Reviews from

in the past

The greatest game ever made. Down from the immersive and expansive night city to the incredibly memorable and loveable characters. The story is also top tier. Overall a joy to play and a great game to keep coming back to

Jogo que mais tiver imersão, sentia que cada decisão minha fazia muita diferença e tive medo das minhas decotes várias vezes, temas realistas que da para refletir a própria vida, gameplay muito boa, gráficos muito bom, porém fisicas meio fraca, história é perfeita, sem nenhum erro, minha única crítica foi o hype feito pela empresa para entregar o jogp incompleto, porém dei uma chance agora em 2024 e se eles não tivessem falado nada esse jogo seria muito enaltecido, isso sim é videogame .

Is the bar so low on gaming that a game still full of bugs and a shallow open world is somehow considered fixed and a great comeback?

I'm really glad I waited so long to try this one. With the 2.0 update, the game is very fun and feels mostly polished. Still issues in some areas but overall, it feels like a nice blend of Bethesda-RPG and Rockstar-open-world. I will definitely be playing more in the future. I haven't rolled credits so maybe I'll continue with my character or start a new one.

I played this on release and boy was it some hot garbage. I'm happy to see it's grown into what everyone wanted it to be. It wasn't perfect. There was way too much pointless content. So many gigs. Some of the main story quests felt pointless too. A lot of dead ends that didn't amount to anything. Where this game excels though is in it's world building and character connections. I've never wanted to live in a place more than I do Night City. And given how much of a cesspit it is that's a big compliment.

Started writing down some points to make a review from, but why not just post the points? In total, disappointing. I definitely did not have hype like people did before the original release, but I had just expected something more special. Still had fun, so not a terrible score.

+ Cool (and beautiful) world
+ Looks great
+ Good characters
+ Nice premise

+- Pretty nice skill tree, but multiple levels for another 10% always feels bad
+- Driving doesnt feel fast but decently smooth, vehicular combat is very easy
+- Characters leaving you voicemails during the credits is nice, but some seem disjointed from the ending I chose?
+- Skill system being separate from perks and ability scores is interesting, but expgain for those quite slow, and for for instance netrunner it would be best to just ping every random npc you can while walking around to get the exp going.
+- Clothing stats were mostly moved to cyberware, but then some items still have a slight stat on them, and theres a purely cosmetic slot too? Why both these systems?

- Boss fights suck big time
- Very little incentive to delve into the game's systems, as normal combat is super easy (played on hard). Cyberpsychos are the only inbetween early on, but quickly also become 2-shots.
- Terrible decision to only have 1 quickslot for all grenades, cyber abilities etc. Limits combat variety.
- Gun description is really vague. I slotted out a new gun because it had good stats, but it turns out it shoots two bullets at once (with terrible accuracy for the second shot due to recoil), which wasnt mentioned anywhere?

Amazing game after the 2.0 update and the DLC. I've 100% it now but I will one day come back!