Reviews from

in the past

likely the start of the modern boomshoot revival, devil daggers is an arcade arena shooter focused on difficulty, combo play and movement
it does all of this.. fine, the difficulty is proper enough so that you'll be forced to put in a good amount of hours to get a good run, let alone get the achievement; but the game definitely shows its flaws once you put in these hours
the first thing you'll notice is that it doesn't really do anything to distinguish runs, it has nothing that changes, enemies spawn in the same areas, you have nothing to make the game new and fresh between runs. this is fine with less playtime as it's very obviously designed to be a small game inspired by arcades, but it really shows this inspiration after about 10-15 hours.
i can't particularly criticize the movement, as this game is so early within the whole "boomer shooter / movement shooter" revival genre that's been oh-so popular the past 4 or 5 years that i can't really give it shit for anything
i will say though, this game creates a good baseline for getting into the genre, and if you're willing to put in some effort, it has a great payoff with the steam achivement

Truly one of the greatest retro revival games of all time. Super authentically honors the aesthetics that born it, and some of the tightest designed challenge in all of gaming.

my palms have never been sweatier than after expelling 30-40% of the moisture in my body playing this game. you don't know what locking in is until you've hit maneuvers that would make an esports professional cry in his bra-less wife's arms

galaga for ambien addicted psycho-killers.