Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo tem cheiro de infância. Eu lembro de ficar incontáveis horas na frente da televisão junto da minha irmã mais velha, tentando passar de chefes e fases que pareciam impossíveis pras duas crianças à época.

A nostalgia me impede de avaliar o jogo como outra coisa que não uma obra prima, ele guardou em cada uma das fases um pouco de uma parte da minha vida, um período em que as coisas eram mais simples, onde tudo ainda era muito místico e muito novo. A música me acompanhou por mais de 20 anos e, apesar de só voltar a jogar e terminar ele hoje, sabia de cor a trilha sonora da fase da floresta.

Paguei uma dívida com o meu eu criança e hoje ele dorme feliz e sorridente por ver o final desse jogo tão divertido.

I played the remake first, which naturally dampened what I got out of the original. But the original ain't bad either. Simple, but not bad.

This is probably a pretty decent "baby's first platformer". It's pretty straightforward, with the main nuances being Mickey's slow, floaty movement and his projectile game. The game is very forgiving, though not a complete gimme - Continues are limited. I respect that you still have to put some effort in to learn stuff, even if the remake suggests that this is less a deliberate choice on SEGA's part and more a natural consequence of expected game design.

The game sure doesn't feel much like a Mickey Mouse title. If it wasn't for Mickey and Minnie, and Mizrabel kinda looking like Snow White's Evil Queen, you could mistake this as being any sort of generic cutesy fantasy platformer. But I guess it's all right in its own respect. Animation on Mickey's pretty solid, anyway, even if it's a far cry from Virgin's later efforts.

It'd always been weird to me that there are only five levels but seven collectables. Like so you have the Rainbow Gems, implying seven, but you don't have a full set of seven levels to make up for them? Why not come up with some other theming and make the Gems a set of five, then? Odd stuff.

Even on just the Genesis, I'd probably take any other Disney title, but I can respect this being pretty impressive if you were a kid in a pre-Sonic world.