Reviews from

in the past

Mostly enjoyed my time with it. The original Thief is so much better in every single aspect, but I could still enjoy this for what it was.

Just for the trophy, like mechanics, but no lore

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This game has quite the reputation, though playing it a decade later it didn't seem as disastrous to me as people made out. It definitely feels like a product of its time (2014) but I encountered no bugs or stupid design choices.

Instead, the reason I ended up dropping it 4 hours in, was that I got fatigued by how unbelievably dreary and dull the world was. The visual palette and aesthetics were just relentlessly grim. Like, imagine Dishonored but without that game's stunning art direction, if it were just a dark shade of blue and black the entire time.

Also the character designs, particularly the protagonist himself, weirdly felt like they were a decade older than 2014, I'm not sure what happened there. Regardless the whole narrative and dialogue was very bland and I found myself zoning out with each scene.

I have to give credit to this game though, it lived up to its name. It stole 4 hours of my life. Kudos.

I should pick this back up. I like stealth rpgs

there is nothing that suprising, it's a okayish game.