Reviews from

in the past

I'm not the same person anymore

Great aesthetic, great music, great characters, great drinks.

This game is EXTREMELY horny

All of the characters here spend the majority of their screen time just talking about sex in unnecessarily crude ways with some of the worst dialogue I've ever read. The constant sex talk is also the only form of comedy the game has to offer and it's NEVER funny. It's relying on the mention of a character having big boobs alone to be funny without providing any comedical nuance to any of the jokes. The worst example of these problems is with a robo-girl character named Dorothy who is stated to be specifically designed to look around the age of 10-13 and her entire personality is being a sex worker. None of the subjects this game tries to tackle are portrayed with any depth. While plenty of characters talk about sex work and the exploitative nature of this game's dystopian universe, the game's poor writting and miserable tropes disguised as characters cause none of these subjects to be given proper justice. Leaving to this entire game feeling like a story that had potential to be interesting, but was instead ignored so the writer could have a game about getting cute anime girls drunk and exchange a good and interesting story for shitty fanservice.

A very fun and chill one day game . Something in me loves those games where you're a bartender and spend time chatting with customers while making drinks, especially when your clients are interesting characters. There's not much more to say, it's a great game!

although it is nothing extremely mind-blowing, if you want a chill and relax game, i think that this game does it PERFECTLY. it doesn't try to be revolutionary, nor blow people's minds out, but it does what it wants to do, and flawlessly succeeds at it. this game is PERFECT

While not having the best story, it's a really fun and relaxing game, you never really understand what's going on at any point and I personally find this really good. I love the art, OST (the fact that you can select the soundtrack is brilliant) and characters on this game.

I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill. I love Jill.

heavy bias towards bar settings and lesbians, its peak

pure vibes, I love it so much

This game saved my life, Music is peak too

A real standout for a visual novel game. All of the characters are really interesting and likeable, and the story is cozy but engaging throughout. Mixing drinks offers enough to keep your attention. It has excellent visuals and presentation with a really fantastic soundtrack to boot.

Honestly do not have any complaints with this one. Just a really solid and wonderful time all the way through.

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is like mixing the perfect cocktail of cyberpunk vibes and bartender banter. It's the only game where you can save the world one drink at a time, all while listening to your customers' wild stories. Just remember: in this world, the drinks are strong, but the conversation is stronger! Probably not the only game but-

Não esperava o impacto que me causou.
Mesmo sendo uma visual novel, ele tem um gameplay interessante mesmo que seja bem simples, você não escolher os diálogos pra progredir na história e sim fazer as bebidas e as bebidas que você faz mudarem os diálogos, além do jogo deixar você mesmo selecionar as músicas pra tocar e ser a trilha sonora, escolhendo o mood das músicas.
Mas é óbvio que a parte mais importante é a história, e ela é linda. O jogo se passa numa distopia capitalista, em um mundo controlado por corporações e que comandam uma polícia opressora com os civis, e o bar é um descanso pras pessoas em meio ao caos desse mundo, problemas cotidianos, de relações, trabalho, sexuais, familiares, muitos desses problemas sendo frutos desse sistema onde eles vivem, mas em meio a tudo isso, existe esperança, o tema central desse jogo. As pessoas tentando seguir em frente, porquê eles tem um ao outro, eles não conseguem mudar esse mundo, mas eles conseguem mudar a si mesmos e aproveitar a vida com quem o que elas tem e quem elas tem, não é sobre submissão, é sobre ter paz interior em mundo colapsando. Uma abordagem mundana de distopia, contrária a maioria das obras desse tema.
A própria sensação de jogar o jogo se encaixa no seu tema, é um jogo relaxante, confortante, assim como o bar é para os clientes, mesmo você as vezes atendendo pessoas horríveis, é interessante ver elas sendo elas mesmas e o que elas tem a dizer, sempre que eu ia jogar eu me sentia confortada, um conforto que eu senti com pouquíssimas obras. Os personagens são pessoas normais, buscando significado pessoal, ao invés de heróis e salvar o mundo, e isso faz eles serem tão relacionaveis, você consegue se identificar com eles, o jogo captura muito bem o sentimento de estar na casa dos 20 poucos anos, o sentimento de não saber o que fazer, não ter certezas ou muitas perspectivas, o dilema de escolher algo para se dedicar a vida, ser útil nos moldes do sistema capitalista e gerar lucro, ou simplesmente ser você e ter liberdade, fazer algo real pra você.
Esse jogo é sobre ser humano (mesmo com os personagens robôs, eles passam a mensagem), sobre se perdoar, não se prender a erros passados pra se punir e impedir de aproveitar o presente, não se prender no futuro, simplesmente aproveitar o agora e fazermos o que podemos.

The type of game you play at 2 am in the dark.

Great soundtrack that comes with a game bundled in! But really though it has a great story of everyday people in the far future trying their best to make it from day to day.

time to mix drinks and change lives ~

Gameplay wise its aight and a cool take on visual novels. Story wise, holy fuck I genuinely love it.

Art style made me "play" it, and thank the lord for that because i loved it lol.

Great fun when I played, but the more time passes, the less and less I like the game. It's a visual novel so, obviously, I care about writing most. It's not great. The honeymoon phase being over fully now, the game not having a real story, just a lot of individual stories that mostly end up being unfinished makes me feel like they thought about things happening and were content with superficiality. Stuff happening in the world is just material for characters to talk about. The game is too short and they toss too much under the rug. I like most characters, but I didn't feel most of them were developed satisfyingly enough.

Most of the sexual themed jokes (which are plenty) feel like they're made by a teenager boy who found out lesbians are a thing. And when it's not between women, it's not much better. The writing when it involves anything sexual is very immature 9 times out of 10.

All in all, to end with, it's style over substance. I loved that style when I played, but it has worn out for me and the substance isn't anything special. Feels like it's considered so well written because people who played this probably didn't play any other visual novels.

never would i think alcohol was this much fun

very chill visual novel game with real feeling characters with banger music. mix drinks and change lives.

This visual novel has incredible vibes. Each character is really memorable and well-written, I really enjoyed seeing how Jill interacted with each of the bar's customers. The soundtrack is incredible, and it's really cool how you get to pick the playlist for each day. I had my favorites by the end but at the beginning I would always mix it up to see which tracks I liked best. The artwork is also great. This pixel art style brings each character to life and paints a lively background. This was the perfect evening relaxation game

Forever grateful to have been able to play this wonderful game back in 2019. Not only was it made by people from my own country, which led me to understand and feel to a very close level how living here influenced a good chunk of the writing, but also, this being my introduction to the Visual Novel medium absolutely opened a whole new world for me and allowed me to find stories that I consider were life-changing, one of them, even saving me at the lowest point of my life.

Gracias por todo, equipo de Sukeban Games. Gracias, Kiririn51.