Reviews from

in the past

No overwrought metaphors, just the right amount of melodrama, and endearing characters. The vignette storytelling that Dragon Quest has refined over the series helps keep the story nice and snappy. Basically perfect for a jrpg.

Absolutely on of the best RPGs on the ps4, or any console it touches really. A great game with a very solid gameplay foundation and story, incredible music and a fascinating world. If you want to get started on DQ definitely check this one out.

This game tries to be like Dragon quest VIII and it kinda succeeds but it's not as good. Overall it is a great game and of course it has much better graphics.

The pinnacle of classic Dragon Quest and a very obvious homage to the series as a whole. If you want a modern version of classic turn-based RPG battling, this is it - it does not innovate on the formula whatsoever, but tunes everything to a fine point. The base mode is a little too easy, but the game does include options to make gameplay harder, so I don't fault it for that. The two things that do hold it back are the length and the OST - first of all, the game is too long, especially if you play all of Act 3, the game really overstays its welcome. I recognize it's partially my fault for wanting to 100% the game, but I eventually reached a point where I was just looking forward to the game being done. As for the OST, there are a lot of good songs that are woefully underused - you'll basically hear the same 3-4 songs everywhere, which get a little tiring. I appreciate that they switch up the world map music in Act 3, which doubles as another homage to earlier games, but you eventually get quite sick of the standard battle music.

Ver a versão nova me fez lembrar que zerei esse jogo em live e merece uma Review!

Esse jogo mostra que formulas clássicas ainda são extremamente bem vindas! Um RPG de turno raiz (sem ser ATB) com a historia "clichê" do personagem ser um escolhido divino que ira tirar o mundo das trevas, mas... como isso é executado é tão incrível!

Dragon Quest é uma serie que não erra mesmo usando coisas que hoje em dia são consideradas "batidas", fazendo o simples e inovando sempre.

Falando um pouco da historia, as reviravoltas que a historia dá as vezes são tão inesperadas que você até fica sem acreditar que isso aconteceu, por exemplo uma perda grande que gera uma mudança muito grande no clima do jogo e isso é motivo pra uma outra reviravolta no futuro...

O sistema de batalha é o de sempre, mas um pouco mudado: A diferença é que você pode, pra "fingir" um dinamismo, movimentar seu personagem pelo campo de batalha (porém isso é puro estético, não muda nada) porém as habilidades de classe podem mudar muito o rumo! Eu mesmo zerei o jogo com todos os personagens no nível máximo depois de descobrir um método de farm "fácil" (porem chatinho e demorado).

Dragon Quest XI é um MUST HAVE para pessoas que amam RPG, principalmente de turno ou querem experimentar esse mundo.

My first DQ game and i'm so glad it was.

Its ok, if it wouldn't have a homo character I'd keep for kids to play. Story bit boring. Tree skill not great.

- The gameplay is classic Dragon quest, incredibly fun to actually just grind but understandable if its boring compared to other modern RPGs.
- The Plot is good as its a simple plot and has some memorable elements in it. The characters is where the game truly shines.
- The OST is good for the game but not memorable outside the context of it.

i wanted to like this so bad but its just so jrpg