Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay was pretty fun, but god damn is everything else awful. Microtransaction hell, shitty UI, TONS of bugs years after release, and was reused for MW3.

Campaign was okay, multiplayer was okay too. Game was sort of mid tbh

MW2019 felt invigorated and fresh, but this unfortunately falls into the yearly sequel cycle of previous generations. It feels exactly the same gameplay-wise which makes it feel unnecessary. New guns are all more of the same. Some new levels are good but I fall in the trap of Shipment 24/7 for easy XP.

Getting guns gold is always mindless fun and very addictive, I currently have about 10, but they watered down the requirements compared to 2019.

I hear the campaign is somewhat good but I don't currently have the urge to play through another 10 hour action movie, but I aim to get to it eventually.

Oh and I don't like the direction they went with the unified UI for MW1, 2, 3 and Warzone. Feels cluttered and only allows for a couple game mode options for each game to be quickly accessible.

O design de mapas é esquisito, TTK é estranho, é impossível se divertir jogando pois a cada 3 segundos você recebe uma Flash, os servidores tem apenas pessoas jogando de shotgun, os conteúdos de Battle Pass são medianos pra ruins, falta criatividade por parte dos desenvolvedores e o desempenho do jogo é uma eterna incógnita, você nunca vai saber se o jogo vai estar rodando a 190 ou a 37 FPS.

Enfim, MWII se trata de um retrocesso por parte da activision em relação a todo o progresso feito nos últimos 4 anos de COD.

Lamentável esse jogo, e todos os problemas aqui citados são elevados ao cubo quando se joga o Warzone.

Campaign has some of my favorite missions and mission variety in any CoD game, but the story is a complete waste of time and is purely used to introduce Shadow Company, Shepard as a villain, and tease Makarov for MWIII.

I wish this MP was better. I can understand the desire for a slower paced shooter and was able to enjoy it as such (enough to the point I ended up getting Orion). However, I've always seen CoD as an arcade shooter, and the slower pace clashes with this design philosophy. Doesn't help that post launch support felt like the community yelling at a brick wall with how little Infinity Ward wanted to budge. When some of the main complaints revolved around perk packages and the slower movement and the most IW was willing to budge was make the slide a little quicker? Its no surprise the game lost as many players as it did
Spec Ops is moreso known for its raids than the actual mode, which the spec ops missions themselves are perfectly fine but not remarkable in anyway. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the raids. While I wish the post launch story was told throughout the whole game rather than the raids, I can appreciate getting that over nothing. With the exception of episode 4's laser encounter, the overall package was a good time. I wouldn't mind IW giving these another go around for their next title

Its telling when the most positive things I have to say are in regards to the single player/coop sections of a CoD game are the best part compared to the main meat of multiplayer. IW lost a lot of my trust with this game and it'll be hard to get it back with MWIV

I dont care what anyone else says, this is amazing. The campaign was brilliant, Alejandro, Rudy, Graves are a great addition to this reeboot universe, SOAP, Ghost, Gaz, Price, even Farah returning were amazing as always. The twist that everyone was expecting to happen when General Shepherd returned I thought was actually good and cool.
The multiplayer was good, some maps were a miss but all in all my love for this game is unmatched for the most part

Just a time-killer game. Ranked play was cool

This game has maybe the single worst politics I have ever seen in a video game; hell, it’s not even politics inherently, it’s just a terrible understanding of how anything works. It takes such a baseline idea of “what if the evil brown middle easterners (Iranians this time, just ditching the apparently more technically powerful Al-Quaeda stand in from last game) and now… the evil brown cartel TEAM UP??” The plot is literally Iran wants to sneak nukes into the USA to… blow it up for reasons (a single general dying.) They enlist the help of the cartel. The Mexican cartel is apparently so good at sneaking through the border, Iran asks if they help. Why would the cartel literally ever help. How would they reliably get into contact with the Iranian government? “Oh well they paid them enough.” Ok so Iran nuking America will certainly lead to WW3, and a weakened America, to the point of possible Fallout level destruction, why would this benefit the cartel. This is actively hurting their business.

Geography: Oh my god. First, Urzikstan. This is an issue with MW2019 too, but why would an Arabic speaking nation be a little fictional tumor off of Russia and Georgia? This literally makes zero sense historically, even the Chechen's don’t speak Arabic, and they're slavic. The Urzik population seems to be ethnically middle-eastern and only fluent in Arabic. This nation also is firmly not an ex-soviet state. Second, Kastovia. This one is FINE. I don’t know why they would speak Russian and be culturally Russian yet an independent nation, but they are. Also they had to fend off an Al-Qaeda invasion in the last game, so they surely aren’t backed by Russia. Finally, The Republic of Adal. This country is an Arabic speaking, historically Turkish ethnic nation, which is geographically between Urzikstan and Russia, yet somehow isn’t ex-soviet. It’s a fictional nation of contradiction.

Лучше предшественницы, вышедшей в 2019-ом году, но не сравнится с оригинальной трилогией.
Постановка, графика, оптимизация на консоли на отличном уровне. Миссии разнообразные и каждый раз предлагают что-то новое. Сюжет звёзд с неба не хватает, но он всё же заметно лучше той "серой" первой части, где у нас и повестка, и всеми любимая клюква. В Modern Warfare II персонажи ярче и интереснее. Чего стоит один Гоуст, заслуженно украшающий обложку игры. В оригинальной Modern Warfare 2 он не был толком раскрыт, а потому сочувствовать ему не хотелось. Здесь же он предстаёт более глубоким и проработанным персонажем, настоящим профессионалом. Диалоги в игре порой слишком подробные и напыщенно пафосные, но в важных моментах почти всегда работают. Линия Шепарда с новым взглядом менее увлекательная, нежели чем была раньше, отчего конфликт строится кривовато. Но эпика всё равно хватает. Если просто хотите 6 часов на легке пострелять в интересных ситуациях и посмотреть на крутых ребят, знающих своё дело, то вам точно сюда.

I bet a lobotomy would be more entertaining than playing this

This game wasnt specifically the best COD game, but it came out in a very good time, i spent countless hours on this with my online friends, got the burger king meal and all, never finished the camo but it was such a fun time