Reviews from

in the past

Apenas o jogo mais importante da década ᵉ ᵈᵃ ᵐᶦⁿʰᵃ ᶜᵘʳᵗᵃ ᵛᶦᵈᵃ


Overrated as hell, you'd think it's the second coming of christ. It wasnt the first ARPG ever, and demon souls did a lot of the work before this one with less recognition. Nevertheless it was an excellently designed world, until its unfinished garbage final levels.

It's the hardest game I've ever played. It's very annoying so far but but also very fun to play with friends and family.

The Dark Souls of Dark Souls

obra prima é o que define esse jogo! com certeza um dos games mais influentes de todos os tempo, moldou um novo sub gênero de jogos e conseguiu ser um dos melhores ou se não o melhor action rpg da história.

The second half maybe be faulty but all the way up to Anor Londo is just perfection.

It took a while to properly get into this one but man, Dark Souls really is something else.

Really hard to say anything original when talking about this game since everyone seems to have said it all already but I’ll just say this:

It’s an amazing ARPG that commits to some absolutely crazy ideas that make sense once you get into it. So many elements from story to mechanics seem to have been tailor made to create this soul crushing atmosphere which allowed me to truly immerse myself into the “dark” themes of the game.

An impressive blend of narrative and gameplay that few games have achieved, Dark Souls is a one-of-a-kind experience that has earned its position as one of the greatest games of all time.

It’s certainly up there for me.

A primeira vez que joguei isso não entendi NADA, e digo isso porque joguei lá em 2013, não existia algo parecido, não existia um mar de informação que nem existe hoje sobre um SoulsLike, cada esquina é um terror que eu ia morrer pelo menos umas 40 vezes, e mesmo assim o jogo me guiava pela história de uma forma natural. A dificuldade é um show a parte que você tem que estar disposto a enfrentar, esse é daqueles jogos que sua perserverança que vai valer, não desista a próxima bonfire está logo ali...ou seu túmulo. Vale CADA centavo

Looooooove this game. The exploration makes me cream. Such a charming experience filled with character in each corner. It's not perfect by any means, but that's kinda what makes it so iconic. It's rough design choices and wonky balancing adds to the unwelcome feeling you get from the world and makes the whole thing more memorable. Has one of the most uneven boss roster in the series, but its peaks are some of the highest in the series. I find it hilarious how it gives you the master key as a starting item option, allowing for some insane sequence breaks that you have to wonder if they even thought about that or if they just added it in because it 'seemed right' for a game like this.

The start of my favorite videogame franchise (Yes I know Demon's Souls exists, but this was mine). Revolutionary game mechanics that continue to be implemented in many games today. Created its own Genre.

Wahrscheinlich nicht perfekt, aber ich hab’s in meiner Jugend zu Tode gespielt und kann deswegen nichts anderes geben, als einen perfekten Score.

Solid af.

Loved the world and how everything would lead back to the main area, Firelink shrine. Everything is interconnected beautifully. The Firelink shrine theme is also a banger and got me feeling stuff I don't even know how to explain. It was just so cathartic beating a chore of a boss then limping back to firelink and hearing that relaxing music while spending my hard earned souls.

I didn't find the game difficult but the hardest part was without a doubt the Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough boss fight. I must have spent an hour dying but I was slowly improving. By the time I was getting the hand of it, the boss glitched out of the screen and died instantly I still have no idea what happened. This was the only glitch I ever experienced in the whole game which I found funny.

The DLC, also solid, it had great boss fights that were fair and basically skill checks, none of them felt as impossible as Ornstein and Smough. Artorias is probably one of the best bosses I've fought in a video game, I knew where to improve every time I died and had his move set down to a study. Incredibly satisfying when I took him down.

One complain is that the game doesn't hold your hand whatsoever in terms of where you need to go, I had to pull up a guide a few times to show me where to go next according to my level. You can do that or either go to an area under leveled to die 20 times and figure out this isn't actually the place you're supposed to go to yet. Plus the paths you are supposed to go to are so well blended in the not so good graphics that I doubt I would have even been able to find them on my own.

This game was just a bit harder than Demon Souls (the only other Soulsborne I've played) but nothing rage worthy. Would love to play this again

The sweetheart that can do no wrong despite the last half of the game being unfinished dogshit. But that doesn't take away from how good the first half is. I just wish the entire game was that good.

Lots of fun; even though it's flawed, still has lots of charm and unique ideas

I haven't finished this game yet, but I didn't fall in love with it either, I tried to play it several times and stopped, I found the game a bit slow, it takes too long to get to places, it has some weak mechanics, this one in particular didn't captivate me, unlike Demon Souls that I simply loved.

I'd been sitting outside the final boss for a good year so it was time to put this to bed; I was never going to go back to any DLC or secret portrait worlds any time soon.

I finished my first Dark Souls, my first proper Soulslike. That's a crazy feeling. I didn't always do it the hard way; I fought with NPCs, I fought with friends, I got guided to shortcuts and found bonfires I would have refused to have played the game without. But it still feels very special. Maybe for the next run, I'll try and play blind.

I doubt it. There's a shared experience that makes this invaluable to me, and my run feels like a shared achievement, and I'm genuinely like privileged to not have done it alone.

It's janky. The boss runs suck. i-frames are franky a ridiculous mechanic. It's too dense in its secrets; too much undiscovered, too much too complicated. Levelling feels pointless, upgrading equipment isn't obvious. I never saw a legendary weapon, I never wore a single piece of cool armor because slow-rolling was ass. Level design ranged from outstanding to incredibly, incredibly poor.

But it's an unforgettable experience in an unforgettable world. And I did it.

for every debilitating flaw it has 2 stellar positives. but it does still have those debilitating flaws.

My first and favorite Dark souls.
Playing this game for the first time was amazing.
Maybe it doesnt have the most polished gameplay but still perfect for me.
I love it.

a experiência mais especial que eu tive em um jogo =)

Histórica contribución a mi personalidad

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I love that giant guy in Anor Londo. I hope nothing terrible happens to him in the third installment of the series.

Recompensas só existem se você se esforçou para obtê-las. (vale do 1 ao 3 + DLCs)

A modern classic, and a phenomenal game, but I can't help but feel it's a tad overrated. Not the peak of the series by any means, but still a game I love to return to. It's a bit rough around the edges, but that gives it some charm, to an extent.

This is the game that put From Software on the radar as a proper AAA game developer. Insanely replayable and top-notch world & enemy/boss design and lore. The difficulty was just right, hard but fair and that's how i like it.

but that's only because the second half is unfinished and half of the bosses are complete jokes. this game is such a unique experience when compared to the rest of from soft games (havent played demon souls), the areas and bosses just play of each other so incredibly well, it's not a feeling they managed to capture in any of the later games (truly a turning point for them since it feels like a modernized kings field now that im thinking abt it).

jogo de quem tem macropenis

se discorda já comi a sua tia.