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in the past

Nearly three years after its release, the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update arrives to set up the well needed foundation for a brand new game experience to come with the game's first, and probably only, expansion DLC. This update has rebuilt a majority of the game, including a revamp of combat, completely new skill trees, a new cyberware system, proper police behavior and reactions to crimes, vehicle combat, UI rehauls, and more. Combat feels amazing between the weapon refinements and a ton of new abilities brought in through the skill trees, and the new cyberware changes, partly inspired by the anime, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, lets you sacrifice your humanity for more power. The game feels a lot more streamlined now, with much of the "looter shooter" aspects toned back, like changing grenades and healing packs to permanent, rechargeable abilities instead of having to amass a collection of items picked up from the world. The addition of vehicle combat, and armed vehicles, only adds to the amount of mischief you can get into, and thankfully, police have been redone to walk the streets and react realistically to crimes around them instead of teleporting in at the end of the block. For a completely free update, the 2.0 update has done a lot to make Cyberpunk 2077 feel like the AAA masterpiece title that it should have been in 2020.

I'm going to take this 2.0 log seriously and conclude it here with the new release of 2.01 today. Cyberpunk 2.0 has been a long-time coming, and its arrival has been a mostly welcome one. While I enjoy many of the new, overhauled perks, cyberware, weapons, and graphical updates given to the 9th gen console versions, Cyberpunk 2077 still fails to live up to its initial promises years ago and still showcased several progress-halting bugs. Even on 2.01, bugs that have been present since launch are still permeating the game, with one quest in particular still completely locked out due to a car I need to enter being upside down.

When not locked out of critical content for my 100% playthrough, Cyberpunk 2.0 is a great time. Sadly, the ability to air dash around the map like some sky-gremlin only carries the game so far when you know real, full completion on a save file I've put nearly 100 hours into is expecting to be impossible at this rate...

Took this game from a guilty pleasure to personal favorite.

As much as I loved playing Cyberpunk through the 1.X patches, the gameplay was definitely one of the biggest problems I had with it.

In 1.X it had a more Diablo/MMO esq gearing system, so every weapon and piece of clothing had randomly generated stats. Meaning there was no attachment to your guns or clothing as you would just have to ditch them about 5 minutes later when you get something else with better stats. Iconic special weapons that would complement your build would regularly get outclassed by trash you found on the side of the street, and trying to keep a consistent clothing style? Not happening unless you want to be made of paper.

Now, all guns of the same type have the same stats with small differences in damage and the like depending on what its rarity is, meaning the Iconic weapons are the build defining weapons they should have been from the start. Not to say normal weapons don't have a place, as they are the only weapons capable of taking weapon mods witch may complement your play-style better at the cost of having to buy/find better rarity variations instead of upgrading them like you would with a iconic. As for clothing, they are mostly cosmetic with only a few pieces have stats and they are more minor additive bonuses like a bit of extra armor or slightly quicker hacks.

So where does your armor come from now? Well, cyberware. The rework to cyberware is probibly one of the best changes they made as in 1.X most of the chrome for offer was minor stat changes that barely felt worth the money to get installed. outside of a few pices like the subdermal armor, your chosen arm weapon and your choice of speedware none of it really felt like it was important to your build witch was a massive letdown in terms of theme. Now your chrome is a lot more important as the majority of your armor comes from it and the cyber on offer is much more powerful, granting you build defining bonuses.

Best example is the interrogatory system, only thing of value was the sub-dermal armor, as more damage resistance is universally good, whereas fire immunity or shock resistance is only gonna come up every now and then. Now theres implants that give damage resistance based on distance to the target, give you damage resist during the use of the Karensikov ability, one that gives temporary invisibility so on and so forth. If an implant doeskin seem that worth it its now probably worth it to another build, or it has good armor attached to it. However with this change, you now have a budget on how much Cyberware can be installed on your character that goes up as you level and put points into certain skills, making this system more central to the games progression as you want to level not only to increase stats, but also to get more and better cyberware.

Ohh and the talent trees now... Dear god they are so clean! Each stat has three trees attached to them with about 2-4 core abilities each having their own modifier talents. These core abilities define more of your character, letting you queue up multiple quick-hacks, giving throwing knifes a poison effect that buffs other attacks, shotguns having a chance to instagib targets, taping into cyber-psychosis temporarily for buffs, slowing down time when aiming with pistols and lots lots more.

Character builds are just fun to make now, the progression no longer feels meaningless and chore-like. It feels like a full blown new game.

They are fix the bugs and the update is awesome. I know this is need to be in the game since the publish but they are not throw the game away.

With the 2.0 patch and DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 is all that it deserves to be. One of the best RPGs ever made.

Great game, fun characters, fun ways to fight enemies and just a damn good time

There's a lot that can be said about how the police chases that Cyperpunk's 2.0 update adds to the game can be genuinely thrilling (if you let them escalate enough and drive in first person) and how the car combat might be best-in-class in terms of its functionality. And I will let others say that for me because that's not why I'm giving this nearly five stars.

I never knew how much I needed a Stealth game where you have the ability to absolutely fucking yeet the shit out of the guards you knock out before this. Mix that with some absolutely comical gore, and it's damn near perfect.

That right there is the most fun I've had with a game all year. Typically, fist-only runs get written off as jokes because guns are more practical, and many of the setpieces you see in games elevate that from subtext to plain as day, printed in the NYT text. It's fun to see a developer not only encourage that but also make it one of the most entertaining ways to engage with their game. What makes it such a treat is that the new systems that add for cyberware here feel finely tuned enough to be rewarding as a separate method of progression without feeling needless in its implementation. Really, that's how I'd sum this entire update up: it doesn't feel like they've rewritten Cyberpunk here. Filler is still very much a part of the overall package; improvements and all, the crafting system remains a superfluous addition. But Cyberpunk has always managed to be better than the sum of its parts, and without running the risk of pushing that over the edge, they've delivered the most optimal version of that yet.

And it's still really fun to double-jump everywhere. I cannot emphasize that enough. Pair that with the ground pound (another reason to immediately dump all of your points into the Body tree), and the entire thing almost begins to resemble a beat-em-up that sometimes has guns in it, or something.

But mostly, my takeaway from this is that if more games let me throw bodies into walls so hard that hands pop off like corks, they'd all be ten outta tennnnnns

eu tinha jogado ele na pré-venda em 2020. foi uma experiencia pessima, mas tinha gostado da historia, pena que nao terminei na época, joguei novamente e alguns bugs continuam. Porem o jogo está realmente bom, a maior qualidade dele segue sendo a história e os personagens.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, isso que eu chamo de comeback.

This review contains spoilers

After watching the anime I was excited to play this game especially with the new update that was released and I wasn't dissapointed, loved the gameplay and combat aswell as the story and how your upgrades and choices would affect it. Ofcourse there was glitches and bugs that did softlock the game now and again but they was pretty rare usually. apart from the bugs and some crashes it was a good game and genuinely had me invested, I was also estatic to finally kill Adam Smasher

Cyberpunk 2077 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın:
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın:

2.0 Güncellemesi
-Görsel kalite, ışıklandırmalar, yansımalar ve karakterlerin yüzleri çok daha gerçekçi ve hoş bir hale getirilmiş.
-Yeni yetenek ağacı sistemiyle oynanış ciddi anlamda değişmiş.
-Araçların sesleri değiştirilmiş. Ayrıca aracın aldığı hasarın görseli daha gerçekçi bir hale getirilmiş.
-Araç içi çatışma ve silahlı araçlar eklenmiş.
-Araçları hack'leyebilme eklenmiş.
-Yeni silahlar, giysiler, ekipmanlar ve araçlar eklenmiş.
-Polislerin yapay zekası değiştirilmiş. Eskiye kıyasla polisler çok daha tehditkarlar.
-Bazı şeylerin HUD düzeni değiştirilmiş. Arayüz daha sade ve hoş bir hale getirilmiş.

Oyun bu güncellemeyle asıl olması gereken forma ulaşmış durumda. Gelen güncellemeyle oyun neredeyse baştan aşağı değişmiş durumda. İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın Cyberpunk 2077 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın

"We did it, choom."

At long last I have climbed the mountain. I have visited Night City and I have seen V's quest to its fruition. I have bathed in a world that no longer cares about anything. A realm of pain, helplessness, and apathy.

Night City is an absolute nightmare.

But this shouldn't come as a shock. Anyone that's dabbled in the cyberpunk genre of literature can tell you that a future in which humanity has expanded beyond its physical limitations into realms of great power and imagination is also more often than not a hellish nightmare for the common person. Unfortunately for us, the developer team at CD Projekt Red has decided that you are not to be a common person - your V is to become a legend of the streets of Night City.

God. Somehow that's even worse.

Saddled with the left over AI construct of an anarchy-bent rock star and reeling from the death of your best, and perhaps only real friend in the city, Cyberpunk 2077 sends you on a quest for salvation in the world's worst city. The cops are overly aggressive, the people are incredibly hostile, and the city's run by morally and ethically bankrupt corporations that see you as a number instead of a human with a soul. It's a frustratingly somber experience in which you spend much of your journey preparing to embrace a death that you both didn’t earn and can’t avoid.


Luckily, in the game’s 2.0 update, which refreshes many of the game’s systems, this desolation is complimented quite nicely by a skill tree that allows you to largely customize your V to your liking. Is your V going to prioritize blades and hacking? Maybe they’ll focus their energies on chasing down the denizens of Night City in a frenzy with a massive hammer. Perhaps you want to craft a V that’s a master of all, king of nothing. Regardless, the revamped perk system makes each path you choose a superbly interesting one - my V specialized in shotguns and submachine guns, dashing around the city with a double jump that made their ability to unleash a bloodlust with a hammer even more terrifying. Combine this with a responsive movement and excellent gunplay and you have quite the formidable first person action game.

So, if the game has many compelling perks and excellent gameplay, why do I feel confident that it’s a three star experience for me? I suspect much of it has to do with the loneliness the experience inspired within me - many of the game’s dense, richly scripted side quests are largely transactional. Everyone is out to destroy someone else through carefully measured psychopathy or wanton destruction and no one seems to care when the population of city seems intent on murdering each other. Though the game insisted that I was good friends with these people, I felt our relationships, even with Panam, the nomad woman that my V developed a romantic relationship with, felt transactional - they’d keep giving me attention as long as I rolled in when they needed to dig them out of a jam. The only authentic relationship o felt during my experience was with Jackie Welles, whose presence is eliminated as quickly as it’s introduced.

I completed every major character side quest and much of the game’s other miscellaneous gigs and more often than not I felt like I was a tool for other’s survival. That feeling did not change as I completed the game’s main story quest. As a result, my Cyberpunk 2077 experience, though fun and engaging, left me quite literally feeling nothing. As V’s life was on the line, I simply didn’t care very much.

The weirdest part of it all is that I’m sure someday I will return to night city and have myself a completely different experience. There’s so much variety and richness here that I’m sure I’d be able to have a completely fresh experience. Till then? Cyberpunk 2077 has left me as cold as the streets of Night City as rain falls overhead.

Wonderful game. Just not what I need from video games in October of 2023.

Mesmo com seus VARIOS problemas e seu lançamento beirando sendo um show de horrores, não consigo odiar esse jogo. Amo esse mundo e esses personagens, me conquistaram quando joguei pela primeira vez em 2021 e me conquistaram novamente com esse Update, curioso para a DLC, jogo fenomenal que tem um lugar no meu coração.

''The game is fixed''

Sendo bem direto: ainda falta algo na construção de mundo e interação com os npcs, porém, os cenários, personagens, questlines e história são aspectos fantásticos desse jogo. Tive uma boa experiência após o update, vi poucos bugs, embora ainda existam.

Uma melhoria bisonhamente boa num jogo que (na minha opinião) já era extremamente divertido

An amazing update that completely overhauls so many of the games mechanics and adds so much more replay value to me.

The perk system has been vastly overhauled so now you actually get cool new abilities for different builds, rather than the boring passives you used to get. Investing in Technical lets you get more and more cyberware, investing in Body lets you throw enemies when they're weakened from being hit with melee, etc.

Vehicle combat has been added to the game as well, it's pretty jank, but I appreciate the inclusion anyways.

Johnny's face model also got upgraded so it doesn't look like his beard was drawn with crayons.

Performance wise, the game runs so much better than before, I get consistent 60 fps in anywhere that isn't Dogtown and that's much better than the drops to 40 I'd sometimes get.

Overall, I feel the update improved this game from something I felt was a guilty pleasure of mine into something I can proudly boast about. Mostly. As long as it isn't online.

Secret ending could be better but it's fine. Few bugs aren't fixed. Side quests are good, have fun. But dlcs side quest are better than base game side quests. Other than this game is good.

Finally can watch that one Action Button review.

I can't have fun. I will give a chance for Phantom Liberty.

É isso, o fim do pesadelo criado em dezembro de 2020 chegou ao fim, Cyberpunk finalmente é o jogo que foi prometido a anos? Não.
Ele é um jogo bom? Sim, em seu estado atual e com a DLC ele entra como um dos melhores jogos atuais, experiencia divertida e com roteiro e dublagem excepcional mas que não deve ter seus erros esquecidos por quem pagou em seu lançamento.


Fantastic game now, they really polished it and added a lot. The expansion is also really good. Would’ve been a 9 but there are still some annoying bugs and I had a few crashes which annoyed me

Having played 99% of the time in stealth mode, aiming to finish the game with the secret ending at gunpoint has been quite a challenge. Especially with the Smasher fight as the climax of the whole scene, it was challenging and fun, albeit by the skin of my teeth!

The game has certainly come a long way since version 1.0; it only crashed on me once, and while the story hardly changes, the driving, gameplay, perks and so on feel much better constructed and cohesive. It even has a whole subway for you to use it!

Night City feels much more like a city than before, with more people, traffic, and smaller events to do. I certainly have a much better impression of the game than I did from the start (which isn't too complicated either) and I'm glad I gave it another chance this year!

You can probably find my review of OG Cyberpunk, I liked the story stuff but found a lot about the game absolutely exhausting.

But now, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of my favourite games of all time. Easily in my top 10, an absolute blast and a must-play.

With the 2.0 Update and the release of Phantom Liberty, CDProjekt Red have done what I genuinely thought was a hard ask - give their relatively maligned game a massive turnaround into something more deserving of their lineage as a game studio. They truly managed it.

If the team that was across this update and Phantom Liberty are the ones wading deep into the waters of Unreal 5 for Cyberpunk 2, I couldn't be more excited.

The update we all needed, remaking the whole RPG system, improving some content and adding other things. This update prepared the game for the Phantom Liberty DLC and added vehicles with guns alongside other things. But it still has A LOT of bugs, but luckily not the game-breaking ones.
I wish CD Projekt does better the next time with Orion.

Fucking great, one of the best open-world games I've played in years. Interesting storylines, lots to do and well written paths.
The social commentary can be a little heavy-handed and shallow at times and the "gigs" can get somewhat repetitive, but they're entirely optional. The Phantom Liberty DLC is arguably better written than the main story, with lots to do and explore.