Reviews from

in the past

I love the premise of different timelines and playing through multiple different endings to play through to get the full story. That’s what these two games pull off very well, especially 999. The different games they play in both 999 and VLR are very interesting. The voice acting in both games is top notch, especially from Junpei. The story does end up venturing into some crazy territory but I don’t really mind it to be honest. Overall this is definitely one of the craziest visual novels I’ve ever played, and should be experienced at least once by fans of the genre.

Two fantastic games, VLR was so immersive that I played it all day every day for weeks, amazing experience I'd give a lot to play it again for the first time.

"Seek a way out."

Hey guys have you every played a visual novel that completely changes the trajectory of your life? With some of the best character writing ever? I sure have.

VN con escape rooms. La mezcla es buena.

Best random fact simulator visual novel

Really good games, so I'll pretend that Zero Time Dilemma doesn't exist

Like the Saw movies before, the premise of 9 people trapped with shared past and secret goals it's engaging and intriguing, and the escape rooms are a very welcomed added gameplay. Sadly, those escape rooms are not related at all with the story parts, so at the end feel tiring and unnecesary.

The story is good though, but not the writing, specially when the main characters are oblivious to obvious issues so the plot can happen. Sometimes the characterization it's a bit weird and inconsistent with the use of humour, and it's blatant that it's a story carried by the plot, not the characters, BUT, in the end, the sensations you feel when you complete the game are good.

i replayed this version of the games, after already knowing the DS & 3DS versions. i enjoyed those much more, but this version had fun voice acting, so that's something.

while i usually appreciate quality of life improvements, 999 didn't need them. part of the story gets lost (in my opinion) if you don't start at... well, the start, every time. but this version is much more convenient, as i can have the text on auto play and let the characters talk for an hour or two, while i do something else, then play the escape sequences and then repeat the process. i'm aware this isn't the best way to enjoy a game, but since i knew the story already and this was a weaker version of the DS game, i think it's fine this way!

as for virtues last reward, the silence when sigma talks is very awkward. i never felt that way with the 3DS version, but this time it's bothering me. i didn't bother to finish VLR yet, but will likely do so in the future. not too much should've changed in that version of the game, compared to 999