Reviews from

in the past

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.

I still dream about a version of this game where you can carry over your weapons to an NG+ save file, with the possibility of changing them at save points instead of just with Roll and that severely reduces the ludicrous prices for many of their uprgrades. And maybe some difficulty changes along with those.

Until then, it's "just" a solid 4 stars.

An incremental improvement over Mega Man Legends 1. The art direction is still the best seen on the PS1. The controls, by far the worst part of MML1, are much improved with actual DualShock support. The plot is kind of incomprehensible and sets up a sequel that we still have not received, 24 years later. The production value in general is higher here than MML1, with more cinematic camera angles in cutscenes and lots of custom graphics for single assets. Altogether a fine 3D action-platformer with RPG elements. Worth playing just to look at the art direction alone.

Termina em cliffhanger e eu não gosto tanto de algumas coisas deles apesar que parte disso acredito por que foi skill issue e por conta disso pretendo jogar de novo um dia, os controles nesse jogo é MUITO melhor. Assim como o primeiro, anseio por um remake.

This game could easily be a masterpiece if not for some stupid development choices it had... the biggest one for me is the Artificial difficulty this game has there are simply too many to count, the game was going perfect for 1/3 of it. I can pinpoint exactly where it starts to go downhill for me, which is by the Nino ruins with a terrible water level. With a boss battle that demands you to do a giant path twice to fight him. One fight in the room key and one near the exit of the dungeon, from this part onwards it seems the game starts to really ramp the difficulty, forcing you to farm for zenny and parts. there are enemies that simply spawn out of nowhere, rooms with enemies that does a ton of damage and take almost none, enemies that take so much waiting to kill, some gimmick enemies that will probably kill you at least one time,

Despite all those flaws it has a lot of good stuff here too, the story is amazing, the OST is insane, the graphics are impressive for ps1 era.
The game just overflows with charisma...
By the end, we got a heartwarming cutscene with a cliffhanger that is actually funny to think now days... shame megaman legends 3 will probably never happen.