Reviews from

in the past

Uma experiência grandiosa.
Minha história com o jogo é, no mínimo, engraçada. Em um pequeno resumo: já havia tentado jogá-lo em outra oportunidade — apenas por 3 horas: e desisti. Praticamente dois anos depois retorno ao título.
Com 5 horas iniciais o jogo finalmente me intrigou — e não somente isto, me fez adorá-lo. Dito isto, é importante destacar o maior defeito dele: o roteiro é deplorável. Os personagens conversam de maneira vergonhosa. Não há elo a ser criado entre eles, ou até mesmo um vislumbre de desenvolvimento ou arco.
Passado isto: a jogabilidade é o ouro aqui. A maneira que o game design funciona, dea tal forma que define como o mundo como um personagem a parte — e obstáculo, é magistral. A história é bem interessante e os gráficos são lindos. Direção de arte impecável e trilha sonora de muito bom gosto.
Por fim, a sensação é de não querer deixar o jogo e a jornada de lado. Uma das poucas experiências que tive na vida, no sentido de se conectar com a jogabilidade.
Simplesmente maravilhoso.

uma das melhores experiências que já tive num videogame

to equilibrando uma veia nas costas enquanto escuto música boa. (é muito engraçado ver ele caindo)

After initially bouncing off this game in 2021, I saw parts of the announcement trailer for the sequel a few weeks ago that made me give this game another try. This time, I finished it. In hindsight, I should have focused less on building nearly every road there is and finishing most optional deliveries. The delivery type gameplay is fine, there are some aspects that I like, some that I do not (like the horrible feeling of the reverse trike that consistently refuses to brake properly and knows only full throttle or none in its boosted mode). By far the most intriguing part of the game for me is the story and world-building. Kojima and his team are very creative minds and sometimes I just laughed out loud because what was happening on screen was just so absurd. I do not regret finishing the game, I just should have done it faster. It feels like 65% of the story happen at the very end of the game though and I would have preferred if that story was paced across the game a bit better. I played the game from start to finish on the pre-selected difficulty "hard" and that felt good for most of the game, except for those boss-fights against a certain someone played by Mads Mikkelsen. These parts were quite the difficulty spikes. The music in-game is a nice collection of licensed songs that are sadly rarely used and when they do, I never got to listen to the end of a single song, as they would start 30 seconds before arriving at my destination or shortly before the traversal of a BT territory is necessary and entering such an area simply stops the music. There is no portable music player feature as well, you can only listen to the unlocked songs in the private room, which is a shame. All in all, I am happy that I am done now with the game and look forward to the sequel, but I am probably going to skip a lot of optional stuff in that game to get through it with better pacing.