Reviews from

in the past

Genius over logic is the whole point of the game.

Гениальность превыше логики, вся суть игры.

genuinely hilarious The Witness parody, with puzzles that make you exhale out your nose when you look at them and narration that makes you actually laugh, havent laughed out loud at a game in forever

The kinda game that makes you exhale loudly several times a minute...or makes you roll your eyes.

comedy the game

Worse than the Witness, but still pretty cool short game. Also it's free, so comparing it to Witness isn't entirely fair. It's hard to find good free games that have no microtransactions, so the developer has my respect for that.

Also bruh the ending goated

A rare parody game that remembers to actually be a fun game. The jokes are pretty funny too.

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Great puzzles, funny, and with personality.

It's been a long time since I've played a game that genuinely made me laugh.

The Looker is, of course, a parody of Jonathan Blow's critically acclaimed puzzle game The Witness, with plenty of creative gags up its sleeve, including numerous clever nods to the source material. Given that, you wouldn't expect much in the realm of good gameplay, but there actually were a good deal of puzzles that were well-thought out with creative solutions. The audio logs have got to be some of the most comedic bits.

Great little 40ish minute experience.

I 100% it in 69 minutes, which was an ironic period of time to do that. Oh its a massive di-

super fun parody game that made me laugh a bunch and that ending joke was great