Reviews from

in the past

shart will forever have my heart

Me fez jogar d&d, além de mudar minha percepção do mundo dos games.

i've had so much fun with bg3, i def will play it again after they polish a lot more things

Welp, took me 150 hours and half a year, but I've FINALLY beaten Baldur's Gate 3. Not only did I beat it, I explored every INCH of this game. I did every side quest, spoke to every NPC, went into every building. I did everything. And was it worth it? I mean...I'd say so. It's definitely satisfying to finally be finished with a game this big. However, I can't say the game doesn't have its problems. The first two acts are a 10/10, but the biggest problem that gets mentioned a lot is that act 3 is a mess, which I'd have to agree with. That, along with the many glitches I've encountered and a pretty uninteresting story (the characters are what carry the game tbh), are what held me back from believing that this is a perfect game. Once I got to act 3, I honestly just wanted the game to end as there were many frustrating bits during it. BUUUUUT...the Raphael section is one of the best gaming moments I've ever experienced so I'll give it a pass.

Overall, even tho it's got its flaws, this game is undoubtedly a masterpiece. I've never played an RPG that's so detailed in every way from its mechanics and combat to its worldbuilding, characters, and lore. Larian did an amazing job bringing this shit to life and GOTY is very well deserved. There were so many great moments I had while playing, and I'm glad I was alive to experience it.

Wow wow and wow, where does one even start with a game like this. I have been playing it on and off for almost a year now, and to finally make it to a credit roll today during a LAN party was the most incredible feeling ever.

In terms of solo gameplay, I’m sure you’ve heard the praise already, BG3 is simply one of the best crafted role playing experiences of all time, voice acting excellence and sound design blended with tactical gameplay and challenging but rewarding leveling and progression. This is not a game that cuts corners and in that regard, with the amount of side aventures, quests and points of interest, it genuinely feels like a long journey with a cast of endearing (and all wonderfully complex) companions.

It’s really telling of the quality of a game when you play and one of the things you keep thinking about is what to do and try differently on your next playthrough. There is so much variety and incentive for creative thinking that it genuinely feels like miracle work handling both the level and enemy design on such a massive scale. It is impossible to experience everything in one playthrough, story and gameplay opportunity wise, and that just might be one of the strongest points of the whole game.

Sure, if suffers from some of the slower and more frustrating trademarks of turn based gameplay, but if you’re one that enjoys the genre, this is the cream of the crop. Tough, and sometimes I mean really really tough, but is is never unfair. There are so many times where I was getting my whole party destroyed in one, two turns, and then after a little save load and some strategic thinking, the whole tide of the battle shifted. It’s one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve ever experienced in gaming and truly another level of satisfaction when it comes to thinking outside of the box. BG3 hits all the marks and targets of a typical well received RPG, and then it explodes and charges through those limits to set new standards and implement them so flawlessly, you’d think it was done and redone before.

But Baldur’s gate 3 does not stop there, because for one looking to elevate his solo experience, or simply looking for another, possibly more appealing way to experience the game. the COOP comes in clutch with one of the simplest but most satisfying flips the game could ever do. The actual roleplaying and story depth is undeniably impacted, but it is replaced by the closest gaming has ever gotten to emulating a true Dungeons and Dragons experience. Dice rolls, last minute saves, independent dialogues and affinities, this is a whole other package that perfectly complements a game that already excels without it.

Some of the must fun I’ve ever had PC gaming was during my coop run, and I can say with the outmost sincerity I will be doing it again, and again and again. Baldurs Gate 3 is an uncontested masterpiece, and a game that should be played, celebrated and then played again, because it is rare to have something so unique but also undeniably proud in today’s gaming landscape.

Sure, I guess I’m late to the party, and my review is probably lacking, but there is a reason this game has hit these industry summits. One of the greatest experiences ever put to gaming and an incredibly packed and impactful journey to be experienced alone or with friends. I will be playing Baldur’s Gate 3 for years to come, and then some.

The most in depth and high quality RPG ever made also a bit biased because i love D&D

Excellent VA, Addictive combat, Choices absolutely matter. So much content from this game 150 hours later and its not enough to see everything. One of the best to ever do it

Absolutely one of the best games I've ever played.

Shelved in act 3 after the level cap

everything youve heard about this game is true

I played DnD with some friends last year and I enjoyed it for the few sessions that we played, but I was always confused as to what was going on and how to actually play the campaign. We didn't continue our campaign for long and then my friends kept playing BG3 over and over and over. I wanted to give it a shot and learn some more DnD through this game. I learned so much about DnD through this playthrough than I ever would just playing DnD with friends.

I created Oceanus as my character as the God of Rivers and Fresh Water. I wanted to use a trident in my playthrough and that is primarily what I used as soon as I found my first one. It was so fun creating my character around water attire, weapons, and attacks. Using the Nymessa from the 3rd act to the end of the game was incredibly satisfying. I don't know if I have ever experienced a role playing game like this one and deserves all the praise this game gets.

Saving the endgame until it’s polished. 5 star regardless

wheres my fucking wyll romance scenes larian

Fantastic CRPG with a lot of room for customization.

This review contains spoilers

I have a soft spot for games set in worlds that originate from ttrpg's, and Baldur's Gate 3 is directly based on Ed Greenwood's Forgotten Realms it also lends a majority from the previous Baldur's Gate games through the use of Dark Urge and their ties to bael. Although I understand why they chose to fall back on the Bael plot I would have preferred if they took from other aspects of the forgotten realms. Yes, the Elder Brain and Mind Flayer colonies were an interesting choice but to fall back on Bael as a villain just feels cheap and uninspired. I do enjoy the story of Baldur's Gate 3 and I fully agree that the story is fantastic I just wish they branched out from Bael and explored other aspects of the forgotten realms. However, the gameplay definitely outshines the story for the sheer ingenuity of the options given to the players, the spells are translated over perfectly and they make martial characters feel powerful. Genuinely some of the most fun combat I have played in a while. My only issues with the game are them falling back on Bael and how goonish the game is sometimes. Halsin is just a goon companion he sucks jaheira is better.

Muy bueno, muy completo, una experiencia must-have de los juegos de rol, podría ganar el GOTY of the Year del año 4 años seguidos perfectamente.

2023’s unanimous game of the year did not come out of nowhere. Baldur’s Gate 3 entered early access in late 2020 and slowly wormed it’s way into our hearts and minds. Even the long awaited sequel Tears of the Kingdom did not stand a chance against the might of the breakout CRPG.

What give BG3 it’s strength is it’s illusion of player choice. The game’s first act feels overwhelming. The player has a number of decisions to make and groups to align yourself with (even betray if you feel up to it). Carefully coordinated quest lines feel like a Dungeon Master going off the cuff because they never thought you’d actually try that. This scope narrows in the second act. The player still has a lot to do but almost all build up to the game’s villainous reveal which asks “well, is this still the route you want to go down?” These large questions the game asks is where it’s story starts to falter.

Statistically, most players will not choose the evil route in a video game. Some may be evil out of a morbid curiosity but most will save it at least for a second playthrough. It’s fun to play evil but it feels good to be a hero. Baldur’s Gate 3 nearly hands players the keys to ultimate power and even that doesn’t feel enough to suddenly become the bad guy. The game’s villains are fun and creepy but far from convincing in their diatribes. In typical fashion they immediately betray each other the moment the player comes along and you’re welcome to make or pass on deals with them.

If your typical goody shoes player were to be tempted by anyone, why not the vampire elf lurking among your companions? Characters like Astarion and Shadowheart have their own dark agendas and charming personalities. Karlach and Wyll, the de facto do-gooders, are just as beautiful and lovable in their own ways, but who doesn’t love a bad boy? Most will ogle over these digital sweethearts and yell “I can fix them!” and you can. But party members with such magnetic performances can make you wonder if ultimate power isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Stories both grand and interpersonal weave themselves together in the third act. The long winded finale containing the most satisfying storytelling as well the most frustrating combat encounters in the entire game. Depending on your actions in the game you may very well be close to 100 hours of play time by the time you actually reach the titular city. The third act is at it’s strongest when you are reuniting with memorable characters after what feels like ages, only to solve one last problem before sending them on their happy ending. It’s weakest parts are when those satisfying endings are blocked by fights that need you to fight a dozen plus enemies. It’s draining, both of your time and physical self in real life 5e Dungeons and Dragons, and it’s just as tiring here in it’s most faithful digital recreation to date.

The feeling of overwhelming choice becomes real in the last act of BG3. The game makes you feel as if time is running out while placing countless distractions in front of you. Every new quest line introduced feels simultaneously inconsequential and like it could tip the scale of the impending final battle in your favor. In the end, only the relationships you have forged along the way have any impact on the game’s actual ending and the epilogue added some time after the initial release. Some threads just end, such as it is. Over the dozens hour journey it takes you on, Baldur’s Gate 3 will delight and enrapture you, but this potential game of the decade will frustrate and overwhelm you if you’re not careful.

They added a decent dnd campaign to my karlach dating sim

The motivational speech right before the final showdown truly amps up the intensity, making you feel ready to conquer whatever comes next. It's these moments that capture the essence of an epic adventure, leaving you pumped and completely immersed. A true highlight in an adventure full of surprises!

This review contains spoilers

I have been playing this game since early access. This is an amazingly well done game. Of course I have encountered bugs and glitches like everyone else, but nothing game breaking. I have done multiple playthroughs of this game, the replayability is endless. The dev team worked tirelessly to make this game as perfect as they could and they did a fantastic job. Left me wanting for almost nothing (maybe a happier ending for our favourite fiery gal.) There's not currently any mod support officially, but Larian spoke on wanting to. The mods out there though are fantastic, there's lots to curate that game to exactly your tastes. I will play this game again and again, with almost endless possibilities, for me, this game is endless fun. I highly recomend this game to anyone who likes Dungeons and Dragons, or anyone who is interested in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. I would also recommend this to anyone who is a fan of other turn based story driven games like DoS/DoS2, the OG Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, or other similar games like Neverwinter Nights, or Pillars of Eternity. If you have any interest in those types of games, this is a MUST PLAY. The time it took me to get through one single entire playthrough was about 60h.

"Disregard. The smell gives me sweet dreams." -Balthazar Personal Notes: 2

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Playing BG3 is like stumbling into a tavern full of eccentric characters and realizing you're the weirdest one there. Every decision shapes your fate and the destiny of those around you. It's a thrilling blend of immersive storytelling and strategic combat, where alliances are forged and broken, and the line between hero and villain blurs with each choice. A thing to note, the monsters aren't always the scariest thing you'll encounter - sometimes it's the unexpected antics of your own party members or strangers you meet. "૮₍ •⤙•˶

Muita gente diz que RPG de turno compensa o combate "ruim" com uma história maravilhosa. Baldur's Gate 3 está no seleto grupo de jogos que é oposto dessa "máxima". É um jogo com combate fenomenal, lhe dando possibilidades infinitas de abordar cada situação da sua gameplay da forma que você quiser. Dá pra sair na porrada, usar stealth, virar um dinossauro, encantar inimigo, distrair inimigo com uma apresentação de música, etc. Se de um lado você é livre pra fazer o que quiser com as milhares de builds, do outro você tem uma narrativa cheia de escolhas que, inevitavelmente, vão culminar nos mesmos 3 caminhos de história. Não teria problema ter essa "falsa liberdade" na narrativa, só que Baldur's Gate 3 conduz sua história do mesmo jeito que o Luciano Huck conduz o The Wall. É enrolação atrás de enrolação, build up após build up, voltas e mais voltas, pra no final, ele fazer um speedrun e resolver todas as pontas no ato 3. Isso seria até tolerável, se o jogo não tivesse 100h+. E isso sem falar que a narrativa de Baldur's Gate 3 é que nem a de Dark Souls, só que sem a parte do conhecimento de lore se fazer só por itens e cenário. Em Baldur's Gate 3, os personagens passam a maior parte do tempo falando expositivamemte do mundo, do que, de fato sendo personagens desse mundo. Baldur's Gate 3 é tipo aquele seu professor que é um cara muito bacana, mas a aula é um saco.

ermmm you're me telling that guy is a vampire?!

Holy Hell. I will write up a full review soon of my thoughts on this game but this is one of the greatest games of all time. The definition of an "Epic". The reason why I believe video games are the peak form of story telling.