Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei no playstation 2 os nomes mais famosos dos jogos de Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Budokai 3, Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 3 e o Infinite World. Jogar o Kakarot me trouxe uma nostalgia muito grande, Bandai acertou muito nesse jogo, o combate é extremamente prazeroso, o mundo aberto e interessante de se explorar e a história é a história de Dragon Ball Z então dispensa comentários. O jogo é simplesmente ótimo em muitos aspectos, as cutscenes então, sempre lindas, as animações, as lutas, tudo simplesmente maravilhoso, porém eu infelizmente jogando no PS5 tive problemas de lag e até o jogo chegar a crashar, mas nada que prejudicou minha experiência com o jogo em si. Uma das coisas que me incomodaram muito é que, explorar o mundo aberto é legal, porém a quantidade de inimigos que te param ao longo do caminho é extremamente irritante.

O jogo trás a pegada de RPG, que é bem legal, você tem que procurar itens, upar seus vários personagens jogáveis, grindar objetivos e etc... , isso deixa o jogo mais interessante.


gameplay wise this game is very weak, its one layer as fuck and all boss fights are incredibly boring. the game shines in its Z retelling and beautiful prerendered cutscenes that make you jump out of your chair excited. lot of side stuff i didnt do because it was boring and the dlc is cool aswell. some stuff gets super snubbed though which is ridiculous but i can understand the devs being on a time crnch but...
recoome ultra fighting bomber getting a Sakuga cutscene and final flash not even getting anything was utterly ridiculous

on replay i had to dip into my dlc sauce because i was absolutely not grinding again

Um jogo quase perfeito que conta toda a historia do dragon ball Z, pra mim o unico defeito dele são as sides quests. Obrigado por ter criado essa incrivel obra, descanse em paz Akira Toriyama

Bon jeu pour si vous avez le flemme de remater les dragon balls

I’ve never watched Dragon Ball Z before and have no knowledge of the series or its mythos. So in all fairness, I can’t judge how good of an adaptation Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is to the original material. As a video game, however, I found it to be just alright. Engaging enough to keep me playing through its 30 hour runtime but overall rough around the edges.

As a newcomer to DBZ, I found the story to be the most engaging part of the game. Getting to meet these likable characters for the first time and watching them go through these adventures was a novel experience and the only thing that kept me playing. Especially when the story is being told through wonderfully animated cutscenes. The visual presentation as a whole is great, the art style is reminiscent of Toriyama’s distinct style while having a beautiful modern cel-shaded flair.

The gameplay switches between “open-world” segments where you’re free to explore, collect items, and engage in side content and combat segments where you engage in battles. There are bits of lackluster RPG elements sprinkled in there that I found to be overall barebones and unremarkable. Their inclusion was welcome as it provided a fleeting sense of progression but not essential to go through the game.

The combat overall is alright, enemy encounters are not thoughtless per se but they don’t require complex strategies either. Some of the boss encounters offered a nice change of pace but overall, the combat ends up feeling repetitive. Especially since the gameplay loop only cycles through exploration, cutscenes, and fights. I just found myself waiting for the game to throw something new at me by the 10th hour. I don’t know maybe some platforming, or puzzles or even minigames. The lack of variety just completely kills the game for me in terms of engagement.

I found myself thankful to have never experienced DBZ beforehand as most of my enjoyment of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot came from the allure of these storylines and characters that were brand-new to me. If I had already known where the story goes, I would’ve quit playing in the 5th hour as the game shows you all it’s got by that point. Overall though, I do think the game is a love letter to DBZ super fans. Especially with how it gives them a chance to explore iconic locations they grew up with in a beautifully realized way. I, however, don’t fall in that boat so I ended up having just an “okay” experience.

combat was fun but i can't stand the stiff cutcenes

Wanna love this game ... But what a shame.

Kakarot feels like a really good fan game, pretty cheap and with a lot of cut corners, but still full of passion for the franchise. Leagues better than most of the anime/manga games we've been getting in the last few years. Definitely not the best introduction to the franchise, but still a good game for all fans.

facilmente o melhor dragon ball já feito e uma das coisas q mais gosto dele é q nas missões aleatórias q vc pode escolher mais dois personagens pra ajudar, se vc equipar o goku e o vegeta com o brinco pootara, eles fazem a fusão

More games should star the popular character “Goku”.

Eh, les freezes après chaque missions et les crashs c'est sympa, mais à un moment vous faïtes une nouvelle version du jeu en 2024 faudrait ptetre penser à la qualité du produit avant le pognon bande de gros SACS.
Nonobstant ça reste évidemment un très bon jeu :)

Edit : MDR ils ont fait aucun effort, le modèle de Dendé sur la cinématique FINALE est le mauvais, ils ont utilisé celui de de l'arc Namek/cyborg.... Eh vraiment faut arrêter de sortir les jeux en pleins développement, ça se VOIT.

Per i fan hardcore di Dragon Ball. A me è piaciuto molto nonostante la sua semplicità nel combattimento.

I have that dragon ball autism now so of course I liked this one

DragonBall Z mais j'ai fait caca et j'ai roté ptdrrrrrrr vous avec la réf la team 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 (rt x fav la miff)

I just finished it with every DLC played and 100% completion and absolutely loved it. I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan and this is definitely the best way to play through the whole story, told with much detail and love.

Combat is insanely fun and I couldn't get enough of it and it also looks really good (except the environment). The enjoyment I got out of this game was huge and I hope we'll get something similiar in the future.

I still can't rate it higher than 4 stars since it does have some annoying issues that I can't overlook. Everything connected to the main story is awesome but the side quests are badly designed with uninspired, boring little stories and tasks that just repeat themselves over and over, like collecting materials, going fishing and fighting the same stupid skull robots over and over. The open world is also rather dull and doesn't have anything great to explore and enemies that you encounter while exploring are always the same with little variety.

The DLCs also aren't worth it. Most of them have little content considering how expensive they are and the two Power Awakens DLCs actually kinda break the game if you play them before you finished everything in the main game since you will be waaay overleveled. However, the DLCs are still fun. The main quests are well done and they have some really epic moments. Especially the Bardock DLC was great. They do have the same issue as the main game though, all the side quest are horrible.

And still with all that criticism I had a great time and spent as much time as I could in this game. Would definitely recommend it for every Dragon Ball fan.

You really feel like you're in the anime. The art direction and fights are great. Plus, getting to fly/run around at Mach 15 is hilariously fun. My biggest negative has been that the control system is...a lot. And how they introduce it to you is overwhelming. I wish they'd found a better way to do that.

It was much better than I expected. A lot of care with the characters, a lot of attention to detail, and the fights are always very good, as these games usually have. I knew I would like this game, but I didn't know I would love it. What a good surprise ❤️
Foi bem melhor do que eu esperava. Muito cuidado com os personagens, muita atenção ao detalhe, e as lutas sempre muito boas como esses jogos costumam ter. Sabia que ia gostar desse jogo, mas não sabia que eu ia amar. Que surpresa boa ❤️

Fine enough Dragonball experience. The fighting is fun but the side stuff gets repetitive rather quickly. The remade cutscenes are great but are not as much as I wished.

Melhor jogo de Dragon Ball se voce quer se aprofundar na historia. Eu acho que em alguns casos ele substitui ate o anime. Obra de arte completa e um "must play" se voce possuir alguma plataforma em que esteja disponivel

O melhor, maior e mais complexo jogo de Dragon Ball
que retrata perfeitamente a essência do Mangá original, simplesmente um espetáculo de jogo

I'm mixed overall. I love the style this game has even if it isn't graphically impressive. It's unique and works well for the universe. It controls very well, I love flying around the map and the combat, even if it's simple. It's nice to finally have an open world DBZ game.

But it's extremely repetitive. Once you play for about 5 hours you've seen most of the game and are just playing for cutscenes and story. It tells the story fine, but I don't think it's as crazy as it was hyped up to be.

This is a really unpopular opinion, but I actually liked the Card Warrior side mode a lot. Maybe it's my gacha addiction speaking but it was like Hearthstone with DBZ skin. It was fun. A shame that they shut it down.

Anyways, the base game is decent fun for one run.but I don't feel a need to play it again, or try the DLC.

Esse jogo é o meu favorito de dragon ball, ele reconta bem a história do Z e as sides quest são bem interessante mesmo que no final seja basicamente mais um combate, o sistema de fichas e comunidade é muito legal apesar das fichas das dlcs facilitarem muito dá pra facilmente maximizar tudo sem elas principalmente quando se busca maximizar a amizade com a maioria dos personagens, ele tem um combate bem mais simplificado do que XV 2 mas ele não deixa de ser divertido, principalmente com a árvore de habilidade dos personagens que liberam combos e poderes muito interessante, o mundo é muito vasto e tem muito coisa pra fazer, principalmente pós game que além das DLCS que tem foco em eventos próprios, tem diversos minigames e coletáveis pra pegar que somam recontando alguma parte do Anime ou dando um modelo novo pra visualizar além que é divertido completar coisas como Bestiário já que as criaturas dão materiais pra fazer receitas, itens ou vender por um preço bem alto.

The story and gameplay are spectacular; the only issue is that to get all the trophies, it ends up becoming too repetitive.

Probablemente la representación más accurate sobre la historia de Dragon Ball Z, muy entretenido y excelente contenido extra, el combate se siente bastante bien a pesar de ser un poco repetitivo.

REALLY fun game. The combat feels good, the world is pretty, and it feels like care was taken with the game. Whilst more DLC will probably inevitably keep coming out, that's an issue for another time.

My one complaint is that a few things aren't exactly clear (like eating food gives permanent buffs or that you should be collecting orbs practically since you open the game), but really I wish deep down this combat system was multiplayer. It feels REALLY good!

"Hey! Go to point A!"
Loading screen
"Thanks for coming to point A! You can go to point B now!"
Loading screen
"Hey you're right about to go to a cool fight but can you take these materials first!"
Loading screen
So much filler that really tests your willpower to keep playing the game

Um jogo bom!

Eu nunca assisti Dragon Ball Z, e queria jogar o jogo justamente para saber a sua história, e diria que consegui o que queria.

O jogo retrata muito bem os 4 arcos do anime, não sei se é 100% fiel e igual, mas eu gostei muito. Deu para saber toda a história direitinho.

Em questão de gameplay, o sistema de luta do jogo eu diria que é o melhor e o mais divertido que já joguei, é muito bem feito. O problema do jogo é que o jogo é uma grande repetição, o jogo se resume a lutas e todas são a mesma coisa, eu digo isso pois Naruto Strom também é um jogo que se resume a lutas e ainda sim não é repetitivo. Por conta disso, eu demorei muito tempo para zerar esse jogo.

Em geral, eu diria que é um bom jogo, se você nunca viu dragon ball é uma ótima porta de entrada, e se você já viu, vai ser muito divertido jogar as lutas que assistiu. Pra quem gosta de jogos de luta, é uma ótima escolha