Reviews from

in the past

This game influenced my musical tastes. I wish the 1980's were real.

Très bon jeu, ambiance incroyable

Best gta game in terms of setting and music. I 100%'ed this one and I gotta say it was a lot of fun.

Good story, very good (!) post-mainstory stuff to do, although I hated the stunt jumps and the rampages. Eh gunplay, but it's an old title so whatever - I really do not have nothing bad to say about this, of course got a bit tedious in the end (but what 100% doesn't).
Solid ass experience and a must play for everyone.

Fun sandbox to ignore the main story in.

Para la época un buen juego, hoy es probablemente injugable. San Andreas salió 2 años después y es una maravilla al lado. Igualmente la sensación de ser Tony Montana no te la saca nadie

Once a good game, today it is probably unplayable. San Andreas came out 2 years later and is wonderful compared to it. Likewise, no one can get the feeling of being Tony Montana from you.

Scarface in versione italo americana. Cast di prim'ordine, e le bombe di Candy Suxxx sono giganti.

GTA 3 but better.
The characters, soundtrack, story, everything in this game is a great improvement over what GTA 3 was.

Story 5 | Gameplay 4 | Audio 5 | Visual 3.3 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4.5

Total 4.5

This game wasn't one of the best, but it clearly had a unique style, while playing it you knew 'this is Vice City', I didn't finish it because I was never interested in the story, but who knows, maybe one day

Didn't like this GTA game so much when I was a kid, but when I came back at it and just played it all the way through I understood why it is considered one of the best of the series.

This game is surprisingly very difficult. So hyped for GTA 6

Had this on PS2 back in 2019 and I must say it's a very enthralling game to play. Enjoyed this so much more than GTA III. Better map, better shooting, and phenomenal world building. Unfortunately, the copy i got was scratched to all hell, so the game would freeze once I got a quarter of the way done and tried to start certain essential missions. I tried cleaning and it was to no avail. So, I hope one day Rockstar releases the original on modern consoles because until then this will likely be permanently shelved on my backlog.

todo jogo da rockstar tem traição puta que pariu

This game is better than GTA 5, and I will die on this hill.

Just fantastic. Improves on GTA 3 by quite a margin with a good story (that highly riffs off Scarface), awesome music, great voice acting. I mean it's got it all. Some of the best missions in the series come from this game.

when i was like 5 or 6 (2009/2010) i decided to torrent this game from a hungarian private tracker where my family had an account to get movies, shows, books and whatnot;
i got the game working by myself and all, but my young self thought that it was performing like crap and the instructions provided in the torrent upload were awful
so what came next? i went on the torrent upload's comment section and swore the crap out of the torrent's uploader (in clear hungarian, which is a god-awfully hard language and even more difficult to spell things, but i did all of this at like 5 or 6 years old), calling him an idiot and his upload absolute garbage
what i did not know was the fact that the tracker's admins gave the account a warning just for that
i discovered the warning incident has occurred only like 2 or 3 years later and my whole family heard that i did such a thing online; they all laughed it out but i remember being incredibly scared for what's next and i was constantly red

this is one of those stories that i have to tell once in a while and it is quite clear that it has left quite the mark on me, all thanks to this DAMN GAME

besides the silly story, i have some nice memories playing the game itself and i've replayed it and finished it multiple times

The greatest game of all time. And to think, when I first played this, I thought it was a step down from GTA3. I later recognized how perfect it was.

Y pensar que esto iba a ser sólo un DLC del 3.. personajes con carisma enorme, historia interesante a pesar de que no le dan tanto rollo a Sonny como me gustaría, pero aun así, buenísimo

"Tim they've got your wife!"
"But I'm not married!"
"You are now..... to America!"
"He went in to save his country, but found his family and lost a friend..."
"...Noo! He would have been a fine American. I'll cry when I'm done killing!"

Esse jogo salvou muito a minha infância. Só fui fazer as missões esse ano eu ficava andando de carro e ouvindo as músicas. Amo a estética de Scarface e as referências aos filmes de máfia

The cooler GTA III (it includes Michael Jackson)

epa nunca fiz nada da historia, mas sei literalmente o mapa todo de cor

vice city or as my young cousins used to call it fai city

Gameplay-wise this isn't really that different from GTA III, but overall this game is so much better imo. The fact it has a map screen automatically makes it better, but in general I just like the map, setting, and story more, and a kickass soundtrack (probably my favorite of the trilogy, we all know Japanese Boy is a banger) and great leading performance from Ray Liotta don't hurt either.