Reviews from

in the past

Insanely fun, good characters, choices really matter

telltale but good, this game scared me when i was little

A good and basic horror story, very well executed.

Não é lá grande coisa, pra começar o início do jogo é bem lento e demora pra algo realmente acontecer, e quando acontece é bom, mas faltou um balanço na história pra tornar tudo mais interessante, do que guardar o melhor para o final, e mesmo que eu tenha gostado dos personagens (alguns deles), também é bem demorado pra você começar a se importar. Pelo menos, se baseando no meu final, foi bacana, mas podia ter sido mais e se aprofundado melhor nas criaturas do jogo.

A melhor coisa é a função de não se mexer, que é bem tenso na parte final, mas além disso, não achei nada demais.

Horror un po' banale, ma i wendigo mi piacciono quindi sono andato fino in fondo.

I don’t think another game will ever mimic the experience of starting out laughing at a cast of characters and ending screaming and crying with them. I was genuinely scared for all these dumbass teenagers.

A perfect homage to '90s campy teen horror movies.

Even if you’re not into horror games the mechanics of this really shows of what the DualShock 4 is capable of.

As someone who does not like horror games/films this was very kind in terms of scares/gore. Would recommend this to those who are starting to get into horror as a starting point.

My favorite game of all time, perfectly captures a horror atmosphere, story is great, characters are good, the vibe and mood are unmatched, the decisions and plot twist are awesome and seeing real actors makes all the better. This game is 100% worth your time. Keeps you on your toes and never a dull moment. The lore that goes into this great along with perfect representation imo. With a movie coming out along with a remaster should show this is a good game. The blue tint really pulls together the atmosphere and seeing all the different versions of the beta really shows how far this game has come. 10/10 GOAT