Reviews from

in the past

HELL YEAHHH this shit goes hard. More fun than the first Isaac, and alot fairer too, especially with the addition of seeds! Instead of restarting a run over and over waiting for the right items, all you have to do is get a single one, then input the seed for it on the character select screen.

As I said in my first review, i'm not a big fan of the boring ass pixel art, but thankfully in the options menu you can smooth it out to make it look more like the original. The animation in the ending looks fucking beautiful too, so it's an alright trade off.

In a world where indie developers pump out generic rogue-like after generic rogue-like, TBOI:R really stands out as the king of it's genre. Excited to try out Afterbirth, +, and Repentance!

Super fun, at first I didnt like it that much but since I started till now I've found myself playing sometimes for fun

Roguelike EXCELENTE. Toda run proporciona experiências novas e cativantes.
Tirando o estresse que dá certas vezes

This Spot Marks Our Grave... But You May Rest Here Too, If You Like

Gotta say I am not very good at this game lol. The shooting just feels extremely off (also you can't counter-strafe to control bullet spray for some reason). It took me a while to actually get the first ending.

It has grown on me tho as I did find myself enjoy it a lot more. It is definitely a great game, I am just sad that I still suck so much at the game .

I have since beat the game a second time. As I have said before, I definitely saw the appeal yet just can't really appreciate it fully. I don't really like this roguelike experience where all the pickups are different for each playthroughs. Some weapons are just so overpowered it's impossible not to beat the game with it (that remote control tear for example) while I suspect some weapons are literally just trolling the players due to how bad they are.

I don't really see myself sinking more hours into this game.

the ultimate chillout game to blast music to while you do cool shit. my 2nd most played games in terms of hours i believe. awesome and i wish i could 100% it all over again.

i tend to oscillate between "this game is really well made" and "fuck you you stupid piece of shit you can't just decide to throw a bunch of undodgeable bullshit at me whenever you feel like it and also screw your stupid rng"

Zerei só o primeiro final mas gostei.

+Addicting. No run ever feels the same thanks to the huge variety of items/upgrades and the synergies between them.
+The game is played like a basic top-down shooter and relies mostly on luck. However, it also offers a great deal of depth when it comes to optimizing your runs and putting luck on your side. In order to succeed, you'll need to know a lot about the game and be very good at decision-making.

-The game expects you to learn by trial and error, which is honestly impossible due to how much there is to learn and how obscure everything is presented. Playing with an external guide is mandatory.

Simplesmente fazendo parte da trindade dos Gotys dos jogos indies junto de Undertale e Hollow Knight mas o melhor de todos os rogue likes.

Historia muito simples e até tragicômica, basicamente a mãe de Isaac, que é uma fanática religiosa, vem constantemente recebendo missões divinas de Deus que afetam Isaac, como tirar suas roupas, brinquedos e não deixar ele ver televisão porque tudo isso é pecado, até que em um dia qualquer Deus manda matar Isaac, ele observa aquilo e imediatamente começa uma perseguição que resulta na fuga de Isaac através do porão da família e assim começa o jogo.

Você usa as lágrimas como arma, até porque Isaac é só uma criança, mas não se engane pelo visual pois TBOI (abreviação do jogo) pode ser bem brutal e até gore em algumas partes e com alguns itens, que ao decorrer da sua run vão modificando o visual de Isaac e até mudar suas lagrimas, como por exemplo você pode encontrar a cabeça de um cachorro morto ( Cricket Head) que faz Isaac "ficar mais triste" e com isso aumentando a taxa de lagrimas que ele atira e da mais dano, é bem nessa pegada Isaac e na minha opinião o grande charme do Jogo, você pode ganhar uma corda e usar ela pra "se pendurar" se é que me entende, assim ganhando o status de voo, usar a cabeça de Abel (sim o da biblia) como companion e ela te ajuda a matar os inimigos, você pode pegar ração de cachorro que aumenta a sua vida máxima, o que quando você vai jogando e descobrindo mais da lore, tem um significado extremamente pesado, mesmo sendo uma historia simples pelo menos pra mim foi muito memorável até porque se trata de uma criança e o plot twist do final "verdadeiro" é CINEMA

TBOI também vem como deu pra perceber pelo que eu disse até agora, com sátiras bíblicas e o jogo abraça muito essa temática, o que pode fazer com que nós brasileiros tenhamos uma relação maior das grandes referencias, como por exemplo um dos vários bosses que enfrentamos são os 4 cavaleiros do apocalipse, enfrentamos o anjo miguel e até enfrentamos o próprio tinhoso em pessoa (ou bode).

Mas eu poderia ficar HORAS falando desse jogo que me marcou dmais, fez parte da minha infância mas pelo youtube, depois de anos pude jogar e o amor pelo jogo só aumentou, posso finalizar dizendo que Isaac é um genuíno e talvez o único jogo "infinito" que existe, com + de 500 itens disponiveis, com + de 300 inimigos enfrentáveis e com alguns tendo formas alternativas, + de 100 bosses e +d 20 Mini chefes, com MILHARES de salas disponíveis e possíveis e com + de 34 personagens jogáveis, a maioria envolvendo personagens bíblicos com poderes únicos como sansão, Madalena, Judas, Cain e alguns outros personagens que se relacionam com a Historia do jogo, alguns bem morbidos como o Blue Baby.

Eu poderia dizer muito mais, porém gostaria que você descobrisse por conta própria as referencias e sacadas geniais de Isaac ao longo dessa jornada que aposto que será marcante.

"Deus enxugará de seus olhos toda lágrima" - Apocalipse 7:17 XD

This is my personal League of Legends

She bible on my thump until I binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The game that introduced me to roguelikes. Amazing build variety and a shit ton of characters, items, worlds, and bosses. Absolutely tons of content. Amazing game.

Greatest roguelike of all time. A pure act of love. Extremely interesting art design and content. Incredibly sophisticated gameplay. Lots to love. 657 hours to get 100% well spent!

Esse aqui é doidera, coisa de maluco

isaac on vita is an ok experience but definitely not ideal, mainly due to the vita's d-pad feeling kind of meh for isaac and the thumbstick being godawful. still a great game, just not the best way to play for sure unless you're an isaac mega-fan and want a challenge. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

Thank you Edmund Mcmilly man and the numerous talented devs for making something truly special with hours of meaningful content that never gets boring.

my parents are divorcing? fuck yeah +1 bone heart +0.7 tears

As far as dungeon crawlers and roguelikes go, this is probably the most I've ever been invested. Especially with the DLC, the runs consistently deliver on variety and I guess the large item pool definitely contributes to that. The setting itself is also very unique which adds to the replayability. One thing you have to keep in mind is that the runs are very RNG reliant which might put some off however the more knowledge you pick up about this game, the more you're able to control the success of your attempts, creating a lengthy but rewarding learning curve.

I've been playing this for over 9 years now. Every run is a blast. The best roguelike that will possibly ever exist. No other game can match it's messed up, creepy and gory aesthetic. I wish I could forget about it so I could play it again without any knowledge.

Great game which you can play for YEARS, especially with DLCs. Every run is different. A lot of items, enemies, bosses, different rooms and objects. Must-Play!!!

Simply the best in its genre.