Reviews from

in the past

i loved this game. i played it with my friend and we had a blast. the story is simple yet effective, and the gameplay... it kept introducing new mechanics throughout the whole way and it was a blast. i definitely recommend this game if you have a buddy to play with

Fyldt med legetøj og legepladser; blander genrer og real world-referencer. Der er så mange idéer og mekanikker, og spillet balancerer helt vildt godt at give pusterum til at føle sig rundt i en charmerende sandkasse eller skynde spillerne videre gennem eksplosive rutchebaner. Figuratively speaking (and sometimes not).

Det føles meget taktilt, når man kan genkende objekter fra egen dagligdag eller barndom såsom trætog eller pudeborg eller lavalamper (probably their intention). Banedesign er Psychonauts-imponerende. Det føles i det hele taget meget som Psychonauts 2 gameplay på den helt rigtige måde.

Og spillet omfavner især det spøgefulde back-and-forth med sin medspiller i form af minigames som involverer virtuel skak, sneboldkamp, Loose Tooth Toady, Whack-A-Moly og meget mere. Og alle de elementer introduceres løbende i spillet inden du sømløst bevæger dig videre til næste sjove ting. Og historien er morsom!! Det er svært at sætte ord på det hele. Kvaliteten af spillet afhænger af hvem du spiller det sammen med, for det er jeres dynamik designet kan ræsonnerer med - jeg har for mange gode øjeblikke til helt at vidne om hvad der er bedst! Be aware, du kan nok ikke rigtig spillet det mere end én gang.

The best Coop-Game I have ever played. I can't think of a single flaw and enjoyed it from beginning to end. It has so many highs and literally no lows, what a fantastic and well deserved GOTY!

it was fun but idk if i'll ever finish it lol

Endlessly inventive. I played with my lovely partner and we were consistently floored by the creativity on display. Some performance issues on PS4, but whatever. I loved our time with this.

This game is a masterpiece in nearly every way and definitely deserved its GOTY award. it constantly innovates itself every couple hours in an era of safe and bland sequels and has great characters and a great message to go with it.

I’m still married after this somehow.

Really immersive game, had fun playing this with girlfriend for a solid week and was worth all the money despite me now being broke

Amazing coop experience suited for "gamers" and "casuals" alike. Me and my girlfriend had a blast with it. The storytelling is a bit corny imho, but the game makes up for it with funny dialogues and likeable protagonists. The super fun mechanics, puzzles and setpieces are the real core of the experience, making it a must play for basically everyone that can get their hands on the game.

Played with a friend, and it was fun, but the nature of the story made us uncomfortable.

Game is a great coop game. Lots of variation keeps it fresh all the way through.

Very fun game, played with my brother. Never finished it though. I liked how creative it was, especially with the bosses.

One of the best games to play with your significant other. There's a reason this is as acclaimed as it is! The levels are gorgeous and the story is a rare gem compared to the many simple video game plots. There’s so many fun movesets and abilities as you progress through the game, and each felt so fresh and exciting to try out. There were a few times in the middle where the gameplay got a little repetitive and some levels were a bit too long. But even with that said, the experience remained incredibly engaging throughout! It was so satisfying finishing the story and getting to the credits. I could definitely revisit this in the future.

got no friends to play with, dont try playing it alone bc its really hard

The game that made my girlfriend enjoy playing with me. I don't even have words for this one. Must play

Super fun game to play in couch or online co-op.

This is a really really beautiful game. I didn't realize how long it was! It's really amazing and so fun and so well done.

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Absolutely Worthy Of Winning GOTY 2021. That Elephant Death Scene Still Gets Me To This Day

It Takes Two is a wonderful game, a really fun platformer, with varied gameplay and a huge runtime (10 hours is more than enough for a 2 player game). The story is touching and the different gameplay variants go from "okay" to "excellent." However, it's huge runtime may be to its detriment, as it felt like past the 75% mark, the game lost some steam and didn't really know how to keep things interesting. Still, this was a great time and I hope Hazelight continue on their way as this was an incredible evolution of the idea behind "A Way Out" and the two player story driven game genre is a very refreshing one.

Josef Fares ha conseguido con It Takes Two llevar un juego cooperativo a su máximo nivel. Gracias a su variada y no muy compleja jugabilidad permite que casi todo el mundo lo pueda disfrutar, y esta aventura cooperativa obligatoria es extremadamente divertida y ahonda continuamente en una gran variedad de mecánicas que hacen el juego muy ameno para disfrutar en compañía. El diseño de niveles es espectacular y me ha sorprendido gratamente. También cuenta con multitud de minijuegos que vas encontrando a lo largo del juego y en su mayoría son bastante disfrutables. Con respecto a la historia, me ha parecido buena y coherente en sus acontecimientos, aunque me habría gustado algún giro de guion o elemento inesperado en el último tercio de juego. Debo destacar el personaje del Dr. Hakim, que con su humor y personalidad consigue que esta historia te mantenga enganchado hasta el final. Con respecto a su apartado técnico, el juego me ha ido perfectamente en todo momento con 60 fps estables y una calidad gráfica que, aunque es propia de un juego intergeneracional, es cumplidora. Mención especial merece el diseño artístico, que me parece realmente bueno y que emula bastante bien lo que podría ser una película de Pixar. En cuanto al apartado sonoro, los efectos son muy buenos y la banda sonora es bastante variable, limitándose a ser ambiental en la mayor parte del juego y cogiendo bastante protagonismo en otras secciones, dejando un gran resultado. La duración es de alrededor de 14 horas, perfecta para un juego de este estilo. Como puntos negativos puedo reseñar la falta de coleccionables (aunque sigo sin aclararme sobre si en este juego son necesarios o no) y los modelos y animaciones faciales de los humanos, que desentonan bastante con la calidad del resto del juego. Juego totalmente recomendado para jugar con la pareja o con algún familiar o amigo, ya que es una experiencia fascinante que seguro que ambos recordaréis. 9,2/10

tight level design but the story and quippy dialogue is so loathsome we had no desire to see it out. sucks bc mechanically the game is pretty fun :/

It Takes Two will go down as a historic success if it causes even 1% of future big budget multiplayer games to have this much love and care poured into them.

Played this with my girlfriend and we didn’t break up

Such a fun experience. Endlessly creative, never boring, and a very cute story to boot. It also got me closer together with my partner