Reviews from

in the past

Tried to emulate it but really didn't like how the movement felt, which is kind of a problem in a game like this.

this game is cool and epic except the part were i sat on my phone for 10 flying the gummi ship fucking slow ass ship

MEU PARCEIRO, você é criança que cresceu com filmes da Disney e do nada vê uma criança com o Pateta e o Donald se aventurando em DIVERSOS mundos das franquias que viu crescendo ? Um misto perfeito pra quem é fã de Final Fantasy e Disney. Amo ter na memória cada segundo que passei jogando ele.

la trama qui era semplice e capibile. poi con i giochi dopo hanno cominciato a far casino. il gameplay sente il peso degli anni ma resta un gran bel gioco.

It's the classic game alright. Only big issue I have is the impossibility to skip cutscenes, especially for speedruns.

Has a better camera then Devil May Cry 1-4

came into it expecting a tech prototype for 2, came out of it really liking the ways it played with command-based RPG flow into an ARPG. The level design being generally cramped and segmented makes every area unique and interesting, and the ways a lot of the system play into each other is really fun. I mainly disliked how some enemy interactions worked out and how unremarkable some levels ended up being. Story's great though, we all love tales of depression and friendship.

The combat is fun and the overworld is riddled with interesting secrets but the platforming? My god
Still, it's a classic and I can appreciate the game for it

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