Reviews from

in the past

I did indeed not get over It with Bennett Foddy. :(

Honestly my only problem with the game is that about 70% of your playtime is going to be spent in the same small area of the map. Besides that, this is an incredibly philosophical game that executes its idea very well. Also I only got mad during my playthrough of this once and I tend to get pretty frustrated at games so I have no idea what yall are on about

i actually hate myself for pretending i liked this

Its peak (I hated every second of it)

Very fun to master the system, replayed a great many times

On the surface (and intentionally in some moments), it may feel like the point of Bennet's commentary is just to annoy the player, but I feel differently. I feel that this game says something interesting about persistence and patience. When I finished my first play through, I think it may have taken me near 6+ hours. However, through practice, and not very much might I add, I have now been able to beat it in a little over 9 minutes. A task may seem impossible, but with enough persistence, you'll begin to wonder how you ever found it to be difficult in the first place.

I do enjoy this game despite it annoying me so much in the first few playthroughs but after the 3rd or 4th one something just clicked

This game is very interesting. It is known for being a rage game and having terrible controls, and i have to agree that the controls can be really frustrating at the beginning. But the magic of this game is that, every time you finish it, the easier it gets. Inevitably, you get better and better each time you play it. It took me 3 hours and 30 minutes for me to finish the game for the first time, and now i just finished it in less than 3 minutes. This game is a perfect representation of how you improve at everything you do, even if you don't think so. By the way, really satisfying to get a Sub-3 minute Run :)

something else had to have been going on in Markipliers life when he played this cause allat was NOT needed

Love to see wholly original gameplay such as this, requiring the player to use a mouse as though they had never touched one before and the learning progression of these mechanics is greatly satisfying. It's rare to see, but with this originality it earns its commentary on fickle consumption and persistence and wears it valiantly.

I’m sure this game is great but I literally got so stressed out playing it I felt like I was gonna pass out and die.

I can beat this in under 10 mins, thank you bennet foddy


Do I have to explain why I Abandoned this game...?

hand-drawn credits are really endearing more games should have that

Getting Over It is a misunderstood masterpiece that gushing about would lessen the impact, just go play it.

50 vezes..... Esse é definitivamente o jogo do sexo.........(As discussões ficam meio superficiais, mas tá tudo bem, não é o objetivo dele, mas é muito legal saber que tu compartilha a mesma visão que o gamedev😊, é como se ele realmente tivesse conversando contigo, pode ser meio chato na primeira vez, mas depois parece que as ideias do mano vão penetrando na sua mente e tu fica: "po pode crer, eu jogo não precisa ser divertido pra valer a pena ser jogado")