Reviews from

in the past

I really want to like this game but for some reason i get the case of "WHERE THE FUCK DO I GO" so fucking bad all the time. The theme song is cool af, the armor and monster designs are sick, the story is eh, and the combat is fun as fuck AND you get followers that actually are useful. I just get lost so fucking often that I cannot play this game.

i love mercedes marten with all my heart.

really enjoy this, i think it's cool just how dark night gets. literally awful to be travelling back to gran soren when it's dark.

Eu joguei praticamente 50h desse jogo e ainda sinto vontade de jogar, simplesmente um jogo incrível, com uma historia incrível e uma gameplay ainda melhor, claro tem algumas coisas chatinhas, como o fato de você não conseguir correr pra sempre em certos momentos, atrapalhando assim algumas coisas, porem tirando umas coisinhas, esse jogo é simplesmente perfect. Ele custa bem carinho, por isso recomendo uma promoção se possível, e saiba que existe tradução Pt-Br, então vale apena

I want to say that this game feels a little like monster hunter and darksouls a bit, but it still feels like its own game.

The game itself starts off really fun and exciting with what seems like a lot to do at first when it suddenly starts to get very repetitive and boring. The gameplay, the enemies and the bosses never change and I feel like I'm doing the same thing on repeat. I did have a lot of fun with the game and I don't regret playing it, but I will not be coming back to play it because I didn't even want to finish it (I got to post game and stopped).

i fw this game heavy. this is the game that got me into action rpgs which then in turn got me into skyrim so i have this game to thank.

A fun story with great gameplay and solid visuals that can be a bit repetitive.

Today I woke and looked outside again
But the sky looked the same to me
Something told me that this world had changed
Couldn't figure out what did it mean
Some say to get out fast, looks like it's gonna last
Get all your things and fly (don't leave nothing behind)
Some said it'll be OK, just go ahead and stay
Be sure to drink your iodine

into the clouds again
I feel the blood in my veins

I feel like letting go
Just like the Dangan

Staring out to the hourglass inside
My mind is racing and wild
Blinded by eyes that cover up the facts
Uncertainty with all the cracks in a smile
I'm breathing life or death, are we making progress?
Not really sure this time (the choice is yours and mine)
Not sure what to do next, no real test reflex
Can't touch or see with my own eyes

...No like seriously how the hell do people experience Dragon's Dogma without Into Free. How.

мне кажется это крутая игра если вы геймпадом умеете пользоваться сосочками точно двигать вооооот. Но мне пришлось дропнуть потому что там нельзя никак лок на цель делать. это пиздец. до сих пор жалко

Un juego donde el la interactividad del combate es genial pero el sistema de niveles y progresión lo mata completamente. Es ambicioso, exitoso y mediocre al mismo tiempo. Me alegro de que exista.