Reviews from

in the past

You can hate on it currently, but we all played and we all loved it at some point.

Good to have fun with friends
only game that pulled off non-predatory battle passes that allow you to earn in-game currency (with profit) and purchase newer ones without paying money again
most of the skins are dogshit but redditoids love the idea of playing as spider man fighting dr strange or something
game gets a partial rework every year with new weapons, abilities, seasons are hit or miss, some are oversaturated dogshit, some are rather balanced and some are just uninteresting boring shit
Do not play solo unless you are willing to tryhard, random adolescent teammates with sounds of extreme domestic abuse in the background that do not know how to use push-to-talk and basic game mechanics will just drag you down
MMR is present just like player bots that pose no threat, existing just to minimize queue times for adhd zoomers

gamezin massa . no auge eraa daora

Este jogo era bom, em 2018, saudades dessa época, foi realmente muito bom jogar este jogo por volta de 2017~19
porém depois disso decaiu muito, removeram mecânicas muito boas como a double pump, armas que o publico gostava, locais como torre tortas, e abandonaram o Salve o Mundo que era um modo que eu gostava bastante, porém a Epic errou muito

It once was a very fun online experience, now it has lost all personality for a idiotic multiverse which idk how good is working, but definetly makes the game feel awful

Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite

fortnite battle pass i just shit up my ass

Someone gift me the gojo skin please 😔🙏🏼


It’s a hell of a lot of fun with friends. It’s cool to play as a bunch of different characters and the new seasons are always cool, though it does get really repetitive at times and I don’t see how so many people get addicted to something that you just repeat over and over.

Okay, this is just in general, but this is the most fun game to play with friends, and even more so in 2024 with festival, lego, that Mario kart ripoff, and customer games. Like, hate for this game shouldn't exist.

mfing kids think they hot shit for clicking buttons fast

I really hate to say this but this game has only gotten worse with every passing year. It no longer has any of it's intial charm in exchange for a ugly more simplified, realistic, corporate style and a vision for a metaverse that will fail just like every single attempt at a metaverse before it. Unfortunately, I'm tied to it forever because I can choose to play as Invincible, Goku, Spider-Man, Satoru Gojo etc etc anytime I want but I can't act like this game isn't significantly worse than it used to be.

fun game to play by yourself or with your pals

proplayer nos meados de 2018 nessa desgraça, só 90graus e 200 dps disso nunca mais foi a mesma coisa

You can hate on me all you want, but the impact this game has had on the gaming industry is something that I don’t think will ever happen again. I’ve never consistently played a game for this long like I have with Fortnite and I know it’s not for everyone, but you have to give credit where credit is due. Also, the memories I’ve made with this game and continue to make is truly something special.

This game is fine.
But it singlehandedly started quite an awful storm in the gaming industry that lasts until even today.

fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite fortnite

As much as i think that fortnite is mid the game is fun sometimes. its come a long way from what it was and I enjoy playing it with friends.

i probs wont play this game again after the avatar stuff ends. In general this type of game is not for me.

Played the game when the battle royale had just come out. Some of my fondest middle school and early highschool memories were built in this game. Absolutly changed everything about online gaming and its influence can be seen everywhere in the modern gaming landscape. While I do not play this game anymore, or believe that it is even a five star game anymore, there is no denying that for a breif instance in time, this game was perfect.

Eu não sou um grande fã de battle Royal, mas eu reconheço os méritos desse jogo, seja por suas inúmeras parcerias memes que se tornaram uma marca registrada dentro do jogo, ou por seus gráficos mais cartunescos e cheios de personalidade, fortine é divertido embora não seja muito a minha vibe, é um jogo que eu facilmente jogaria se um grupo de amigos me chamassem pra ir em um squad.

7/10 Bom Jogo.

One of the highest peak any game has ever had. Literally everyone was playing this in 2017/18. Fortnite adapted to the pressure and constantly improved.

It can have more stars when EPIC stops making shitty decisions and puts Majima in the game