Reviews from

in the past

An unforgettable experience. I love the growing relationship between the boy / the player and Trico throughout the story. I never got too frustrated by Trico not listening all the time simply because he was so convincing as a real animal. Haven’t gone back to replay since launch but I don’t think it would be necessary. Love this game , love the music and the beautiful style of Ueda fully built for the PS4.

It must be good, but it made me feel nothing.

só não dou 5 estrelas pq passei a maior parte do jogo tentando fazer o trico me obedecer. masterpiece

[~1.5hrs in]
First and foremost, let me begin by saying that Trico is both adorable and terrifying. It's like an XL Bully that you want to befriend; you stroke it cautiously, yet cannot ignore the possibility it may randomly snap and tear your face off at any moment. The game, though beautiful in design, does a spectacular job of no hand-holding whatsoever; I've already got frustrated enough to Google how to get past a section because the hint kept telling me to climb, but I could not find anything to climb. Turned out, I didn't need to climb; the hint was misleading to say the least. The path so far it has been relatively linear, unsure if that's how it remains throughout, but exploration feels faux organic - it seems like you're following your own intuition and figuring it out, but there really is no other way to proceed so eventually you're always going to end up being correct. The game has a constant tension, like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop... or my companion to maul me... I'm intrigued, but by no means blown away.

[4hrs in]
Did not finish. I'm regrettably abandoning this title already. The concept is nice, Trico is cool and the premise of training him like some kinda alien dog is novel... but my god are the controls janky and the environment repetitively bland. Jumping, climbing, and even running is frustrating - it's not smooth at all. And the gameplay is just not fun. I checked the IGN walkthrough to get a sense of how long the game is and after seeing I'm only on Part 5/14, I can't be bothered to endure that much more of this. I have way too many other games on my Backlog to find time for.

I played this game when my family's dog was old and on her last legs and I've never seen a game so effectively capture the love and frustration a pet brings you.

Poetico ma… mal di testa…dio che telecamera

Gameplay can be frustrating, but I think that's intentional.

I'm a big fan of the big birdy dog thing and I won't hear a bad word said about it.

A relação com esse monstro gigantesco que é o Trico é algo fenomenal, um medo e curiosidade que se torna afeto e carinho. Os cenários são lindos e dão um sentimento de angústia, é um mundo tão diferente e misterioso. Quero jogar de novo, espero que saia para pc.

Whatever you put in, it gives back. Once you immerse yourself in the game you truly get the magic.

This game has stuck with me long, long after completion, this game is an experience

I personally had zero issue with Trico following my commands and felt like I truly bonded with this creature throughout my time, never did grabbing on Trico's back and jumping over a chasm not fill me with wonder

Exploring and solving puzzles was immensly satisfying and I had little to no issue figuring things out, beautiful graphics as well with some minor stuttering throughout

Further evidence that Team Ico are auteurs when it comes to the gaming landscape and their presence is sorely missed, defintely want to replay this one someday, thank God the cancelation rumors were false


Could tell it would have some special moments, and desperately wanted to like it as Ico and SotC meant a lot to me, but the camera, frame rate, and control combine to make it nearly impossible to play for me without getting motion sickness. Maybe someday if a remaster ever comes that fixes the mechanical issues I might give it another go.