Reviews from

in the past

I loved Civ 5, and this one is better even without the expansions, so it's easily another 10/10 from me.


Damn fun game but I hate the fact that I keep coming back to it. I already wasted almost 200 hours on it and I'm not trying to waste any more.

difficult to understand easily
difficult to win without hours of planning
game sucks, would play another turn

I hate this damn game and I hate the people that made me play it.

Civilization VI foi o meu primeiro contato com a franquia. Seu estilo de jogo pode se tornar extremamente longo, mas incrivelmente viciante. Passei muito tempo deixando tarefas de lado apenas porque precisava realizar mais um turno, e então mais outro turno. O estilo artístico do jogo e sua fantástica jogabilidade fazem valer cada segundo que você coloca nele, e poder jogá-lo com amigos torna Civilization VI um jogo fantástico.

played daily until i got 200 hours, now i cant play past 50 turns without getting bored

Civilization is one of my favourite game series and I'm glad it's on PlayStation now so I don't have to turn my PC on.

Very similar to Civilization 5: wide as a sea, shallow as a puddle, or whatever the saying is. Decent fun, especially if you like playing 4X's with friends, but if you want a particularly deep experience—economic management, tactical warfare, complicated diplomacy—there are other games that'll scratch your itch. Don't drink water when you really want beer.

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(Score is boosted from mods)
It's... okay. I guess. I have a lot of little quibbles about this game, but getting down to brass tacks, the main issue with this game is they want complexity for complexity's sake. The game engine is also jank and is prime "works on my machine" level, and there's a hard limit on how much data can be in the game, which kneecapped the modding community.

what happened... civ 5 was so good...

It was fun for the first couple hours, very nostalgic at least. But the campaign just kept going and going. I wanted it to be over 10 hours before it finished.