Reviews from

in the past

Truly one of the greatest retro revival games of all time. Super authentically honors the aesthetics that born it, and some of the tightest designed challenge in all of gaming.

vampire survivors if it was bad.

Acordar -> Entrar no Devil Daggers -> Não consegue bater sua ultima pontuação -> Dormir -> Acordar ...

A utilização do som nesse jogo é uma das coisas mais geniais que eu ja vi

really cool fast-paced leaderboard fps

if i were a gamer i'd play this

I'm tired boss... 8 minutes... That's all what I'm asking for...

it's an interesting collection of ideas, like some horror take on devil may cry fps/cycle based combat rather than quake stuff. Its also about enemy numbers and dying in one hit, watching leaderboard videos to find targets to prioritize just means you are copying the same strategy, it's a lot of slow stupid grind to reach a late wave with enough enemy types, too many survival modes fucking suck and this isnt any better

(Played before 2023)
Who doesn’t love devils. Or daggers?

This is a perfect video game.

It's like the equivalent of those TikTok videos with subway surfers on a side. I listen to video essays while I click on the floating heads

something keeps calling me back to this game. theres something in it i cant describe

galaga for ambien addicted psycho-killers.

Si me picara con puntaciones, esto me atraparia infinito, pero siendo el tipo de jugador que soy, unos cuantos deep runs han sido suficientes como para darme por satisfecho con el.

this game sucks because i suck at it

i had my fill, cool aesthetic but i suck at it

was hoping id get addicted to it but its disheartening if every run only lasts like a minute, somewhat similar to vamp survivors, tho it feels wrong to compare the two

oh well, its not that bad but i wish i got it on steam rather than fanatical so i could refund it lol

hyper demon wont be bought or played anytime soon

god what a weird and unfocused review

I suck ass at this game but it's excellent arcade shooter that I bet looks downright nauseating if you're a really really good player. Love the visual design. It's pretty creepy.

this happened to my friend from Guatemala, God bless him

I'm gonna devil her until she daggers

its a small game that does what it sets out to do incredibly well, the only problem is what it sets out to do is make me cry

now I may be biased, but getting to 1000 seconds in this game was one of the few things that made the pandemic bearable for me.

an absolute masterpiece in terms of "gun" feel, enemy design, sound design, and engine optimization with the amount of enemies that can be sustained on the screen.

If you're worthy, this will be the greatest shooter experience ever.

A boomer shooter boiled down into its purest form.

I have never beaten this game, and I never will. This isn't a perfect game, but it almost certainly is one of the most well designed games I have ever played.

I haven't played this in a while, but I still think about it on occasion. It's basically a fidget toy for movement shooter junkies. You can bunny-hop and circle strafe and "rocket jump". Skulls and other horrors pour out of the woodwork and pursue you relentlessly. If they touch you, you die. Keep moving, keep shooting. Your "gun" gets stronger as you go, but the volume and variety of enemies chasing you ramp up to a point of insanity. After a certain stage you stop thinking and everything just becomes a blur of speed and violence and adrenaline until you inevitably make one little mistake and die. Then you do it all over again.

The visual style and enemy design really grab me. It's creepy-cool, and the fact your sole form of attack is shooting daggers from your hand is just neat-o. Your alt-fire is a shotgun blast of blades. That alone is surely worth at least three stars.

Is it a bit of a one-trick pony? Yeah. Is it a candidate for "best ten dollars I've ever spent"? Also yes. It's like a Treasure shooter condensed into a blood-red ruby of FPS goodness. The only reason I would ever ward you off from playing is if you're the kind of person who will spend more hours than they can afford saying "okay maybe just one more try".

This is like a k hole for speed freaks. I guess that's like Ohio

"Persecutory delusions"? WRONG. The skulls are chasing you.