Reviews from

in the past

Skyrim is one of the best games in the RPG genre. Game from 2011 that 13 years later still has a lot of relevance. Analyzing Skyrim with a more critical and less nostalgic eye, the game is full of bigs and glitches that greatly disrupt your experience (but generates a lot of memes) the main story is weak but the side quests worthy of a tabletop RPG adventure save this journey from the last living Dragonborn.

-Game never leads up to anything, never really ends, but just like crack I dunno I can't listen to my better judgement and stop when it's on
-Companions, boooring, probably sniff each other's rears in werewolf form
-Thieves Guild best part of base game, no doubt in my heart, my soul, my mind
-College of Winterhold spawned a dragon once I teleported and accidentally killed everyone oops
-Dark Brotherhood? More like, the Dark Lame er hood
-Solstheim is cool for Raven Rock, the rest is pretty bleh. I don't wanna do another 30 dwarven ruins kid
-Serana, I will deal with decreased hitpoints in the daylight with a stupid vampire form I'll never use all for you 😏

Totalmente viciado me distraindo a cada mĂ­nima missĂŁo que tira meu interesse da anterior.

12 Anos depois, finalmente terminei isso aqui. Foram mais de 10 vezes andando naquela carruagem, mais de 10 personagens criados, mais de 10 builds diferentes e FINALMENTE EU ACABEI

I have a lot of time for Skyrim even though it's only got like four voice actors in it and the combat is kinda rubbish and the main story is totally forgettable and it's broken and glitchy but hey I like being an elf and just chillin' in the world and going on a big adventure.

Love Skyrim, playing back again the combat is not what I remembered

Ben bu oyunu skyrim (iyi anlamda)

Although there are many open world games, for me Skyrim is the one that marked a before and after.
Hours and hours of good content in a huge world with freedom to do what you want and enjoy it at your own pace.

FINALLY. Didn't take as long as vanilla FO4 but this game is nuts. I dont think I could have played it so long were it not for the environments, the setting, and the mystique of Skyrim's world. The NPCs are clunky, sure. The dungeons get repetitive, sure. The sense of progression and systems of magic and combat are wide but shallow, sure. But dammit, it's nothing if not a charming game.

+ Anniversary Edition Upgrade

Skyrim feels like a digital lobotomy

All the melee weapons feel like pool noodles and all the magic is different colored beams. All the junk you pick up is ultimately to sell, and for what? More pool noodles? A different flavor of magic beam?

I don't think this is a bad game exactly, it just makes me acutely aware that every breath I take is a countdown to my death.

Skyrim gave us the greatest gift to gamers everywhere: female Argonians.

absolutely dogshit without mods

I won't discuss Skyrim as a videogame because it's such a gaming pillar, I think there's not much to say. When it comes to this release, though...
When Skyrim SE was released and I got it for free I was extremely negative about what Bethesda was doing. On PC it was mostly a re-release with the HD Texture Pack included.
Years after and with a modlist that is not 50 items but more than 450 I now appreciate Skyrim SE and it’s my only way of playing Skyrim. And while that might seem somewhat of a large number: it’s still Skyrim. It just plays better.
Performance is much better in SE, and it’s a more stable canvas.
The only negative side I can find is Bethesda still updating the game. Don’t get me wrong, patches and the AE content are a useful and welcome addition, but for the way Bethesda games work most of the time the update of the executable, which screws most mods, is really unnecessary. It adds little to nothing every time, except splitting one of the biggest modding communities.
Modding has reached such a high and polished level that I sadly doubt anything Bethesda will put out with Starfield or TES6 will be at the level of what can be achieved today on Skyrim.
The engine while it still has a problem and is cumbersome, it’s a lot more stable than Legendary Edition and so a lot of modders are choosing to only support Skyrim SE.
Do keep in mind the most supported versions of the game as of now are 1.5.97 and 1.6.363. I’m currently on the latter and it seems the best supported by modders, but 1.5.97 has a better crash logger.
That said, the game is still a legendary RPG, and even if you think it might not fit your liking perfectly, 100% there is a mod for it.

I absolutely suggest this gem to everyone, and I suggest it, even more, when modding is an option.
It's one of the games I always come back to, and I'm always up to play it again.


Was recommended this game from a friend and it has since then turned into a big part of my childhood. I have both finished this game vanilla and with mods, I still love it just as much which for some reason is a controversial take considering that this fanbase got a huge obsession with mods. Now to be honest I don't think that this game got any flaws except that I hate with a passion Dwemer ruins and dragons attacking you constantly after a certain level but also that you can't marry Serana. The reason however why I quit playing this game was because I didn't have anything left to do. I tried doing mods but it doesn't feel like a new experience to me and don't come here and say I should side with the blades because that's something I refuse to do until my last breath. So I guess I just kinda grew out of this game and did nearly all this game had to offer. Still miss just wandering around listening to the music or decorating my home but I never got the motivation to boot up the game and do it again. I also think that I know that if I'm gonna make another playthrough I'm still gonna end up as a stealth archer anyways so what's the point lol? Or maybe I should just boot up the game with 1000+ sex mods because that's something I haven't tried yet?

(Paarthurnax will always be cooler in every way compared to Delphine)

Best bugs in gaming history. Simply a Masterpiece.

Special edition fatta bene, e finalmente sono riuscito a giocarmi i DLC.

Merci pour les mods, mais surtout pour tout, mĂŞme hors mods, c'est quelque chose. Un jeu mythique.

It's still the best game of all time

Au vue de comment le jeu est codÊ et des animations, ça fait très très peur pour TES6 malheureusement

In reality the base game isn't crazy, especially because of the recurring bugs, the graphics are of the time. The story is cheat tier, like I don't care, I just want to stealth a soldier from the Imperial Legion and reboot the save until I succeed. And after dragging his body then hiding it because damn he's bugged so I killed him to borrow his 43 golds...
But when we start to get into the modding spiral...
Damn damn damn!!!
The impossible is possible, the bugs go away, the graphics improve, the feet are no longer bricks. You are walking in Skyrim, your horse is cheating, the view is beautiful, still funny ragdoll, your shout has never been so powerful.
So thank you modding and the game for allowing great things, except that the base game is great but outdated

This is one of the greatest open world games of all time-- shocker, I know. The amount of things you’re able to do in the HUGE world is incredible. I spent 90 hours and for probably 20 of those I was doing the story. The side questlines are enough for their own games, it's truly incredible. Not to mention the insanely deep skill system and spell list. Every issue this game has is overshadowed by its positives, not to mention the incredible modding system which bumps it up infinitely.

Before diving into my review, I wanted to say that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was my favorite videogame for a long time; it's the most important videogame of my life, I spent thousands of hours playing it for many years, it's basically my childhood and it feels like coming back home everytime I play it. With that being said, I decided to play the special edition now and I'm gonna review it based on how it aged.
While the plot isn't anything special, the rich lore really makes up for a decent story overall.
The gameplay is still good; the combat system hasn't aged very well, but the game is very addictive thanks to its variety and open world design.
The RPG elements are well executed, the world feels massive even to this day and there's so much side-content to do.
The visuals don't look as impressive as they did back then but the world is still beautiful.
The expansions - Dawnguard and Dragonborn - are great; they add 2 of the best quest-lines in the game, plus some very cool additions into the game.
Also, Skyrim's soundtrack is one of my favorite - if not my favorite - in a videogame, ever.
Unfortunately though, the voice acting didn't age well at all, and same goes for the dungeon design too; many dungeons are similar to each other and they get repetitive after a while.
Lastly, I think Special Edition could've done much better job at updating the game's visuals than it did, and maybe update the combat system as well.

+ Rich lore
+ Addictive gameplay
+ Excellent world design
+ Huge world filled with of content
+ 2 very good DLCs
+ Incredible soundtrack

- Repetitive dungeon design
- Dated voice acting

Narrative: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 10/10
Characters: ?/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
It's been over a decade since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's first release and this game still manages to offer a very solid RPG experience that holds a special place in my heart.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, it'll always be a must-play for everyone in my opinion, even for those who don't enjoy playing RPGs.