Reviews from

in the past

Jogaria de novo, mas não tenho mais o videogame então quem sabe um dia esse ou algum da sequência.

What a game is this! Gran Turismo 4 was one of the first games I have ever touch in my life and as a huge racing fan I was looking forward to play this one! It was such a magical experience and it's the only Gran Turismo game that gives me the same vibes as I had when I played GT4. The graphics are amazing, for a PS4 game. The handling is nearly perfect and the difficulty is also such a great thing, since it's actually difficult if you use the correct settings in the custom race mode.

The online, also known as sports mode, is a bit of a nightmare from time to time with the time slots the races are in and a weird penalty system, which made my online experience not as enjoyable as the races against bots were, but in the end I had fun with the game.

I am proud to have this in my platinum collection as a well deserved milestone platinum 🏆

I'm not really into cars but this is such an earnest celebration of cars that it's actually quite infectious. Plus I bought the car I have in real life in the game and I had no idea it could go that fast.

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain if it was a racing game

It's not Gran Turismo's fault. The game is a spectacular version of itself. Well, there are some issues. Some of the cafe collections are real annoying. Progression getting held up by RNG or unclear objectives.

But the main reason this is a two star game for me is that I'm not a bored adolescent anymore with the time or inclination to grind a game like this to completion. It's just not compelling.