Reviews from

in the past

Best in the trilogy for sure

I don't really know why these games receive the praise they do.

My brief history with LM as a series:

I love Luigi as a character. Always have. He was always my choice as a kid in every Mario game. I was super excited when Luigi's Mansion 1 came out; he was finally getting his own game! Played it at launch and was very disappointed. It's boring.

Since then I've avoided the series, but this year I decided to finally try out 3. It received enough praise at this point that I was willing to give it another chance.

Nope. It's still pretty boring. I like the presentation. It's a pretty game, and the way Luigi emotes is great. The music adds to the silly/spooky vibe - it's great too.

Everything else, though - meh. It just felt like a chore to scour each room and suck up a bunch of coins that felt meaningless. Puzzles are generally the low point of every game I play, and this game is essentially nothing but puzzles.

It's just not for me. There's little to no challenge and there wasn't anything pulling me forward or encouraging me to continue exploring. It also began to feel repetitive very early on. After 7 hours or so, I'm out.

This game oozes with charisma from beginning to end. Never have I seen these characters show so much emotion outside of the Mario Strikers games.

I love the idea of setting the game in a haunted hotel, it's like a mix of the first game's haunted mansion and the second game's isolated and different themed levels.

I still think this game could've tried to go for a scarier and darker atmosphere like the first one, but it really does look absolutely amazing, both aesthetically and animation wise. Plus, the villains are great, I really love how they both look and interact with Luigi.

It really does feel like King Boo is absolutely fed up with Luigi's bullshit and at many points in the game it's like they won't stop at anything until you are dead. I love it.

This is what happens when you actually give Next Level Games some time and let them do their magic, Nintendo. Top 5 best games on the Switch most certainly.

This game started off so strong and it was going well for a while but over time the novelty of it just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. This game is too much longer than the original Luigi's Mansion and I think that actually hurts it more than it helps, where as the original was just short enough to not be tiresome but just long enough to feel complete. I sadly felt disappointed with how this game feels dull and how unmemorable it is. I couldn't be bothered to finish this.

J'ai pas fait les DLC. Mais le jeu de base est très bien (le mode mutli est une plaie pour complétioniste cela dit)

Great time, almost as good as the original. Definitely better than dark moon

Quanto mi ci sono divertito!

Not as good as the original, but still great.

Goofy fun. Just gets a bit repetitive.

a haunted town setting mightve worked better for the theming. its kinda dumb when they run out of ideas for the hotel and start doing random locations like why is there a museum and a movie studio in there? just have the elevator travel around the town teleporting to other buildings with the goal being to still get to the top of the hotel.
LOVE gooigi lmao

Ya du contenue bien caché jme sentais intelligent des fois merci

Really fun game. Very good looking, fun puzzles and varied and really polished levels.

As a fan of the previous 2 games I can confidently say that luigi's mansion 3 is another great entry in the series.

The gameplay is solid, keeps the already established formula intact but has enough changes to make it feel fresh but familiar with gooigi and the other new stuff you can do being really fun to mess around with and solve puzzles, defeat bosses etc., the presentation is incredible, definitely the best looking game on switch, the attention to detail is top notch whether it's luigi's personality and the way he reacts to his surroundings or how items and whatnot littered throughout the hotel interact with luigi and the poltergust, overall the game is brimming with charm and polish!

The return of the more human ghost mini bosses was a welcome one, each one being a puzzle and a fight merged to make a fun time, the main bosses were great too, some being somewhat suprisingly difficult. I also think this games the best one in the series for hunting boos, they're fun to find and yeah easy to defeat but slamming them on the ground like a maniac was always a treat, along with a sick theme to boot.

The hotel is very well designed, each room being something different than the last, you'll start off with regular hotel rooms and in no time find yourself in a castle, a garden, a movie set, a desert, magician themes etc. Each room is full of stuff to do and look out for, sure it makes some rooms feel samey but that feeling doesn't last very long as the game is full of surprises. The gems make a return too and are fun to find, a few are in very odd places but I found a majority throughout my playthrough. I also enjoy how alive the hotel feels too, with the other 2 games once you cleared a room and the lights came on that was it, but here even after you finish an area, if you go back there's likely going to be a new batch of ghosts in there, just doing there own charming little thing until they spot you, it can make for some challenging revisits.

However I do have a few minor gripes, firstly the music. Now I don't have a problem with the soundtrack generally infact I think they fit the themes of the rooms quite well, and I may be alone in this but I just struggled to hear most of it over all the ghost catching and objects smashing, I just felt like most of the rooms music was too quiet and not very memorable (keep in mind I mostly did not play with headphones) but then certain rooms and events played the music loud and proud, infact in the case of the boo theme the music was very loud, again the soundtrack is good I just don't think there's many memorable tunes here.

Then there's the common enemy ghosts, I'm sorry but what happend here, again like with the music they're not BAD but uninspired, they are ripped right from dark moon, infact there's less variety here, I don't mind the more cartoony designs of 2 and 3, but with 3 it's mostly the same as 2, there's like 1 fully original enemy ghost here, those door ones with the tounges, but even then they're barley in the game anyway.

Last gripe I'll talk about is the money, while it is satisfying to collect as much as ya can there really isn't much you can do with it. You can buy hints and continues and you get ranked at the end like the first game, but that's it really, and the game really encourages you search every nook and cranny for money but... it's just kinda meaningless.

There's a few other very minor gripes too like I think the hotel as a whole could've been darker, I found myself questioning sometimes why luigi has his flashlight on, and certain rooms and bosses/ mini bosses were a bit eh, but overall these issues aren't really things that bother me that much.

The game does indeed also have multiplayer, a local mode with different types of minigames, and a mode that's playable both local and online, I can't talk much about the minigame mode but the scarescraper online mode is decent fun, but I think it drags on a bit longer than it needs to and is a bit too strict with the time and requirements, and then there's your teamates which you always get that one guy who just doesn't get with the program, like the room which requires everyone to be in to open a door, you can spam "over here" and "help" as much as ya can, they'll just be off doing there own thing. Also I recommend not beating this mode before you finish the game as the boss for the scarescraper and the final boss do share some attacks, so the final boss might not be as cool or challenging if you've already beaten the scarescraper boss.

Although it's not bad getting all the boos and gems, infact it's quite fun to do so, there's really not much in terms of unlockables, a few cosmetics and that's it really, and that includes achievements which I didn't bother with as I really can't be bothered to play that much scarescraper.

But overall, Luigi's mansion 3 is a great time, I can understand why some may not enjoy it, whether they're fans of the series or not, but despite the minor flaws I had a blast the whole way through.

i played this during the worst mental breakdown of my life

I don't know how they could top this one.

Green Mario returns in…. Luigi’s Ho…. Mansion?! Not 1, not 2, but 3 mansions… man Luigi save some for the rest of us.

while it has a few frustrating moments, LM3 is an amazing sequel, and overall a good fun game to sate your ghost hunting itch.

This is so embarassing…but it was too scary for me to finish it