Reviews from

in the past

What a game is this! Gran Turismo 4 was one of the first games I have ever touch in my life and as a huge racing fan I was looking forward to play this one! It was such a magical experience and it's the only Gran Turismo game that gives me the same vibes as I had when I played GT4. The graphics are amazing, for a PS4 game. The handling is nearly perfect and the difficulty is also such a great thing, since it's actually difficult if you use the correct settings in the custom race mode.

The online, also known as sports mode, is a bit of a nightmare from time to time with the time slots the races are in and a weird penalty system, which made my online experience not as enjoyable as the races against bots were, but in the end I had fun with the game.

I am proud to have this in my platinum collection as a well deserved milestone platinum 🏆

Jogaria de novo, mas não tenho mais o videogame então quem sabe um dia esse ou algum da sequência.

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain if it was a racing game

I'm not really into cars but this is such an earnest celebration of cars that it's actually quite infectious. Plus I bought the car I have in real life in the game and I had no idea it could go that fast.

Meu primeiro contato com Gran Turismo foi apenas com o Sport, no PlayStation 4, uma experiência agridoce apesar de não achar o pior jogo do mundo como muitos pintam apesar de ser um jogo de carro muito feito (graficamente) e bem incompleto em conteúdo (tendo em vista que foi feito com o foco nos e-sports). Então, meu primeiro contato definitivo foi com GT7, e que jogo de carro delicioso de se jogar! Foram 3 dias em que devorei o modo carreira, aprendi rapidamente a pegar a manha da dirigibilidade e tudo mais, e como este jogo é caracteristico, ele definitivamente não é "só mais um" jogo de carro dentre os outros.