Reviews from

in the past

It's cool but I honestly think it's dated by Civ 6.

La série des Civilization se perfectionne dans ce cinquième opus, dont je découvre avec étonnement qu'il est daté de presque quinze ans : l'interface est magnifique pour l'époque !
Le tour-par-tour et les cases hexagonales simplifient trop à mon goût l'expérience de jeu.

Civ V + all DLC + Vox Populi is the ultimate Civilization experience to this day.

This was my second Civilization game (first being Civ VI with no DLC) and this game just clicked for me.

Played it with some friends. Many things I wanted to do during those sessions. Every time those sessions ended and I accomplished nothing as I had barbarians crawling up my ass for the first couple hours.

-"Que bueno el civilization 4"

-"¡Señoras y señores, les presentamos la civilizacion 5!"


Yes, I've had my Civilization phase in my gaming life. I think a lot of people had that. Mine was civ IV and V.
Loved these games. But remember - never buy the base edition - wait until complete versions are released with all the DLC and fixes. Because going from IV full to V basic was rough. And I forgot it once again when I went from V full to VI basic.

All time great strategy game. Sometimes I'll forget about it for a few months and then play it again and remember that its the best

(Score is boosted from mods)
The first civ game I could really sink my teeth into as a young lad. With hindsight and experience, the base game isn't that good and the game really didn't pop off until the last expansion. The game still has a semiactive modding community, so there's no dearth of content. Alas, the biggest problem is the old game engine slooooooooooowly loading up all of your mods.

Civ V is the definite Civ game for me. It was actually one of the first games I've ever played on PC as it came free with the laptop I bought, the greatest gift of mankind. Ultimately, I've shelved the Civ series for paradox and 4X games in general, but it holds a special place in my heart.


Hell of a game, very fun to play with the patch. I'd tried prior to the patch however it didn't have the same spark as Civ 4 did. This patch fixed everything. As an Ethiopian General, I played on the World Map (realistic) and started of in Eastern Russia, slowly expanding into Malaysia and Japan, taking over Oceania. After which thanks to an American ally, we invaded the Mongolians and took over cities. This provided the seed for me to conquest the entire map, by which time there were 4 super powers, Netherlands, USA, England and Me (Ethiopia). I shifted to becoming a military nation, and split the netherlands from USA, by invading unoccupied land. Using this I moved my troops to take over the Netherlands which was a nation based in Africa. After taking over the African continent, I invaded the USA which despite pleading for a peace treaty I ignored. Eventually after taking over the entire of Asia and Europe, I went to battle the Americas and the combat became very easy with more than 45 cities under my belt. My only gripe with combat is the hexagonal tiles are not conducive to combat or units, and you cannot stack units which means despite having an army of 20+, each fight is a chore. This game is a time sink- this single Ethiopian campaign took 3 days to complete.

fun with friends, fun alone up to emperor difficulty, is a time sink tho

É, de longe, o melhor jogo de estratégia e história que eu já joguei. Gastei cerca de 150 horas nesse jogo, sendo que não é exatamente do estilo que eu gosto, justamente por ele ser simples de entender, mas complicado de jogar 100%. eu amei a curva de aprendizagem, ideias gerais de progressão e método de turno, além de não ser apenas um jogo de dominação, podendo haver outras maneiras de vencer, o que o torna mais único