Reviews from

in the past

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Loved when the bush said “it’s bushing time” and bushed all over the final game

Creative as fuck.

Inscryption é definitivamente um dos jogos mais criativos que coloquei a mão, toda ideia em torno desse jogo é tanto quanto intrigante, fora a imersão que consegue ser suficiente a todo momento. Não tenho muitas ressaltas a mencionar, infelizmente a finalização não me pegou tanto, tirando de fato os momentos finais.

Parte da cabana: 5/5
Parte pós-cabana: 0/5

literalmente dropei pq odiei as novas mecânicas

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great atmosphere, the art is beautiful and the lore is really good. i enjoyed every bit of this game, the ending left me heartbroken and i wanted to play it again, but i think it's the kind of game you should only play once in your life.

A melhor coisa de Inscryption é a surpresa e a inventividade, genial do começo ao fim

So, this is my game of the year so far. The realm of solo game design always surprises with such innovation, and sometimes its almost impossible to believe it was made by a single person. The way the game infolds is so unbelievably well paced, whenever the themes and rules surrounding them changes, I'm constantly left in awe that they still had more in them. The actual deck-building mechanic is really interesting and the concept is simple enough, yet it has so much room for complexity if you choose to play that way. This was such a spectacular experience, i would not shut up about this for some time and i cant wait to see what Mullins comes up with next.

"This hole.... it was made for me...."

- One of the most enjoyable experiences i had in a LONG time, this game really was made for me.
- The card game at its core is actually really solid and then it builds around it with variations and puzzles to attempt to achieve.
- The plot is good and the writing is great at some points and okay at others.
- Excellent OST.

top jogos do meu ano, o ato 1 é meu favorito, demora a se acostumar com cada ato mas todos são muito bons depois que você entende e começa a ficar apelão;
a atmosfera é MUITO massa, tu se sente desconfortável vagando por ela e a gameplay é sutilmente macabra de uma forma que eleva esse sentimento de estranheza, que quanto mais você joga mais evidente é;
é um jogo do caralho que te deixa curioso querendo saber o que vai acontecer, e isso que eu nem gosto de cartas. dito isso, recomendo a todos;

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L'ho giocato con giosu
Bel gioco, ho preferito la parte iniziale. Mi è piaciuto molto creare carte Perusi op usando i sigilli. Dio delle mantidi, Uroboro, e cecchini mvp. La carta finale che ho fatto oneshottava.

Muinto foda lol. . .. Piorem pro final fica meio paia acho qp erde potencial .
Mas adoro midia transmidia q se transforma em varias coisas e se auto referencia e vira outras coisas e tem vcaraias camadas d narrativa entao foodase .a..a kakakak

Kept getting told I needed to play this game. Not a huge fan of card games but I kept getting told it was a lot more than that. Now that I've finally took the plunge I've got to say its prit near a masterpiece. For starters the gameplay is really fun and very well designed. Every encounter is worked out perfectly down to a tee and even for someone like me who's not a huge fan of card games it was very fun and engaging to play. I feel like a big contributing factor to that is the games presentation, particularly in the first third. It draws you in right off the bat with the eerie cabin setting and your mysterious combatant and just throws things at you that make you question what's really going on and the only way to find out is to keep on going. It's really got some of the best presentation and vibes I've seen in a game ever. Then there is the overarching story itself, the lore of the game and its inhabitants, the story of Lucky Carder, and the dark meaning beneath it all, its a joy to unravel and learn more about the mysteries beneath it all. I've still got to get around to playing some of Kacee's Mod and get some more of that juicy lore but the main game itself was a delight and I can't wait to see more from Daniel Mullins.

Inscryption is one of a kind. I have never seen a game with great gameplay and an intriguing backstory executed this well.
But the gameplay feels repetitive and each act feels a little too long. The game is still great tho.

WOW, what an incredible experience. Completely caught me off guard, one of those where the least you know the better.

Only decided to play it because I just had surgery and wanted something simple to play on the couch, I loved Yu Gi Oh Forbidden Memories as a kid so I figured this would be perfect. It definitely was a great card game, but oh boy it's so much more than that.

Never thought I'd love a card game this much
The first third of the game was definitely the best

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i really, really tried to like acts 2 and 3, but it felt so jarring compared to the atmosphere of the first. this game's fatal flaw is that it tries to be too many things at once- its worst sin being the bizarre, out-of-place ARG elements shoved halfway through the experience. however, the first act is so good that it's worth playing anyway

Insanely addicting card horror game that has secrets so deep there was a physical easter egg left in the middle of the woods IRL.

Um jogo de carta tão bom que atrai até quem não gosta de jogos de carta. O jogo tem a sua gameplay de cardgame "interrompida" com a exploração dos cenários numa vibe meio escape room. Ele tem MUITA coisa secreta e isso te motiva a explorar e tentar achar tudo. O que atrasa o jogo é que o segundo e terceiro ato não são tão legais quanto o primeiro, mas naquele ponto eu ja tava tão imerso na história que eu quase n dei importância.

Se o jogo fosse só o primeiro ato, era papo de top 10 obras do entretenimento, mas como continua ele fica só no top 10 indies mesmo.

✨️: 8

super interesting and unique game, great story and the access to a roguelike version of the game after completing the story is nice. only thing that holds it back is some lulls in the middle of the game. peak shaking head emoji

no words can describe this game

absolutely riveting, addictive, and expertly designed. i want to play this game forever i think. but it uses all of its elements well and had the perfect runtime. it gave me everything i wanted and a lot of fun surprises. GOD was a slick and crazy cool video game

An adventure full of joy and swears... ended heartbreaking.

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O gênero Found Footage dos videogames(ARG) é definitivamente um dos generos se não o mais intrigante que temos, quando você joga algo e supõe que esta jogando algo real, mesmo que de faz de conta, a sensação é um tanto mais perturbadora e instigante que o normal, inscryption é definitivamente uma experiencia muito imersiva e que definitivamente vale a pena.
A parte de card game me deixou um gostinho de quero mais passaria mais horas jogando o card game dos outros patronos, principalmente a do leshy, extremamente bem ambientada.

Le jeu arrive à te surprendre à plusieurs reprises , très bon jeu

Really fun, I think the extent to which each take on the card game is drawn out the exact right amount of time is under-appreciated.