Reviews from

in the past

um tesão de jogo amo AC e o II entrega tudo que a franquia tem de melhor

não é perfeito e tem uns tropeços aqui e acolá mas não prejudica a experiencia

pfvr estudios indies simulem o feeling de jogos dessa era do X360 tmj

An excellent period piece with a well told story.

This is my second time playing Assassin's Creed, as I had played the 2009 release originally. Obviously I'm going to play with nostalgia glasses, but the game itself does hold up exceptionally well in my opinion. This felt like such a step-up and refresh from the original AC1 release (which I had loved at the time), with some re-scheming of the controls and a lot of quality of life improvements. Compared to some of the modern releases, the graphics aren't exactly holding up against AAA budgets, but it was largely serviceable. It's not a game that I'd say was "aesthetically stunning" beside the moments of cinema like the Viewpoints and "The Truth" sequence. The sound design was pretty on-point too and captured a Renaissance Italy vibe! With that said, I can say that it was hampered by a few big things. The collect-a-thon aspect with treasures/feathers were a bit overkill, killing pace and just acting as a time-filler. Cutting both to half the amount would have made it a little more enjoyable. Sequences 11 to 12 (originally DLCs) were BRUTAL to play as they functioned as a hard stop in between what is meant to be the climax to the conclusion. The final mission also felt a little silly as a raid on the Vatican. I would have preferred a more secret-silent assassin ending, possibly even spread over 3 or 4 missions. Still, the story as a whole was perfect (otherwise I wouldn't have been as enraptured as a child and into my adulthood) in the way it interweaved historical fiction and science fiction. The gameplay was great, besides those end-game pacing issues and the fact that I have been exposed to improvements on parkour fairly recently, like Brotherhood and Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro. I give AC2 some extra grace for being an older game straddling technological improvements at the time, and for being as fun a game as I remember (most of the time). As a side note, I ended the game with 966k florins (retconned to 50k in Brotherhood), a fully complete 100% sync, and 1200+ enemy deaths.

2 pts for Story - 2
2 pts for Graphics - 1
2 pts for Sound/Music - 1
4 pts for Gameplay - 3
Bonus Points:
1 pt for my Nostalgia
.5 pt for Improving over AC1
Final Score = 8.5 (Leaned 8/10 over 9/10)

Assassin's Creed II was a great experience, but it had some flaws.
I had never played any other title in the saga, and its peculiar characteristics immediately attracted me: the fascinating historical setting, the revolutionary and truly astonishing for that time parkour system, and the decidedly layered and exciting lore. These are the qualities that kept me glued to the screen until the end, putting up with the major flaws that I found. The combat system is not that great: you can win any battle by counterattacking or even just button smashing; the enemy AI isn't the best, and has never posed a threat, and despite being an assassin game, the stealth component is rather disappointing and not very stratified.
But either way, I've fallen in love with the franchise, and I can't wait to explore all the chapters from its golden era.

A modern classic in some sense and I think easily the best of the main line AC series.

War mein erster Teil der Reihe und dafür macht es bis zu einem gewissen Punkt auch echt Spaß. Aber selbst beim ersten Mal ist nach dem 10. Erklimmen des gleich aussehenden Turmes doch schnell die Luft raus. kann ja nur Jahr für Jahr immer besser werden.

I wanted to like this game so much more than I did. I wasn’t crazy about the gameplay or any of the missions. The story picked up for me towards the end, but then the 9 lieutenants mission absolutely killed my drive to finish the game.

De los mejores assassins, el combate podria ser mejor pero es un juego muy completo tiene de todo y la historia es brutal