Reviews from

in the past

This game is like a heroin addiction. You know it’s bad for you, but just one more swift play game. And then next thing you know you’ve derailed 3 times and uninstalled the game. Only to reinstall it the very next day. Damn you riot

i have too many hours on this fucking trash

Great game to play if you are feeling competitive and great to play with friends.

todo lo bueno q tiene lo tiene luego de malo

é o CSGO dos enzos. é bem médio, não fede nem cheira

Ao mesmo tempo que peguei imortal 3, joguei desde o beta e gastei pra lá dos 3 mil reais, esse jogo tem a pior comunidade de todos os jogos que já joguei, e tem uma das piores gunfights, perde até pro battlefield 2042. Mas é um jogo mais acessível, e pra quem tem mt amigo ruim assim como eu, é um jogo que dá pra se divertir jogando com eles.

Why would riot create a dogshit game like this again

sou ruim=jogo ruim
nao curto mt fps e joguei bem pouco, mas curti os design

Je le préfère à cs, bien plus de DOPAMINE, il faut juste éviter de jouer en ranked et bon jeu ! (skin qui coûte cher..)

I really enjoy playing Valorant, don't get me wrong, it scratches some of the itches I get when playing FPS games but GOD, it has one of the worst communities i've ever been part of, I've been called the F word so many times on there.

You better play with friends because you might get flamed for absolutely nothing if you don't.

Это поидее тоже кс но я там какие-то клатяи случайно затощил и мне сказали найс дджоб русиан кид

It's a cool concept, but I feel it ended up feeling underwhelming.

Game is so Good Great Mix of csgo and Overwatch

çoluk çocuk oyunu hiç eğlenemedim

Conocí a la que es mi pareja en este juego y aun así me sigue pareciendo una mierda


c'est le cancer valo mais en même temps qu'est ce que c'est bien...

bad game
so many bugs
terrible hacking/smurfing and botting problem
barely gets updates except for skins

i cant stop playing it

i would genuinely enjoy this game more if riot acted like they gave a fuck about the lore. the updates are too few and far between especially after sacking half their fucking creative team. kay/o ill get you out of there king

game itself is ass now id rather hit myself over the head with a rock

divertido apenas em time fechado. nao consigo jogar esse jogo e nao ter uma crise de estresse pós traumatico e me arrependo de todas as skins que eu comprei e com cada centavo que gastei, sem contar na comunidade NOJENTA a ponto de fazer um minuto no #valtwt parecer uma eternidade e uma tortura do tipo que voce nao consegue imaginar nem em seus sonhos tal qual um terror lovecraftiano

Toxic community, neglected storyline, it feels like day by day Riot themselves abandon this game a little more. After grinding to Immortal, I just lost interest. After spending over 3k on skins, I thought it was best to stop.

My friend mooi02 is very funny but we dont talk about what he did to a bunch of women in 2016...