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in the past

Choć techniczny kunszt jest tu odczuwalny, odczuwalny jest również powoli niewyrabiający format i układ sterowania. Na minus jeszcze większa liniowość względem RE2.

The third installment of the Resident Evil Saga, it manages to stay on par with it's predecessors. It manages to create a truly engaging and fun setup of following upon Jill Valentine and new characters within the streets of Raccoon City for both a great utilization of setting, characters, and narrative. The overall presentation is great with solid art direction in cinematics and in-game qualities, and overall splendid audio design, though falling apart in subpar level design for very tedious traversal. The gameplay is great, adding new mechanics and re-affirming old elements, with some challenging difficulty, though it's ruined by the very clunky and mismanaged controls. Overall, still a great entry to the series that is worth it.

my friend i was playing with got so scared he peed himself when nemesis smashed into the room it was gross lol. i liked the mercernary mode and jill was cute but going back to the police station felt kinda lazy to me even tho it is a good envrionment

Literalmente o primeiro jogo que eu joguei na minha vida.

Same as RE2, but I got stuck on the nemesis clocktower encounter /:

I understand some people may greatly prefer Resi 2 to Resi 3, but for me this will always be my favourite of the original trilogy. What I love about this is the constant threat of danger. There's always danger in the manor and the police station, but on top of the relentless Nemesis, I also always got anxious for whenever a giant hoard of zombies might turn up unexpectedly. I love Raccoon City, just a strange city but it makes it so compelling to explore with so many great and iconic locations (including some returning). Jill will always be girl, I really hope Capcom brings her back for a new game soon (remake not included). What a game, honestly.

Mi 4to juego favorito de la play1 , lo he rejugado cientos de veces, debería volver a jugarlo XD

The game carries on what RE2 started with a continuation of the story, game engine, visual and sound design. There are a few new mechanics and an iconic boss that spikes your adrenaline whenever it appears.

The bad part about the game is that it feels like this one lacks content when compared to the previous game and the all-new dodge mechanic is hard to execute.

There seems to be a bit of replay ability in the game as well. I noticed this first when I restarted the hospital Carlos mission and after visiting the floors in a different order noticed new cutscenes and a different enemy layout.

Overall, the game's plot is a decent escape story, the main villain is fantastic and probably the most memorable RE monster and the game had great atmosphere/ambiance.

This part is harsher on the player than the first two. If in the second part the pursuit from the titan occurs only in the second half of the game, then here it is constantly at the most unnecessary moments, but by the placed cartridges by the end of the game, it becomes obvious. The game is made according to a template, even the plot, but this has its own charm. The only negative is that it was from this part that the game began to move towards action rather than horror.

Эта часть более сурова к игроку, чем первые две. Если во второй части преследование от титана происходит только во второй половине игры, то тут, это постоянно в самые ненужные моменты, но по расставленным патронам к концу игры, становится очевидно. Игра сделана по шаблону, даже сюжет, но в этом есть свой шарм. Единственный минус, именно с этой части игра начала уходить в сторону экшена, а не хоррора.

Da trilogia clássica do PS1, esse com certeza é o melhor, é o que tem a melhor historia, gráficos e jogabilidade, a trilha sonora também é impecável, e trouxe o vilão mais icônico de toda a franquia para mim, que é o Nemesis, esse jogo é perfeito, e a ideia de trazer opções que impactam na historia do jogo foi muito assertiva.

The game is so much more fun than the remake. I love it

Соу. Время написать обзор состоящий из более 5 строк. И повод хороший. Оригинальная трилогия позади. И это было превосходно!

Садясь за Немезиса у меня были заниженные ожидания. То ли из-за низких отзывов на ремейк, то ли из-за инфы что создатели считают эту часть 2,5, а трушная тройка это Код Вероника. Но бой о бой. Эта часть доставляет удовольствия также, а где-то и больше чем первые части.

Во первых - система крафта. Теперь ваше прохождение более индивидуальное и зависит не от того, какие патроны вы найдёте, а от того каким оружием вы хотите пользоваться. Ни этот ли менеджмент мы любим в сюрвавал-хоррорах?
Во вторых - уклонения. В начале игры я прям негодовал от количества зомбаков и скорости их спавна. Но на это была причина. Теперь вы можете доджить нежить. И да, работает через раз и через раз в щи Джилл будет прилетать, но сам факт. Битвы с боссами становятся более осознанными. А тут они прям хардовые.
В третьих - Немезис, который явно не пропускал день ног. Этот Усейн Болт, не Мистер Х, который не успеет и шляпу поправить, как вы уже смотрите анимацию открытия двери в другом конце коридора. ГигаНемезис эту дверь будет открывать с другой стороны и тянуть к вам свои щупальца. Да, в боссфайтах, когда Джилл не может встать с пола, а уже отхватывает от Чертилы, это раздражает. Но во всём остальном - крутецкий антоганист
В четвёртых - немного усложнённые головоломки. Сейчас задумался вот над чем. Тут было парочка мест, где я с удовольствием втыкал в экран и пытался решить пазл, но в отличии от первых частей, ни разу не подкладывал в гайд. И это ли не достижение геймдизайнера?

Я дико разрываюсь кого поставить на золотой пьедистал: двойку или тройку. И всё же не смотря на все пункты сверху, я поставлю второй резик выше. Там был классный сюжет и постановка. А новых геймплейных штук в тройке было не так много, чтобы это перебить. Увы

8 реинкарнаций Немезиса из 10

Best of all the classic era RE.

ABSURDO de bom. Bem que podiam entregar a mesma essência desse no remake.

Gameplay wise, it definitely improves on 2 in a lot of ways, but I just didn't care for the characters or story as much this time around. This is def more replayable tho, so credit where credit's due.

Awesome, great game and wish the remake was more like this.

Meu primeiro Resident Evil jogado.
Já me vence pela memória afetiva.Me senti realizado quando finalmente pude passar da parte do armazém.

O primeiro em ambiente urbano e podemos ver melhor o caos causado.Mr.X andou para Nêmesis correr,excelente adição pra este cenário,ainda causando uma tensão mesmo em "ambientes abertos"
Melhorar na mobilidade e estamos melhores armados.
Em suma,o mais divertido dos RE clássico.

You want S.T.A.R.S ? I'll give you S.T.A.R.S

o Nemesis é muito assustador, teve varias vezes que tomei sustos com ele, o jogo é mto bom, mas nem se compara com seu antecessor

Not as good as RE2, but still a good game to experience at least to see how it differs to the remake, which was my main drive for playing the original, but it also has cool features which makes it stand-out from the other PS1 games such as the dodge, live selection and even the ability to climb stairs which meant this game has more of an action orientation compared to the previous games whilst also keeping a good balance of horror. It's a shame so much was cut from this game's identity in the remake, and just makes this game feel like a DLC for RE2 with most of its identity being removed, such as all the cool locations like the clocktower, factory, RPD as Jill and park were cut in favor of more of the same or scripted events which reduced Nemesis from a formidable foe in this game, to a lame 'nemesis' which is nowhere near as freaky as a PS1 enemy being able to track you, with that ability instead being given to Mr X.

Overall Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is a classic Resident Evil experience, with a lot of the awkwardness of the previous 2 games being removed and as far as I'm aware is the best looking of the original trilogy, and whilst I don't find the game as engaging as RE2 it's still worth playing, especially since it's a more substantial experience than the remake even if it is harder to get into.

I know it sounds crazy but I have beaten this game at least 20 times. It's pretty short and has a bunch of choices in it that make it a little different each time. It also rewards you for every time you beat the game until the 9th time. It's not the scariest Resident Evil game and it started the series on the path to being an action series instead of survival horror but I still love it. I like it more than the remake and I actually like the remakes of RE 1 & 2 a lot more than the originals.

Started kinda weird but got really good, Nemesis is a great villain but sometimes it is just a nuisance, overall great gameplay and fun.

loved the actual sense of exploring a city compared to the remake's 3 streets, the variety of locales and all the replayability elements, everything was just right imo

My least played title of the original trilogy, but that doesn't make it bad. Being able to explore the city side of Raccoon City is always a blast. And in terms of enemies, Nemesis is still the one of the most memorable antagonists in the entire series.