Reviews from

in the past

Story 5 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.6

A game that can make me wail my eyes out within 10 minutes is worthy of nearly all the praise I can give it.

O Joel é um personagem incrível

Just get the remaster of the original, because holy shit, it's literally the exact same as the original game. You're literally paying full price for a game that's nearly identical to the original except it looks slightly prettier, i guess.

The only new things in this remake that weren't in the original are accessibility options, and.... that's it. Most pointless remake ever made.

Esse jogo é tão incrível, a jornada de Ellie e Joel é fenomenal, a relação de pai e filha é maravilhosa. Eu amo esse jogo.

It Was Really A Good Game But in Terms Of Performance It Was So Bad Game Was Dead With A 3060 and the Shaders Building Was The Worst Part It Took 8 hours Shader Building while Using 100% System Resources Actually The Game is 0% Optimized And Hotfixes Weren't Working. It Was A Hard Time for the pc But the game was Good After All

No tengo mucho para decir, uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos. Me acordaba el gameplay más aburrido pero no lo es, es bastante engaging. La historia una locura.

This is a legendary classic that everyone needs to play, it's a fun yet depressing adventure, and a truly unique videogame experience.

I don't like Post Apocalyptic Survival games but The Last of Us is something more than that.
Joel is one of the most complex protagonists I've ever seen, sometimes his actions are villainous and selfish but he's so well written, you can definitely see where he's coming from, his loss impacts the story a lot and you feel his pain throughout the whole game.

Ellie on the other hand, is the perfect deuteragonist, she is a deep character with a tragic past but she's represented as sweet, happy and quirky, which shows that she is still a kid after all. In terms of gameplay, she never gets in your way and helps in combat as much as she can.

The story itself is pretty simple on paper but it's very well written, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.

Now for the negatives, the game is very linear, and the secondary characters are forgettable.
That being said, despite some minor flaws, I think that this game is absolutely timeless and definitely deserves to be in PlayStation's Hall of Fame.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

otimização tenebrosa pro pc, mas o jogo é lindo demais

In the last years I've always been saying that God of War, The Last of Us, and Uncharted were the big three that would convince me Sony is serious about PC ports of their games.
We're now almost at a constant release schedule of PlayStation games on PC that makes owning a PS5 more of a tax to experience them earlier and good from the start instead of the only way to play them.
At this rate I'd be almost convinced Bloodborne is about to come to PC, but, alas, it's still a dream more than a reality.
Sad to see that for two of their three biggest IPs, they choose to go with Iron Galaxy as a partner to execute the PC port in both cases ending with disastrous launches - one of which we're talking about here - when Nixxes has already shown its talent and has been purchased by Sony.

Because I had played the TLOU Remastered not too long ago on my PS5, when the Remake of TLOU1 launched I decided to wait it out and play it on PC this time, especially to have more control on the god-awful weapon sway that hindered my experience at the time.
To be honest, the first time I played it, Part 1 didn't do it for me. Might be because I had friends overhyping it, because of the fact I played it almost a decade after and the technologies were not that impressive anymore, or because it's a story I already knew in parts because you'd have to live inside a good internet echo-chamber not to have a good part of TLOU P1 spoiled by pop culture, memes, and what not.
I still liked the game, but compared to other works of Naughty Dog, see Uncharted 1 to 3 that were prior to TLOU Part 1, it was not that remarkable to me.
The same I could not say of Part 2, as it was one of the most memorable game experiences I've had in my life, and I hope PC gamers can soon get their hands on it. A great videogame that ended up changing my opinion of the prequel, now that I had this much more emotional attachment both to the characters and the story, reason why I was interested in this remake.

That was last year, and since then, in the meantime, I rebuilt my computer and was ready to get a game that I hoped would be a good benchmark for the new rig, while giving me the opportunity of replaying the game, this time going for 100% as it has an easier platinum than the original, which included multiplayer trophies at the time.
The Last of Us Part 1 is not a different game from the original or the Remastered, but it has all the benefits from the extra power and technologies we have now that were not there then, especially coming from that awful PS3 Cell microprocessor, which was a developer nightmare. From graphical fidelity to difficulty settings, accessibility options, and better AI for enemies and companions: this is the remake.
Just like in many recent Playstation releases, the level of customization for the experience, especially for difficulty and accessibility is one if not the best on the market.
The things the game is known for are still there, in a better package. The story is still the well-written story of the past, and with the added knowledge of all the collectibles I got from my run, the world took a more defined shape. Exploration is the same, the stealth is still kind of limited compared to other games even from that time, and the gun-play, while benefitting from mouse and keyboard, retains that very frustrating sway when aiming, which makes it so that the first character upgrades I would suggest are to improve the weapon sway, especially at high difficulties with ammo scarcity.

If I was living in my own bubble I would have thought this game, besides a lengthy shader compilation, was a really good PC port. I could run it all at Ultra with roughly 70% usage of my hardware, with a solid 66 FPS lock and a frame time completely flat. Hell, I was waiting on the classic PS5 comparison video with optimized settings from Digital Foundry so I could get a better bang for my watt, as Ultra settings are often a waste with little payoff. I'm happy to be part of an "upper echelon-esque group" that was able to enjoy the game unpatched and with no problems, which was why I did not chime in during the review-bombing. I could smell something was wrong. I've since read of people even with a 4090 having problems running this game. Looking at my own experience and videos that discuss this in detail, see Digital Foundry, I am confused as to how an even better build than mine could perform so poorly, but the game clearly has problems.

The problems seem to be summarized between three main culprits:
- The game on PC seems to be using the same PS5 compression system Oodle-Kraken instead of something like Z-Lib, which is less CPU friendly than the latter. When entering a new area, there's a lot of background streaming going on, which impacts performance. Still better than the Ureal Engine 4 stutters many games suffered from in the last generation, but definitely not ideal.
- The game has incredibly long loading times, going from 13 seconds on PS5 to minutes on PC, and this I did experience too. Very similar to TLOU P2 on PS4, except that's on 10y old hardware on a mechanical disk. I was running it on brand-new hardware and an M.2 that never had any such problems.
- The settings block off a flat ~15% of the GPU VRAM for the Operating System, but it does not seem to scan for how much it's actually using before doing so, placing people with 8GB VRAM in the condition of only being able to use Medium textures, which look very blurry. Almost like textures were compressed to make them lighter with no regard for the final image. Especially the map clutter looks like a PS2 game and is nowhere near what an 8GB VRAM card should be limited to. The worst offender of this is how although you might have that VRAM free, going past the in-game limit, will cause crashes, even if that VRAM is free.

This said, Naughty Dog is directly involved in the troubleshooting of the PC version, and in 10 days since launch have already released 4 updates, so I'm positive they will improve the situation and make amends for the poor conditions of the port.
In the end, the game was exactly what I expected. I enjoyed my time on it and it was worth the purchase for the new insight from all the collectibles and the refresh of my mind before starting the TV show. It was a complete improvement from the original and although I can see some people are having problems with the PC port, this is my review based on my experience.


Foi uma experiência, o jogo é bom e a história é muito boa, mas sinto que ela é um pouco superestimada. Gostei de como as coisas foram evoluindo, mas senti também que estava faltando algo

Bruce Straley, diretor do primeiro jogo:

“Se há uma batida emocional ou uma exposição que [o jogador] absolutamente precisa ouvir, então pode ser em uma cena, mas, fora isso, se você puder colocar a experiência no controle, envolvendo o jogador no momento, isso é realmente usar nosso meio da melhor maneira possível. Você está fazendo um jogo que conta uma história, em vez de fazer uma história que está em um jogo."

esse jogo ainda estou misto sobre ele mas defintivamente melhor q homem aranha e god of war 4

And... oh, I got to tell you, it was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.

O que posso dizer desse jogo, teve um gosto especial por ter zerado com minha mulher e ela literalmente adorou o enredo e tudo que envolveu o jogo, ficava agoniada comigo nos momentos tensos e se divertia nos momentos engraçados.
Poucas coisas novas podem ser acrescentadas a esse título tão elogiado.

The Last of Us Part 1 stands as a landmark achievement in gaming, delivering an emotionally resonant narrative, immersive gameplay, and stunning visuals that come together to create an unforgettable experience. From its gripping opening moments to its poignant conclusion, every aspect of the game is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a masterpiece that sets a new standard for storytelling in the medium.

At the heart of The Last of Us Part 1 is its deeply moving narrative, which follows the journey of Joel and Ellie across a post-apocalyptic America ravaged by a fungal pandemic. As they traverse the desolate landscape, players are drawn into a world teeming with danger and despair, yet also filled with moments of unexpected beauty and humanity. The bond that forms between Joel and Ellie serves as the emotional core of the game, driving players forward through a series of harrowing trials and tribulations.

One of the game's greatest strengths is its character development, with Joel and Ellie emerging as two of the most compelling and well-realized protagonists in gaming history. Their relationship evolves organically over the course of the story, as they grapple with loss, betrayal, and the harsh realities of survival in a world gone mad. Every conversation, every gesture, feels authentic and meaningful, thanks in large part to the superb voice acting and motion capture performances of Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson.

In addition to its powerful narrative, The Last of Us Part 1 also excels in its gameplay mechanics, which blend stealth, combat, and exploration into a seamless and engaging experience. Players must carefully navigate each environment, scavenging for resources and avoiding or confronting hostile survivors and infected creatures. The tension is palpable in every encounter, with every decision carrying weight and consequence.

The game's presentation is also top-notch, with stunning visuals that bring its world to life with breathtaking detail and atmosphere. From the overgrown ruins of cities to the lush forests and crumbling buildings, every environment feels meticulously crafted and dripping with atmosphere. The sound design further enhances the immersion, with hauntingly beautiful music and realistic sound effects that draw players deeper into the game's world.

In conclusion, The Last of Us Part 1 is a triumph of storytelling and game design, delivering a powerful and emotionally resonant experience that will stay with players long after the credits roll. With its compelling characters, gripping narrative, and polished gameplay, it stands as a shining example of the artistic potential of the medium and a must-play for any gamer looking for a truly unforgettable experience.

While I somewhat agree with the "it's more movie than game" criticism, it's still a damn good "movie". Tense (if kinda dated) gameplay, solid writing, and characters that I genuinely care about. It definitely stuck the landing with me.

menomale che è uscito anche su pc dai

Unnecessary remake, one of the best games ever nonetheless.

A compleat game in every sense of the word. It can't be enjoyed constantly, it's story-driven pathos, logos and ethos make this a slow burn that can be best enjoyed once in a while, with long periods between to digest its complexity and enjoy some palate cleansers.

It's also so fucking cool when the clickers shamble into my nail bombs and go BOOOOM!

An interesting case in that it's good but like 90% of the purpose of the game is the story; gameplay and combat is fine but not what we're here for. Now that would be dandy and all, but at this point the TV show honestly did the story better, with more intruige, better cinematography and deeper, more developed characters. So I'm unsure what that leaves for the game.

Amazing game, shame its that short.

Totally unnecessary remake of a great game. But it's instantly the best way to play the great game. Sure, we didn't need prettier graphics but I'll take them.

História caprichada, atuação excelente e direção de arte perfeita: isso é The Last of Us Part I.

Absolute perfect game, there is nothing else to say. Story is simple yet perfectly crafted, the character development is next to none, gameplay is just what you would expect and more from a survival game like this. There is not a whole lot of horror per say, but there are moments where you feel, uneasy, which is perfect, the atmosphere, environments, everything is just Chefs kiss

One of the most beautiful games I've ever played. I'll admit it, I thought this game was gonna be overrated but man, it absolutely lives up to the hype. I love all these characters and this world, this story spans so long and across so many places and it challenges you on what's right and wrong morally. The PS5 remake is especially dazzling, showcasing what the system can do, especially in performance mode. I had full body chills during the ending and I am absolutely ecstatic about playing Part II.