiones de ME2 y ME1: los reapers se vuelven terrenales, los malos vuelven a ser de cartón pintado, el tono de doom and gloom está omnipresente desde la primera escena y se vuelve tedioso.

best trilogy i have played in my entire life

This review contains spoilers

It took me a while to get through these games. I went through some struggle because EA's stupid app sucks when playing on a Steam Deck. BUT I FINISHED!

If I had to rank the games it would be:
1. ME3
2. ME1
3. ME2
This isn't to say I didn't enjoy 2, but I can't say it's anywhere close to how I felt playing ME or especially how ME3 was. I love ME3 with all my heart, especially because of how much more emotional Shepherd can be. I wish you could have seen much more of that in the other games.

This probably will be one of my favorite game series. I hadn't heard much of it before deciding to see what the series was all about. I heard people say they enjoyed the series, but never really heard why or what was happening in the games. Now I understand why many cherish these games. If I had the time and patience I wouldn't mind replaying through these games again one day. For now, though I will be content with what I have just finished.

Might go back and finish one day.

I've completed the trilogy countless times. Easily one of my all-time favorite series

What a ride.
One of the very best games of all history. Top 3 favourite franchises of all time alongside Dark Souls and Persona.
You NEED to play this trilogy, I swear you wont regreat it.

It is baffling how long I managed to evade this series. Loved it. Wasn't entirely happy with the ending I got but it was still good.