Reviews from

in the past

Ótimo jogo de terror e suspanse. Talvez um dos melhores exclusivos da Playstation 4. Um jogo com uma história muito padrão mas ainda assim muito bem construída. A experiência coloca o jogador sobre uma pressão quase que constante. A sensação de que uma falha nalguma parte do jogo pode causar a morte de um personagem é quase que constante. Os próprios personagens tem um sistema interessante de interelações que pode afetar algumas das decisões da história. Em relação ao modelo, acaba por ser bastante semelhante a outros jogos com o mesmo tipo de gameplay como Detroit: Becoma a Human ou Heavy Rain.

Got a couple hours into the game, so this is a first impression review.

I decided to play until dawn because im a fan of the telltale games and horror movies, and this looked like the perfect blend. And, I'm happy to say that the blend worked well and was a really cool idea. Like I said, i only played a little bit of this game so i can't comment on the full game story but the parts i got was really good, and the story is clearly Until dawns biggest strength. The setup and the beginning was a good intro/tutorial, and the set up of each character was great to see as it makes the characters more than just random teens.

The biggest flaw i found was with the gameplay, and i don't mean the fact its 90% cutscenes and all that. I love that type of gameplay, but i found until dawns a little weird. mainly (on ps5) moving the joystick to pick choices, which felt unnatural and odd. The gameplay as well felt a little bit clunky and i didn't love the camera angles.

Little things i loved as well was the mystery clues that you can find, my favourite being for the serial killer. These little clues scared the shit out of me and was really effective in boosting the story. I also loved the therapists scenes which was creepy and chilling and again boosted the story.

In conclusion, the couple hours of until dawn i played showed a lot great potential, with the story's beginning being engaging and looking to set up a great horror experience. The gameplay was a little clunky and i felt it needed some simplification and tweaking, which if i ever play the quarry or if supermassive games put out a sequel i would love to see what they do.

played at night at tahoe with friends, so goated

quando eu tinha 12 anos achei q seria o jogo da minha vida pelo plot twist em si. a atmosfera eh bemmmmm bacana masss tem mto pastelao americano nele as vezes me irritou

Já tinha jogado a muuito tempo atrás então já tinha me esquecido de quase tudo e também esqueci o quão bom esse jogo é com uma história incrível, personagens muito legais(Alguns nem tanto) e uma gameplay esperada pra um jogo de escolhas, isso tudo sem contar o fato de que Until Dawn teve um impacto muito grande na indústria dos jogos na época sendo um dos pioneiros ai dos jogos de escolhas.
Ele não é perfeito, tem algumas coisas que envelheceram bem mal(A captura facial é um exemplo) mas tirando essas coisinhas ali e aqui, o jogo é maravilhoso que me fez zerar quase de uma vez (Coisa que eu nunca fiz). Agradeço a todos os envolvidos por essa joia no mundinho dos jogos.

there were no gay sons and only thot daughters in the world’s shittiest supernatural narrative with like one character that was not unbearable

A fun, atmospheric decision making horror with good replay value to see other outcomes and deaths.

This review contains spoilers

Todos sobrevivieron menos Sam a 8 minutos antes del amanecer.

i hated the characters so much i actively tried to get them all killed but i was unsuccessful and one person survived

Apesar do início do jogo ser um pouco devagar, o jogo decola quando todo o terror e tensão finalmente começam e a história e atmosfera fica cada vez mais interessante. Cada escolha tem sua consequência, até mesmo as que aparentam ser ''inofensivas''. Os personagens tem personalidade própria e são interessantes, apesar de parecerem ter saído de um filme americano dos anos 2000.

honestly holds up and i am hype for the remake

it's really fun and has some memorable mechanics, but why is it so full of jumpscares? the atmosphere is enough to immerse the player, the psychiatrist choices could be used better to make the player tense. i remember that there's a scene in which a giant spider crawls across the screen and that shit made me so uncomfortable (in a good way for a game like this) that i think this should be used more instead of some sudden loud noise that will put me on edge for a few seconds. overall it's a really fucking cool game, the plot is well tied and interesting, but jumpscares aren't scary.

I don’t think another game will ever mimic the experience of starting out laughing at a cast of characters and ending screaming and crying with them. I was genuinely scared for all these dumbass teenagers.

A perfect homage to '90s campy teen horror movies.

I remember i played this with my colleagues after work its not that scary but it just rrally fun screaming together. Good ol times

O melhor jogo de terror que já joguei, mts vão julgar mas cara, tudo nesse jogo funciona perfeitamente, os personagens são incríveis, a atmosfera é maravilhosa, me senti dentro do jogo várias vezes, fiz todos os finais possíveis, 100% praticamente, e essa maravilha ainda está vindo pro pc, JOGUEM SEM PRECONCEITO QUE VÃO TER UMA EXPERIÊNCIA MARAVILHOSA DE TERROR

The Atmosphere of this game is perfect

The best game supermassive made. After a disappointing experience with last year’s "The Devil in Me" and mixed feelings about other entries in the Dark Pictures Anthology, I approached "Until Dawn" with a mix of eagerness and caution. This game, developed by Supermassive Games, marks the studio's initial foray into the narrative-driven horror genre that would spawn the anthology series I've come to associate with my yearly spooky season ritual.

Despite my reservations, stemming from recent letdowns in the series, "Until Dawn" proved to be a compelling rediscovery of what initially cemented Supermassive Games as a notable developer in interactive horror.

Narrative and Character Depth:
"Until Dawn" features a group of teenagers who reconvene at a remote mountain cabin on the anniversary of a tragedy that befell their friends. Unlike the cardboard cutouts that plagued my playthrough of "The Devil in Me," the characters in "Until Dawn" are surprisingly multi-dimensional. Characters like Mike and Emily, who initially come off as stereotypical horror archetypes—the jerk and the bossy girl—gradually reveal deeper, more relatable facets of their personalities. Mike shows genuine care amidst the chaos, and Emily’s tough exterior cracks to unveil insecurities that enrich her character beyond initial impressions.

Gameplay and Mechanics:
The game operates on the “butterfly effect” mechanic, where every decision impacts the story’s progression and outcomes. This not only adds weight to each choice but also significantly boosts the game's replayability. Players find themselves pondering the ramifications of each decision, knowing that even seemingly minor actions can have far-reaching consequences for the characters’ fates.

Visuals and Performance:
"Until Dawn" excels in areas where its successors have faltered. The facial animations and voice acting are top-notch, contributing to a richly immersive experience. Emotional nuances are captured with a precision that I found lacking in later titles like "The Devil in Me." This attention to detail in visual storytelling amplifies the tension and emotional gravity of the narrative, pulling you deeper into the chilling atmosphere of the game.

Plot Intricacies:
While certain plot elements can feel predictable—such as the twists involving a tattoo and an ill-conceived prank—the story remains engaging. These moments, although easy to guess for seasoned horror aficionados, are crafted well enough to maintain suspense and intrigue. The narrative cleverly weaves together classic horror tropes with fresh twists, keeping players on edge and invested in the characters’ survival.

"Until Dawn" stands out not only as a pioneer for Supermassive Games but as a benchmark in interactive horror storytelling. Its ability to blend character depth with gripping narrative choices sets a high standard that subsequent titles in the genre struggle to meet. The game captures the essence of a horror movie marathon, complete with all the thrills, scares, and last-minute saves you'd expect.

Despite a few predictable plot points, "Until Dawn" is a masterclass in how to craft a compelling, choice-driven horror game. It serves as a stark reminder of the potential within the genre when executed with care and creativity. For those looking to fill the void left by this year's delayed Dark Pictures installment, "Until Dawn" offers a thrilling, chilling adventure that’s sure to satisfy your horror cravings.

Her Story exists and demonstrated how to do a movie/videogame.
This is plainly boring, and for a slasher movie, it's lacking in novelty and mystery.
Played with some friends, otherwise this was just not worth it.

Didn't like the characters, but I liked it as an interactive B-Movie.

Le concept lié aux conséquences que nos actes ont sur l'histoire est intéressant et l'ambiance horrifique est très réussie.

This game feels like it better realizes what all of Quantic Dream's games are aiming for. This game does a great job of paying homage to the horror movies it's inspired by while also having a pretty great twist to it. It's a shame none of the games that have come after this one have managed to match its level of quality.

Não terminei pelo mesmo motivo do Detroid, não sou o maior fã de jogo de escolhas.

A história parece bem legal, compraria se tivesse no PC, ainda quero terminar, mas não tenho tanta pressa.

Insanely fun, good characters, choices really matter

telltale but good, this game scared me when i was little

A good and basic horror story, very well executed.

Não é lá grande coisa, pra começar o início do jogo é bem lento e demora pra algo realmente acontecer, e quando acontece é bom, mas faltou um balanço na história pra tornar tudo mais interessante, do que guardar o melhor para o final, e mesmo que eu tenha gostado dos personagens (alguns deles), também é bem demorado pra você começar a se importar. Pelo menos, se baseando no meu final, foi bacana, mas podia ter sido mais e se aprofundado melhor nas criaturas do jogo.

A melhor coisa é a função de não se mexer, que é bem tenso na parte final, mas além disso, não achei nada demais.