Reviews from

in the past

I really can't say how the original version of this was, but I'm sure it isn't too different in terms of gameplay; but this was a lot more engaging than I thought it would be. It has that old game feel of just not holding your hand for anything and lets you do whatever you feel like you should do. If anything, it can get pretty repetitive and the difficulty only really spikes towards the very end

100% - All Achievements

Being an old JRPG, there are a number of odd design and balance decisions, though none bring the experience down below what I expected from one of the oldest JRPGs. This version is definitely worth playing if you're interested in getting the experience of the first game in the series but with more modern presentation and some good quality of life improvements.

A solid start, this game has enough charm to be worth playing, and already shows signs of the potential this franchise would have in the future

La versión pixel remaster merece bastante la pena, adapta los gráficos y la banda sonora sin perder la esencia y también añade opciones (como el mapa, multiplicador de exp etc.) que aumentan la calidad de vida. En cuanto a la historia bastante decente teniendo en cuenta la época con un buen giro al final.

Being a game that was released in 1987, obviously it still feels a little rough to play even with the remaster/remake. But it has a decent very simple story, dungeon designs are good. A con of the game is though that if you don't turn off the encounter, you will fight an enemy every 10 seconds, but if you do turn off the encounter, then you're not enough leveled up to fight the bosses. Also it's not "undirected" but you will miss things and get lost if you don't talk to every NPC you see. Overall, was a good playthrough.

The pixel art is pretty ugly in this remake but it is a faithful recreation. The original FF game can be tedious but I did enjoy my time with this. The newer features like turning off random encounters is insanely welcome as well.

Interesante,pulido en HD para que lo pruebes si nunca jugaste el viejo original,la historia y el gameplay son simples,la musica es buena,el juego es corto,unas 12-13hs,es el pionero de la industria,si te gustan los jrpg lo tenes que jugar,es un concepto.

The Pixel Remaster for this game, in my opinion, turns it into such a fun and short experience to go through. Despite being a very simple RPG with not a lot of features, the game forces you to manage the resources that you have (like magic, healing items, etc.) in order to go through dungeons and bosses. It's a very pleasant experience that, in my opinion, has aged incredibly well.

Simple and cute, the barebones fundamental of which its sequels based itself upon with fantastic music. The pixel artwork looks very nice and the challenge of it comes not from the battles, but from the fact that it gives you almost no hints to where to go and what to do, so have a guide ready. Also thank God they put in the ability to turn off random encounters.

Decently okay. It definitely still feels dated even with it's new coat of paint from the pixel remaster. You feel this mainly through rarely any hints on how to progress in the story, but playing it without a guide (how I played), talking to NPCs, was a nice challenge! Interesting to see where the series originated and the story was fun, very charming. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the series has to offer!

(Thank god you can turn random encounters off, otherwise this game would have been hell to get through).

This Game was in all honestly much better, than i expected it to be ngl, the remastered soundtrack, the enemy sprites, everything about this game is just pretty neat and charming, overall i'd say it was also a pretty chill game for inbetween for me, i might play this again sometime