Reviews from

in the past

This game was so close walking out with a 3.5/5 but THEY HAD to add a enemy called the Twerkey

this game definitely overstays its welcome but damn if I didn't have fun making all my friends/family and casting them as the characters in this silly little game

It's very underrated, i mean, who doesn't like making OC's?

This game is just dumb fun. An RPG for babies that has enough charm and meme potential to be entertaining.

I played it for quite a bit, but I stopped playing once I got the Switch and just kinda forgot about my 3DS. That and because I also felt it was kinda longer than it needed to be. Because just when I thought I was about to beat it...It just kept going, so the novelty was wearing off for me a bit.

I would still recommend it if you have like, nothing better to play I guess, or if you need a good easy game for your little sibling. I don't know if I'll ever play it again, but if I do, it probably will be the Switch version.

Very stupid game but that is what makes it fun. Very quirky.