Reviews from

in the past

Better than Phantom Hourglass in most ways and has a really fun version of Zelda, but theres not much else going on here. Still a fine game

A definite contender for the most underrated Zelda game. It's limitations do lessen the experience a bit, and certain parts of the game can get repetitive, but overall, a fun time.

É um jogo muito fofo, com dungeons muito divertidas e criativas, e uma atmosfera muito calma, além de uma história muito boa. Gosto especialmente da Zelda nesse jogo acho que é uma das minhas favoritas, e adoro a amizade que ela tem com o Link. No entanto, ele tem alguns problemas que, para mim, o tornam um pouco massivo e repetitivo, como controlar o trem. Não é uma das melhores partes...
realmente fica muito entediante quando chega ao meio do jogo. No começo, é algo divertido e diferente, mas se torna maçante com o tempo, o que acaba desmotivando a fazer as subquests. Tirando isso, não tenho do que reclamar do jogo. Ele é algo bem soft, mas nada muito genial é um jogo simples e bonito.

for whatever reason I played the entirety of this game listening to LMFAO's Party Rock on loop... I couldn't tell you why.

slightly better but still fuck the stylus

If Spirit Tracks has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Spirit Tracks has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Spirit Tracks has only one fan, then that is me. If Spirit Tracks has no fans, then that means I am no longer alive. If the world is against Spirit Tracks, then I am against the world.

A fun and solid game all around, liked the world the story was fun, and had great moments between characters, especially Zelda. I think Zelda in this game has to be my favorite companion, she is full of life and energy and alot of the best scenes she are in and absolutely steals the show! The gameplay is also all around solid, all tough even though this game is 15 years old i still dont like the stylus controls and would have prefered standard controls. Alot of the items are fun to use. I think i made the game a little harder for myself at times since i dident take proper advantage of the ability you have to write notes on maps. The dungeons are fun and don't overstay there welcome except for a few that kinda goes on a bit too long. I absolutely love the train and that you can customize it, sadly the treasure mechanic isent verry good and if you want all train parts these days when you cant trade with friedns well good luck too you you will need it! FInaly and this is a me thing. I had alot of trouble with the flute, not because i suck at them. I feel that i dident even get the oportunity to suck at them even because im colorblind. I got stuck on all of the sanctuary songs and was so frustrated that i just looked up what notes to play on the final boss song. That sucked not gonna lie. The bosses for the most part are fun but alot of them become frustrating especially those where you have to control both Link and Zelda and the camera angle is at an angle, and you have to use both screens to see the boss, manuver, dodge their attacks, and attack yourself. They got frustrating real quick. All in all a solid game that for me anyway overstays its welcome abit towards the end.

I like trains. gets hit by a speeding train

Fun zelda game with a lot of really interesting ideas, made less fun with annoying gimmicks.

Has some banger music though ngl

This game should get an HD remake. Train might be a little limiting for an open world, but it has real music and Zelda as your traveling companion. Also it's like one of 2 zelda games I've actually beaten

I can see why people don't like this game. I'm not the biggest fan but I think it does a lot of interesting things

I liked the story and that Zelda was your companion this time around but forcing you to constantly blow into the mic to use the flute and the fact that traveling on the overworld was a major pain in the ass made me not want to replay this.

so much better than phantom hourglass it's unreal

What a POLARIZING experience this was. Really high highs, very low lows. Overall I think I enjoyed my time with the game more than I disliked it, but this is absolutely a one and done experience. I don't think I ever want to play it again fghgfghj

The first thing that jumped out to me was the story—it's better than any of the more recent Zelda titles that have released in the last ten years (I'm looking at you TotK). The characters are so fun and expressive, and it even gave us the best version of Link and Zelda's situationship. They are SO cute in this game, that even as a raging lesbian I can appreciate them. It also gave us Byrne—he kicks ass.

I hear a lot of people complain about them but I never had much issue with the touch controls. They were responsive and the enemies are just slow enough to get around the bit of discrepancy you'd have as opposed to having button controls. I think we need more games with silly controls, that's kind of a lost art, and it brings charm to a game.

The pan flute was fun at first, it was just a silly little instrument that you blow into the microphone to use, but then I got to the fire sanctuary. That. That right there. That's the reason I will never play this game again. The fire and sand sanctuary songs are SO finicky, it took me HOURS to complete both. Everywhere else it's fine! The first three sanctuaries? Not a problem. Using it in the overworld? Not a problem. Just. Those last two sanctuaries make my blood BOIL.

Train's fine. I didn't really see much issue with it aside from the stupid one-hit kill demon trains. (Especially that last area, jesus christ why are they FASTER than you?) But oh my god it is impossible to upgrade your train in this game? I got three parts. THREE. I DIDN'T EVEN COMPLETE A WHOLE SET. You don't even unlock the ability to customize your train until you unlock the water realm so I just didn't think you could do it! Also you don't unlock fast travel until way too late. Like it's appreciated but they're so out of the way and come in so late that I basically never got to use it.

That's another thing, this game is so backloaded with sidequests, that I did like three before making it to endgame. Once I realized that you were basically forced to marathon all the sidequests in one go if you wanted to 100% it, I lost interest. It's all bunnies and ferrying people around anyway so who cares, I'd probably just get another pearl necklace for my troubles.

I do like that you can wear the conductor's outfit tho.

Anyway this game is definitely fun and worthwhile if you're a Zelda fan—especially since it comes packaged in with Zelda's most important role in the whole series. Seriously Nintendo, why can't we play as her yet? Why is she always being sidelined as a damsel in distress? Her name is in the fucking title for god's sake.

O jogo é muito divertido e embora a ideia dos trens realmente seja esquisita, a comunidade pega pesado demais com esse game. A movimentação é sem graça se comparada a The Wind Waker, mas pro DS é uma experiencia que funciona, embora pudesse melhorar. A dinâmica de ter a própria Zelda como companion e usar ela nas dungeons foi uma escolha muito legal e bem utilizada de modo geral. Embora muito dele seja similar a Phantom Hourglass, eu ainda acho o jogo muito divertido e com alguns momentos bem marcantes