Reviews from

in the past

esta lindo el juego pero no engancha mucho

giocato con umbe, mi ha divertito molto, per quello che fa è 5/5

um dia eu termino com algum duo

O jogo tem mecânicas muito divertidas, mas deixa a desejar na parte de história.
No início eu e meu namorado curtimos muito, mas no finalzinho estávamos com a sensação de que o jogo não acabava nunca. Particularmente, a minha experiência teria sido melhor se o jogo fosse bem mais curto. Já que a trama é bem previsível, eu jogava com a sensação de que tinha muita enrolação pra um jogo que já sabia qual ia ser o final. Esse lado negativo não vai afetar quem prioriza gameplay no lugar de história, pena que não é o meu caso.

i want to switch roles but yeah this game is fantastic

um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida isso aqui não existe não

si este juego fuese god yo sería creyente

O Suprassumo do videogame Cooperativo. Um dos jogos com mais mecânicas e conteúdo que eu joguei, e que carrega a forma mais literal da palavra diversão.

Amazing game, lots of variety and very fun mini games. Wish the book would shut up though.

i beat tessa on every minigame except tug of war

Playing it with my gf but system problems caused us to stop for the time being

This review contains spoilers

Games designed from the ground up exclusively for co-op play are special, and It Takes Two might be the quintessential example of this. From fun, varied gameplay, to an engaging story, everything ties in to the co-op nature of the game, making for an unforgettable experience.

The game's core mechanic is that there is no core mechanic, other than the fact that the game is co-op. Every level, or even different sections within a level, outfits each player with new abilities that complement each other as a pair. It then teaches you how to use them, and then lets you solve a variety of puzzles together. I especially like that each player has a distinct ability, making sure that neither player ever feels unnecessary or that they're holding the team back. For example, one level gave one player a gun that sprayed sap, and the other a gun that set the sap on fire, requiring them both to shoot together to take down enemies and puzzles. Our favorite level had us each have one of the poles of a magnet, which made for super cool puzzles that had us switching off each other depending on if we needed to attract or repel something. Not every mechanic was perfectly polished, but they were all fun, and the variety was fun in and of itself. The abilities each character had always did a great job of complementing each other, and the puzzles were well designed to show that off and explore the level's unique mechanics to their fullest potential.

The game's story explores the real ebbs and flows of how people fall in and out of love and how that love can be found again. It involves a couple on the verge of divorce, Cody and May, that get turned into dolls and have to solve all sorts of challenges together to turn themselves back into humans, learning to rekindle their love along the way. Dr. Hakeem's Book of Love, a self-help book about relationships that comes to life, hilariously guides them through the process, thrusting them into the challenges that will help them reignite their affection. While not true for every mechanic, several of them are analogous to aspects of a healthy relationship, such as magnets representing attraction, or gardening abilities representing Cody's personal passions and the passion in their relationship. The one thing I didn't like about the story was that the pacing of them rediscovering their relationship felt a little uneven. I would've liked it if they grew to appreciate each other a little more chapter by chapter, but it seemed more like that progress happened all at once, with May and Cody showing few signs of relationship progress even in the second to last chapter. I do love the way the story tackled some heavy hitting topics like falling out of love, cruelty between partners in a relationship, and children feeling like they're at fault for their parent's divorce. It didn't shy away from what these things really look like, but showed how they can be overcome in even the most entrenched toxic relationships, as long as those involved put in the effort to do so. I also really like how the story and co-op mechanics were really well woven together in every level.

I'd like to make special mention of the game's accessibility. The developers clearly understood that, like me playing it with my wife, there would be a lot of pairs playing this game where one player was a lot more familiar with video games than the other. It Takes Two strikes a perfect balance of having complex enough mechanics for it to be engaging, while keeping them simple enough to be approachable. Boss fights are challenging, but respawn you after only a few seconds if you die, and only stop you if both players die. Aiming sections give you generous auto-aim, wall jumps were sticky, and chase sections saved frequently enough that there weren't many setbacks. My only gripe in this area was that the second boss was a huge difficulty spike that I even struggled with, and the game never really got that hard again. If you or your partner feel intimidated by games, know that special care was taken to mitigate any friction for non-gamers, and my non-gamer wife quickly got acquainted with the controls and felt little frustration throughout the game.

Despite an unevenly paced story and a few unpolished mechanics, It Takes Two manages to deliver immense gameplay variety of consistently great quality and a heartwarming story of rediscovering love, all while being engaging and accessible for seasoned gamers and newcomers to gaming alike.

My wife also left the glowing review of "I think It Takes Two is the funnest game I've ever played".

Simplesmente o melhor game co-op que eu já zerei COM MINHA LINDA NAMORADA

My impressions of what this game would be and what it is were so far off lol.

Despite the game getting GOTY in 2021, I thought it just won because there weren't really any good releases in 2021 (which is still true) so I just thought this game was just a generic "quirky!" game but I was so off.

This game really took what A Way Out did and just improves on it in practically every single way with a much more engaging and emotional story, incredible and super unique level design that changes dramatically in every area of the game and naturally blends together so well.

The game also just has incredible pacing too, almost every area in the game never really overstays it's welcome and always provides different unique mechanics that always make the game feel fresh.

This may seem obvious but this game really does force you to work hard with your partner and you genuinely feel like in real life you develop more synergy with them as well as how Cody and May do within the story.

I haven't ever really played anything like this before. Again, the closest thing is A Way Out and even if I still liked that game, this game is WAY better.

Sigue siendo el mejor para jugar con un amigo/pareja incluso si no juega a videojuegos.

My dad and I had so much fun, I loved it.

Giocato con giosu. geniale ma finale del perusi

Played it with my boyfriend, loved it

Great co op game, unexperienced gamers struggle with the camera but still good

Creative and fun define this game, what a good experience.

Très très bon jeu, tant dans la diversité des gameplays.. la mise en scène du studio Hazelight. me fascinera toujours !

Les multiples références font graves plaisir ! Je vous conseilles de jouer à ce jeu

not too bad, been enjoying playing with my husband who isn't really into games, but he is enjoying it. the controls are easy enough, even if some of the boss fights are tricky.

I love it so much. Sometimes all you need is simplicity.

This game started out being quite corny due to it taking it's own premise super seriously but it's genuine commitment to it's premise as the game goes on makes it tolerable and even great! the ending that wrapped everything up quite nicely was really touching to me.

On the gameplay front this game never gets dull each chapter having tons of innovative ideas based on very simple gimmicks with additional really fun and quick minigames that added a lot of charm and often even revealed a bit more about the relationship the two characters have with each other. It took way more than two to make this game but my god was it worth it.

Pick it up if you can! especially if you have an xbox game subscription and a friend who you don't want to euthanize on sight like I did.

the perfect display of how couch co-op can exist today. theres no reason more games shouldnt come out with couch co-op. This game shares an amazing story of how two people can work together to fix anything. and its a fun test of your own ability to work together.

Great story. Never finished but definitely need to get a friend to go back to it.

great split-screen coop game (hard to come by these days). graphics and story are just OK but you stay for the fun gameplay and creative worlds.

Créer des souvenirs n'a jamais été aussi facile.

Finished this a few weeks ago. Visually stunning. Lots to do and many fun different gimmicks and game-modes.

Online play had bugs here and there but I blame EA not the devs. The gameplay itself was not very innovative. It was extremely easy at times. The main two characters were a bit unlikeable to me. Rose was sort of interesting at first but the story just dragged on without developing her or revealing anything. I would've preferred if they explored her a little in the beginning and she was left a total mystery. The ending felt,,,, very awkward and anticlimactic. Honestly the entire story felt like it was lacking in direction and not in a good "spontaneous Odyssey journey" way but more like a "things keep randomly happening but the story hasn't advanced at all" way. It reminded me of the first Avatar movie which was full of stunning scenes (the whale, the musical(?) world, the skiing town, etc.) that didn't amount to a cohesive aesthetic or story. I also didn't think the character arcs or development made much sense and many of their conflicts with one another felt contrived. The book of love's character.... was okay. I wasn't gagging the way the millennials were but at least he kind of had charisma. It felt less like he was guiding them to profound self-realizations and more like he was assigning random cruel Herculean tasks to the two and then beating them over the head with some dull platitude as a message. Actually, overall the game has the tone of Buzzfeed/Jackbox/Corporate-bonding-event but if you don't mind that sort of vibe then you might not find the game so bad at all.

It feels a bit bad to rate it so low because the game brought me many fun hours. But as a narrative and as a work of art (and even just as a video game) I thought it was pretty subpar.

I recommend this game if you and your partner want to play a video game together and have no better choices.