Reviews from

in the past

The pixel art is pretty ugly in this remake but it is a faithful recreation. The original FF game can be tedious but I did enjoy my time with this. The newer features like turning off random encounters is insanely welcome as well.

Interesante,pulido en HD para que lo pruebes si nunca jugaste el viejo original,la historia y el gameplay son simples,la musica es buena,el juego es corto,unas 12-13hs,es el pionero de la industria,si te gustan los jrpg lo tenes que jugar,es un concepto.

100% - All Achievements

Being an old JRPG, there are a number of odd design and balance decisions, though none bring the experience down below what I expected from one of the oldest JRPGs. This version is definitely worth playing if you're interested in getting the experience of the first game in the series but with more modern presentation and some good quality of life improvements.

A solid start, this game has enough charm to be worth playing, and already shows signs of the potential this franchise would have in the future