Reviews from

in the past

its amazing but really really hard.

A must have for fans of action games. So many crazy moments in this game that'll leave you wanting more.

As my good friend would say, what a banger. There is little sentiment for me to express that isn't shared by everyone else who has played the game. Sekiro has the most consistently enjoyable combat of any modern Fromsoft game. It has a fairly interesting and easy-to-follow story (for a modern Fromsoft game). I wish it would get DLC or a sequel.

Truly, I don't know what to add. I'll be coming back to this game for a while still I think (I still need to do a charmless/Bell Demon run and finish the Mortal Journey gauntlet), but I'm happy with what I got out of Sekiro for sure. It's a must play for anyone who enjoys challenging but (mostly) fair cling-clang swordplay.

Amazing combat system with some of the most memorable and fun bosses to master

I fought a monkey that slung his poo at me that automatically makes this a good game.

Would be like a 4/5 if it was 10 hours shorter at least! Good game, though. Just kinda bloated.

This game is not hard, learning is the hard thing
and the slap in face with "Hesitation is defeat" is peak

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the not-quite-soulsbourne soulsbourne, is a masterclass in FromSoft's already masterful gameplay experience. Though categorically not a souls-like or soulsbourne, Sekiro takes many of the same aspects from games of that genre, adds a few unique things of it's own, and creates arguably the most fulfilling combat system that I've ever played.

Sekiro's gameplay has a pretty simple rule. The enemy attacks, and you parry. Though there are a few exceptions and many other options available to you, combat will generally come down to two things: how well you know your enemy, and how well you can parry.

An Ogre smashing around an absolutely massive club? Parry it. An Archer shooting at you with a flurry of arrows? Parry it. A godlike being shooting tornados at you? Believe it or not: parry it.

This may sound difficult at first. I mean, how could you possibly parry a tornado blast? How could you parry several arrows and blades that come at you so fast that you can't even see their trails... Well that's the beauty of Sekiro. Everything in this game is masterful. The animations, the sound design, and all of the little things that tip you off to an enemy's attack. It's difficult at first, but Sekiro's combat is undeniably the most satisfying combat system that I've ever had the pleasure of mastering.

Of course Sekiro is not perfect. Like any other FromSoft game there are some questionable areas and bosses, alongside your choice of annoying gimmick boss that FromSoft just loves including in their games. Some areas are also incredibly frustrating and due to the nature of progression and the inability to farm like in a souls game, if you're having trouble there's really no way forward other than improving which may be a problem for some.

Sekiro feels like the smallest game in terms of gameplay variety, world, and stakes when compared to FromSoft's souls games, but because of this it also has the most focused and tight gameplay of the lot. There were almost no encounters in the game where I thought it was unfair. Everything is punishable within the mechanics available to you. If I had to describe Sekiro's gameplay in only a few words, I would simply say that it 'makes sense'.

Sekiro is a masterclass in combat design and gameplay. So much so that I wouldn't even care if the story and environment were uninteresting -the gameplay itself is just that good. Luckily we don't have to worry about that though, because Sekiro is great in those aspects too. Though I'm always wanting for a new soulsbourne, you can be damn sure I won't be complaining if we ever get another Sekiro.


passe bien avec deux frères en fond

criminal this game never got dlc because of elden ring's development. they perfected gameplay here

Guitar Hero for cool kids

GooeyScale: 9/10

Eu tenho quase certeza que essa obra deve ser tão perfeita quanto Dark Souls III, mas ainda não estou com a paciência de sentar pra zerar.

The best FromSoftware game
Even if it doesn´t mean much

как всегда как и во всех миядзаки играх, геймплей дерьмище НО тут не дерьмище это во всем кайф игра. К сожалению я убил продавца у которого надо было купить зонтик, поэтому дропнул.

On release I found Sekiro really frustrating, but in hindsight what a unique game. I really wish there were more games like it out there - the feel of learning the combat and mastering it is unparalleled, and FromSoft really leverage it for some incredible boss encounters. It's amazing to me that a game this unique came out of such a big studio with an already established formula that would have been fine if they'd stuck to it, and yet they decided to do something new and interesting with it anyway.

the gameplay the story the feel the atmosphere its all just so perfect and put into a singular game and its all just so mwah

Tengo una presentación preparada con todo el lore del juego por si tenéis hora y media libre una tarde

This is the best souls formula game to ever exist. The parrying was something I struggled with since I was always bad at that in base souls game, but now thanks to Sekiro, I can hit parries in any game LOL, anyway top tier game and probably my favourite game from FromSoft

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice quickly became one of my favorite games of all time. Initially drawn in by captivating TikTok videos showcasing its intense boss battles, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth and quality of the overall experience. The combat mechanics are finely tuned, offering a perfect balance of challenge and fluidity. I particularly appreciate the incorporation of stealth mechanics and prosthetic tools, which add layers of strategy and excitement to the gameplay. The feudal Japan setting is beautifully depicted, immersing players in a rich and atmospheric world. The bosses, undoubtedly the highlight of the game, present formidable challenges that push players to their limits. As someone new to the soulsborne genre, Sekiro inspired me to explore further and embrace the thrill of overcoming tough adversaries. Each victory against these challenging foes brings a sense of accomplishment that is truly satisfying. In essence, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is not just a game, but an exhilarating journey of growth and mastery, quickly earning its place among my top 5 games of all time. It's a must-play for any gamer seeking an intense and rewarding challenge.

Might just be my favorite souls game. Hesitation is defeat.

Esse jogo é puro ritmo, o combate é perfeito e as hitboxes são impresionantes de tão precisas, me senti obrigado a platinar. Depois que você pega a manha da pra zerar em 4 horas por save suave. Jogasso

One of the greatest action games ever. The gameplay sets the standard for ninja/sword action games. It’s intense, it’s gratifying and gives one of the most enlightening experiences when you start to master the combat. It’s also set with some of the most memorable enemies and bosses thar put your gaming capabilities to the test.The story is more streamlined and engaging than other From games and the sound elevates the game throughout, but trust me this game is all about the combat.

Another masterpiece by Fromsoftware. Combat, story, visuals, and soundtrack are just about flawless and it still boggles my mind this was just a little side project. But the inane amount of grinding needed for 100% is kind of lame.

A one of a kind combat system that reliably creates that desperately sought after feeling of flow while playing a fast-paced action game. The impression it leaves is so strong that it's slightly regrettable the game doesn't stay its welcome a bit longer.

Jogo formidável, mas tô dando uma pausa.
Volto a pegar ainda em 2024, por agora preciso parar.
Adoro Soulslikes, mas esse aqui é um pouco diferente do que tô habituado.

Jogasso, só não vou conseguir jogar sem paciência pra isso kkk