Reviews from

in the past

No entiendo qué necesidad había de poner zonas tan abiertas. La prota mola muchísimo y el final es tochísimo

At it's core, Gears 5 is exactly what you expect a Gears game to be, peppered with some new ideas that keeps things fresh.

The inclusion of an ability system and a handful of more open area's are cool additions that shake up the formula just enough to keep things interesting, while remaining true to the cover based shooting gameplay that the series is known for.

It's also an absolutely gorgeous game. The weather effects are fantastic and no one part of the game outstays it's welcome.

It's probably not gonna convert any of those who already aren't into the series, but if you want Gears, this is all the Gears you need.

better campaign than the previous entry. Don't care for the 'open world' direction the series is moving in. at least the open world busy work is optional and kept to a minimum. great looking game though. lacks the brooding atmosphere and greyness of the old games.

This is a weird one to review. The campaign is sluggish and forgettable, but the game is a technical marvel and the best Gears in terms of feel and polish. It also has one of the best horde modes in the genre. I recommend it, but mostly for Horde and Escape.

legal, a campanha é bem maior comparado aos demais jogos mas esse jogo tá com o multiplayer totalmente abandonado pela microsoft.

За что хейтят эту игру?
1. Добавила новые геймплейные фичи, развив дальше серию;
2. Имеет всё тот же ураганный ганфайт (ещё возьмите во внимание 1 пункт);
3. Имеет офигенские виды на красивых локациях;
4. Имеет разнообразные побочки. Повторюсь: разнообразные. Сайд-квесты не похожи друг на друга, а в награду игрок получает уникальную награду, а не безделушку;
5. Продвигает сюжет вселенной, расширяя лор и внося новые штрихи
Но за повестку и слив в конце всё же дизлайк. Чувствуется, что серия свернула не туда

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 4.5 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.3 | Details 2.5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 2.5

Total 3.9

لسببٍ ما لا أعلمه ما أقدر استمتع وانا ألعب هذه السلسلة

Never have I seen Gears of War as a franchise try to makes themselves be more like Skyrim?? If it wasn't for the Hivebusters DLC this would have half a star