Reviews from

in the past

Fun FPS, like the characters and small bits of lore. Horrible community, as expected. 👍

legal de jogar, mas que comunidade horrível

half the people that play this game are trying to be corpse husband and farm clips for tiktok account. the other half are dweeb pilled that haven't seen grass in 20 years. the other half are shitty e-girls faking a high pitched voice so an incel will send them skins. everygame feels like I'm getting spat on by booger monsters.

the director of VALORANT has hopped onto the upcoming MARATHON. its so over man 😔

Говно ебаное

j’en peux plus de ce jeu et de ces joueurs mais c’est riot on est pas étonnés

i HATE IT (i have 1600 hours)

Até que é um jogo bem feito

I would rate higher if this game didn’t permanently damage my brain

lachez ce jeu et allez touchez de l'herbe, j'peux pas faire une game sans me faire tuer 5 fois d'affiler

just know, that if you even hint at liking valorant I will automatically assume that you are annoying

j'arrive pas a tirer c un jeu de merde

J'en suis un peu accro mais ça me soule

gostei muito desse jogo pior

i think i found the game worse than valorant

oh wait its valorant, nvm then, i'll keep searching

My head was filled with questions when I played this game:

Why do I have to wait a billion years before the match is actually started? Why is my screen covered with special effects that seemed like my PC is glitching? Why do the guns sound and feel so horrible....

I do not like this game at all. This game, especially compared to Counter-Strike, just lacks in so many ways. It is not innovative at all as CS is pretty much an established formula. The cartoonish visuals looks like shit and the heroes make the game as balanced as that seesaw puzzle with bricks in Half Life 2.

Honestly, I just cannot see why anyone would prefer this game over Counter-Strike. Better anti-cheat perhaps? Well I would prefer to not have an invasive anti-cheat software installed on my device monitored by fucking Tencent of all things. The only edge Valorant has over CS is the lack of Russian speaking demographics.

I rarely say this, but I do not recommend this game. Call me a CS fanboy if you like, but I do believe that game offers a better experience overall if you are looking for tactical shooters.

Cool to play with friends but I just don't fw live service games

too washed to play val, to tired to play CS.

its fucking over

I don't like FPS games but still have over 1000 hrs on this , It got worse over the years.

Stopped playing after I hit Ascendant 1

Really fun with friends, but an absolute nightmare with random players, as the community is easily the worst aspect of the experience. After the first year or so of the game's life patches stopped being exciting/frequent and now contain nothing worth revisiting the game for, as well as being few and far between.

tira os poder q talvez fique bom

Valorant é poggers, mas essa comunidade é muito lixo, slk.

Não recomendo, mas é viciante... igual cocaína.

Apart from a toxic community and questionable patches, there is a depth to this game that's unmatched for me and I love watching the storylines within the Esport

I give up. Just uninstalled this piece of shit.

The game has a terrible performance: it takes literally more than 10 minutes just to open it. Other games more beautiful and with more complex physic elements such as Overwatch 2 don't take even near that.
And the game itself is bad as hell: full of cheaters and confusing maps (that keeps changing)

I'm tired of this shitty game and I hope my friends move on to play something else.