Reviews from

in the past

Super simple side scroller in the same vein as inside/limbo. The overall premise was refreshing, being a puppet trying to break free from its confines. I wish they used the strings in the puzzles more as that was an awesome use of design. Game was a bit janky and unpolished, and a bit too easy. A fair go from a small team however.

Charming visuals and premise for a cinematic platformer (you're a puppet, everyone is a puppet), but platforming and puzzles never feel as polished as they should, and the amount of trial and error gets far too frustrating for its own good, particularly in the terrible stealth sections.

🎥 A Juggler’s Tale (🇩🇪 2021)

What a lovely little tale. It’s not revolutionary and far from perfect, but it is gorgeous to look at and the story is sparkled with twists and darkness. Another short and sweet experience.

🎮 Played on Steam Deck
Rating: 🍎🍎🍎🐻▫️