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in the past

Hey, first to review this. Cool. To preface, this will only review the campaign and a little bit of post-campaign.

So Final Shape manages to have this incredible campaign with such a wonderful ensemble of characters and even bringing back older characters for great post-campaign fun. The Legendary Campaign difficulty feels super tightly tuned and feels awesome for the most part, but there are some "ehh" parts here and there. I think my favorite mission is the Mountain one, that one was legitimately one of the best campaign experiences I've ever had in an FPS.

So yeah, Final Shape is, well, shaping up to be a good campaign. You can clearly tell this is what they wanted to make instead of that Lightfall slop. Good job, Bungie.

Colorblindness Rating: D-
Why Bungie have to change the shields. They were JUST fine and now they fuck me up CONSTANTLY because I can't tell what is Arc and what is Void. The ironic thing is that they made this change FOR accessibility reasons, but they just made it worse!
Hippy really did screw me over. So-called "co-head of accessibility". Yeah.

50-year-old dads with 15 children will gaslight themselves into thinking this is the peak of destiny since forsaken

shoutout all my 50 year old dads with 15 kids who are having the time of their lives playing peak

looking forward to when bungie inevitably uses prismatic as the basis for a roguelite mode

Ive spent close to 6000 hours of my life on the 10 year Destiny project, with a hope (or maybe an increasingly morbid curiosity, I cant figure out which one it is) of where it could go. What profound thing would the Traveler have to say? What exotic societies and concepts reside in the bounds of the greater cosmos outside our little solar system? When it was all said and done, what exactly was the Final Shape going to be and what shape would we have to take to deny it? In the story of the three great nations and the three great queens, would it mean we would have to be the third queen?

And so I am beyond disgusted that the answer to where itll go is: nowhere. Nothing mattered. It was all just opium, just vapor and sawdust and pretty colors and shiny things, whatever it would take to mesmerize you for another year and for another $100. It fills me with rage, to have seen such fertile soil curdled into pigshit and tar. Art so negligent it should be criminal, work so poisonous it should be illegal. I am beyond hate for Destiny, and if theres any justice in the world itll become insolvent for Bungie and laid to rest, where its swollen husk can be pillaged by creatives who are actually worthy of its potential.

I say this only as a half joke, I think Destiny fans should be in prison. You let Bungie get away with it, you permit them at every opportunity with success for being unimaginative.

São 10 anos de Destiny, e por mais de todas as problemáticas, esse é um jogo genuinamente importante para a minha formação como pessoa, entusiasta de jogos e game (não tanto) dev, e essa historia está chegando a fim.

É muito dificil logar uma coisa que vai levar talvez 1 anos para ser finalizado, mas o que temos aqui e agora, me mostra que existe um carinho dessas pessoas por esse jogo (mesmo que elas sejam submetidas a um crunch fudido) e eu recebo isso, com o mesmo carinho.

O momento no entanto não é de comemoração, talvez desde The Taken King eu não me sentia oprimido jogando Destiny, muito menos com receio de perder algum aliado, os ares de Final Shape são tão refrescantes quanto os de TTK, mudando o meta do jogo, a forma em que iremos nos comportar daqui em diante, onde o prismatico trás uma camada a mais para aquilo que já existia.

Pela primeira (segunda na real?) vez, Destiny quer realmente contar uma historia de forma tradicional e isso é digno de nota, é lindo ver como as criticas do primeiro destiny foram ouvidas e o que temos aqui é uma historia cheia de emoção. Emoção essa vinda do fim, dos personagens que aqui ganham uma nova face ou da eminencia da tragédia, mas para além disso, é muito empolgante participar disso tudo.

Edit: had to update this to 5/5 after doing the raid. Bungie really cooked with this one, very excited for the future.

After the delay, I wasn't sure how The Final Shape would turn out. But now on the other side of the post raid mission, this was a good really nice culmination of the series up to now. Sure there wasn't any huge revelations (yet) like there were in Witch Queen, but this was a very personal story. The witness as a villain is still just kinda meh, but this raid was awesome, and Destiny is in a great spot. The new weapons are just getting better and better. Bungie's gunplay is unmatched, and their ability to make new weapon sub families is baffling even almost 10 years in. This sure was a ride Im glad I was along for. This is definitely not an expansion for newcomers from a story standpoint, it is really about paying off what has been planted for many years. But the game itself is interesting a great spot, just not sure how they'll move the story forward from here...

Essa aqui foi especial, comecei Destiny em 2019 quando eu não tinha console ou computador, pela nuvem da nvidia. Nesses 5 anos fiz muitos amigos e contruí uma relação de amor e ódio com esse jogo, chegamos ao fim dessa jornada de maneira emocionante, vamos pra resenha.

A campanha é muito bem feita, cada missão é única com excelente construção tanto da narrativa quanto do combate, os personagens e o desenrolar são o ponto alto aqui. A raid só foi completa 1h antes dessa review e pelo que eu consegui assistir é o ponto alto de atividade de alto nível, a Bungie se superou nessa. O novo mapa aberto é incrível.

Eyes up, Guardian

I've been playing Destiny 2 ever since the first year. I've been in this fight for 10 years. With all of the ups and the downs with this franchise I know it's all been building towards something.

And that something was the best expansion Destiny has ever released. The narrative, environments, activities, finale mission, the raid. It's all Destiny in it's final form. This is what I was hoping The Final Shape would be and Bungie did not dissapoint.

An incredible 10 year journey that just proves why it was worth it and why this is probably my favorite game of all time still.

This review contains spoilers

Rest in peace G

i dont think i could've asked for a better conclusion

Weighed down by a few mediocre missions, but it really picked up at the end and was great overall. Prismatic is also a great addition, but I wish there were a few more options from other subclasses. Best expansion in my opinion.

Arguably the single best thing Bungie have ever made in over 30 years

We all just Witness a peak DLC and an end to the Light vs Dark saga

Thank you Bungie...

it goes to show that it is morally and ethically okay to bully and harass developers for nickel-and-diming consumers to make a good product

This review contains spoilers

After 10 years, Destiny 2's final campaign is a just "more of what's there already."
Played one Destiny campaign where you do a jumping/platforming section within a mission, kill a boss or mini-boss and then move onto the next area to jump to more areas or kill more things? You've played this, except the last mission, which is a genuine change from other expansion campaign mission structure. Even with the way the game looks visually and sounds, which has been always a consistent high point for this series, I'm still finding myself underwhelmed. Why am I STILL wondering why I can't run away from the Witness with his multi-dimensional hands that make him seem creepy? Why am I watching the Vanguard do all this cool stuff in cutscenes that I cannot do nor get to experience? The Guardian is the biggest threat to the Witness, yet I really don't feel like the Witness cared about me at all and his focus was elsewhere completely.

It's Destiny's most focused expansion campaign on characters like the main vanguard, who's been with us (except Cayde) for 10 years, interesting for really only 4 or so. In the expansion though, I found myself repeating the same story-beats that I swore we'd already addressed in seasons prior. Zavala being such a glaring issue with how much focus he recieves. It feels very much like Season of the Haunted 2.0, but since this has already happened it feels like I'm being beaten over the head with him addressing his family. While the voice acting by Keith David here is commendable, giving a good emotional performance, it feels ultimately distracting from what this campaign really should've focused on.
If anything, it feels more like Lightfall was switched around with The Final Shape. Lightfall should've been a more emotional, character focused story where we found people at their lowest points, with The Final Shape being a triumphant all-out war against a winning force.

This just isn't good enough for a 10 year build-up. The end of the campaign didn't feel satisfying in the slightest and felt almost a little pathetic once I realized the true ending for this 10 year build-up will most likely be locked for a few more days behind world's first raid completion and another campaign mission to unlock later. It completely nullified the change of mission and encounter made for the final boss featuring more mechanics than pointing and clicking and basic movement.
I don't want more Destiny. I want a satisfying ending to story you've been building up for 10 years. You should've gone all out.

Guess I'm a 50 yr old dad with 15 kids. This shit was peak

i know the raid and final mission aren't out yet, but holy hell. this is it. i feel validated putting up with all the memes about destiny players.

the pale heart is probably the greatest environment of any FPS i've ever played. exploring it is so much fun and the amount of content packed into it is incredible. i'm addicted to exploring and how many secrets are packed in here. the post game activities are varied and fun with lots of rewards and makes the grind a blast. the art team was given free reign and they're one of the greatest art teams in the entire games industry.

prismatic is a ton of fun, unlocking it is simple and fun, and the combat encounters in the campaign are all a blast. my only complaint is that i wish it had been a little harder because barring the tripmine room, i didn't die once on solo legendary (well, aside from missing some jumps because i'm so used to having icarus dash)

i'm excited to see the raid and what follows but i doubt it could sway me on what i've already played. didn't buy the season pass originally because i had some trepidation about what was coming next, especially after lightfall, but i'm back in, 100%

This is hands-down the best expansion they have made since Forsaken, and we don't even have the conclusion yet until raid race is done. Highly recommend for destinyheads.

EDIT: Not only was it the most insane raid they've ever made, but they managed to make the ending to a 10-year saga meaningful and fulfilling - never forget that Bungie can cook.

Sensacional, a melhor campanha até o momento. O looter shooter do momento, agora ver como vão ser as temporadas até o fim

I feel like I can't give Destiny a full 5/5 but if there were a 5 out of 5 for Destiny it'd be this. The art design is firing on every cylinder and even some cylinders you didn't know could exist. The character writing is at the best it's ever been and the acting is so raw and emotional. Some of these characters have been so stoic that seeing them like this hurts so good. Truly the finale that anyone could have hoped for for the saga.

It's been one hell of a ride

This game will forever be apart of me, everything I worked for the past 6 years of my life has finally been given a meaning, thank you Bungie.

I’m a bit biased, but Bungie finally made a good dlc. Not a good destiny dlc, just a good dlc

Could care less what people say especially for those who didn't actually wait till the end. This shit is a masterpiece I'm afraid got me crying at the club. Pure cinema.

I don’t think I could have asked for a better ending

It's OK...but as the finale of a 10-year saga, I find it lacking.

Look, if you're a Destiny fan that just wants more Destiny, go for it, the Final Shape is definitely that, more Destiny. Familiarity, it's a funny criticism to have, I guess, but there are flashes of something more interesting under the surface of this franchise, so this being the conclusion leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Not to get all snooty, but I feel as if there's massive overlap between those that find Endgame to be peak cinema and those that find this expansion to be peak gaming, which is fine, it's just not all that interesting to me. So much creative potential, all for it to conclude in the most bog-standard, predictable manner. No drama. No intrigue. No innovation. A creatively unmoving product, which is okay if all you want is that that you already have.